There is a growing chorus of people who were total social retards, started with the community, supposedly became ladies men, then turned around to bash those who helped them. The common complaint seemed to be that they were just social robots, not genuine, somehow community shared techniques interefere with their ability to connect with people, and they only got that one girl, made that final breakthrough, and became self-proclaimed gurus, once they have gotten rid of their acquired community techniques.
The classic example is Style: he joined the community, trained by Mystery and others, became quite good, and in order to get Lisa, his dream girl, he had to be an AFC again. After releasing his book, he was going to "retired" and to go out with a bang, he was going to teach only a selected handful his skills and release, again to a limited number, his training DVD as the Annihilation Method. There might be a few nuggets of new information in his final, latest, and greatest method; in reality, it was just a rehash of what his mentor, Mystery, been teaching.
After that scam, Style probably invested profit from that and tried to redeem himself with the (free) Stylelife challenge, and then approximately 6 months later, he commercialized into the Stylelife academy. Again, he generated more income by teaching community techniques, bringing in more people into the community, and laughing all the way to the bank.
Why i singled him out? He is the best example of many recent self-proclaimed gurus, who claimed to have divorced from the community in order to develop their new techniques/method, and you can only be genuine, be natural, no routines, be authentic,... (a few other marketing phrases) if you learn from them. I've met a few and even saw some who became self-proclaimed gurus. All of them are still using community shared techniques, rebranded as their own, and some are no better at getting girls than you or me.
I noticed they go through the same transformation and usually come out as very lame hustlers. The few people/companies I trust who I've seen made a difference to the skill level of their trainees are Venusian arts (Mystery & Lovedrop), Mystery Method, and Charisma Arts.
I'm among the camp of people who think that this "seduction/venusian art" has existed forever, it has just been recontextualized and branded for commercialization. I have seen friends who are natural and easily better than any trained PUA. The community does have its value, it provides a framework, a mindset, and a set of techniques to help those who were not socialized properly to start interacting with people and hopefully, become better at getting girls.
To those who started with the community and claimed to be good with girls, it's not because you are any better or different than the rest, you just want to distinguish yourself from the pack so you can get the validation (from other men, quite gay isn't it?) and perhaps, money, so you can start hustling. You are not the first nor will you be the last. Go back and be that socially inept, feeble little mouse that you were. Nobody cares.
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