Sunday, December 23, 2007

The human whisperer

I was having a conversation with someone who just finished watching more in-field videos of pickup, yeah, they are all the rage right now. He was saying how the analysis by girls was all wrong... well, no shit. I think we can learn much more by watching the National Geographic TV: The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan.

The reason we are natural born followers is that we are genetically programmed to be pack/herd animals. In fact, I postulate that most of the world has the common delusion in believing in god because it is the most alpha/pack leader. So I wouldn't be surprised if we will locate a nucleus of neurons in our brain that is the "god center." Back to why we all should watch The Dog Whisperer.

An oft-repeated phrase that Cesar Millan used is that we should project "a calm assertive energy" and if we express what we want, people will comply. People have many commonalities with dogs... namely, our inherent natural tendency to follow the pack leader. In order to exude or project that to influence others, we must be at peace with ourselves, be comfortable in the environment, and we are social fun people... this is conveyed by our body language.

Going back to the same friend I had a discussion about how lame the analysis by girls and even worst was how ugly the girls getting picked up were! People who are not at peace with themselves or with others around them rarely if ever project that calm assertive energy. Girls have told me that they became physical with me because they not only felt right about what we were doing but they felt that was something I wanted! Sure, we need a brief initial attraction, just something to pique their interest. Then we have to shift gear into peaceful calm state but also be sufficiently pushy, because we have directions, goals, and ways to get there.

So if you are just starting, just go out, don't try to game, acclimate yourself to the environment, then slowly start talking to people, learn to have boring normal small talks... slowly weave in stories... learn to tease... then work the group using your "calm assertive energy." If you want to tame humans, start with learning how to get dogs to do what you want, pretty soon, you can turn girls into your bitches.

1 comment:

Johnson said...

If you want to tame humans, start with learning how to get dogs to do what you want, pretty soon, you can turn girls into your bitches.

Which is why the essential premises of modern dogmatic feminism are bound to fail.

I heard, though, that if a guy is able to master cat psychology, than women will flock to him.