Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What makes us tick...

I haven't blogged in a long time because I haven't felt the need to write until I just read a recent post from Cameron Teone on Identity & Purpose. I feel if we do nothing else in life, we should at least pursue this one mission, the difficult journey that many would rather avoid & seek simple easy solutions, to find our own identity & purpose.

There will always be new fads, new ideas, new methods,... but they don't address the core fundamental issue, which is identity & purpose, who we are and what we want to do with our lives. There are many ways of searching for them. Some work and most don't. How I discovered my purpose is to examine what I do daily and what I do if no one is watching or paying me to do.

The problem with people seeking self-help in general is that they don't look within themselves for answers. They constantly seek outside for help (which is ironic when you think about it) and they search for leads outside instead of addressing the true cause of their unease, unhappiness. So they go from one method to another, one guru to another, and never really spend the time required to look deep within and to discover that they should be their true self & pursue their true purpose.

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