Monday, January 28, 2008

Pickup and Porn

They have more in common than the letter P! Let's start with their participants... They all join this thinking this is something they too can do easily! Every participant wants to become a star, with all that entails, fame and fortune, in movies, walking the red carpet. Guess where guys usually end up, surrounded by more guys, doing ugly ass and/or fat girls, and to scrape by, spend more time with guys doing, yes, that's right, gay porn.

Actually, that was just a diversion. From the business perspective, both markets are saturated, there's an up and comer every second. Products are flooding the market non-stop. Like porn, most guys just watch, read, listen to these pickup materials, all done passively; they never actually implement and act on what they've learned. Instead, they get sucked into this world of pickup and they keep consuming more materials.

Similar to porn, there used to be the slickly produced materials. Then came the gonzo stuff, similar to many infield footages. Just wait, there will be many amateur videos, just like porn.

What got me thinking along this line is I noticed some gurus are giving this stuff away, in private channels, to share for free! I suspect they know that it's not the materials that people are after, but the opportunity to live vicariously through these pickup stars. I believe that many people, deep down, know that they will never be like these guys, so they have given up and just pay money to get more materials. In effect, they become fans of different gurus and of course, they will fight and argue about minutiae with each other in forums instead of doing what they should be doing, out talking with girls.

The economic aspect of this is that everyone is trying to expand his shares of the limited market. The market for seduction materials is a small segment of a much bigger market, self-improvement; a purely American invention that thrives on the belief that everyone can be some body... The sad reality is that like every young girl wanting to become a starlet, usually ends like doing porn in the porn valley. Most PUA-wannabe's end up being yet-another-KJ (or another blogger!), a few try to hustle!

The sadder aspect is the social commentary of how we conduct ourselves. How we, as people, are becoming voyeurs, on the sideline, instead of as participants in life. A good friend and I have been discussing the whole marketing nature of all this. Most guys teaching this have no skills, even myself, I would not consider myself have skills enough to teach people. What I have is a set of keen eyes and a reasonable intellect to see past the marketing gimmicks and deceptions. I made enough progress to see this is possible for some people and ultimately, this is about changing myself by myself for myself and with very minimal influence by materials.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was one of your best entries ever. Hilarious and insightful at the same time. In addition to the "selected articles" I think you should have a "best of" section as well. This will help new readers to your site quickly and efficiently get the message that you're sending.
