Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain and Obama debate drinking game!

Stock up on booze, invite your friends over, if the idea of watching two egomaniacs debate turns them off, sell your friends on the idea of boozing! People exist to repeat past behaviors and they don't usually step outside of their habits. So there will be plenty of repetitions of their buzzwords and talking points.

  • Every time Obama or McCain says: change; drink!
  • Obama says: hope; drink!
  • McCain says: my friends; drink!
  • McCain or Obama says: god, faith; drink!
  • Obama says: Yes we can; finish your drink!
  • McCain says: I was a POW; finish your drink!

You are free to add more to the list. Seriously, invite your friends over for a great Friday night party! Girls love to dress up (or down)... make it a costume party, they can come in a slutty or white trashy Sarah Palin using their new names. Guys can dress up if they want, now if you make it optional and whoever dresses up is queer!