Thursday, December 6, 2007

A men's movement?

Or are we raising a whole new generation of social retards?! Every time I hear someone talks about their "match date," I cringe. How have we evolved to the point that the only connection with people is through online? In fact, I would attribute our pussification to people not having the balls to deal with each other in person.

Before classifying me as a Luddite/technophobe, I started using IRC back when it was a telnet connection, no IRC client, no dozen IRC networks, in fact, I was using IRC on and off up until last year when it just sucked up too much of my free time, you know, away from time I can spend with ladies, not ladyboys! And yes, I have met my share of people online, mostly guys though. Some of them have been normal, but the majority, something about them is just a little bit off.

Why the diversion? Because the community is driven mostly by online forums, seduction websites, and blogs like this (and yes, this is only one thin slice out of my life). I have met quite a few bona fide PUA and I have seen most of them in action. Some of these guys are big shots at well known dating/seduction companies. One common statement they made, repetitively, is that they are helping men. Are they?

I'm in the business of helping people, professionally. The dirty little secret is that most of us do it because it's our job, sure, we make a difference here and there, but primarily, because this is all that we know how to do, or put it another way, we don't know how to do anything else. I would say the same about dating coaches, they suffer from the same Peter Principle syndrome. If I were to strip them away from "helping men," they would have to go back to their menial sales jobs making cold calls. Few, if any, left successful careers to be doing this. So do they truly do this out of altruism, or this is a career by exclusion. By that, I mean they do this as a last resort with nothing else to choose from?!

The sad part is... even though this isn't that bad of a job... most guys who do this are just hustler-wannabes. They have no skills... not even social skills; even a social retard, like myself, can tool them. Assuming the veracity of their reports, blogs, and mutual DHV's from their buddies can be backed up, VERY FEW of these guys are any good. Even if they are good, are they any good at teaching other guys?

This is no men's movement. We are becoming more and more like bonobo chimps, i.e., we are more free in expressing our sexuality, becoming more slutty, for both sexes. But somehow, a generation of social retards that's raised on computer think they have the solution of getting sex. The best thing to do is, just like how you wean yourself off internet porn, just push yourself away from your keyboard and go meet some people. Instead of whipping out your credit card to sign up for more workshops, buy more seduction materials, subscribe to more exclusive/collector's/premiere content. Just go out and interact with people, you will appreciate so many more nuances than just a blinking cursor.


Johnson said...

True, but look the entire fabric of human physical communication is slowly being eaten away by the flattening of the world. Being near someone is becoming irrelevant to how close you can get with them. Behold, the singularity

Anonymous said...

Who are the people outside anyway. Computers are a blessing because being social once was the only way of having fun - there was nothing else. Then all people who found that there must be more to life than sticking a penis in a vagina and to "have fun with other guys" found the advantage of computers. Namely being able to influence their lifes, creating their own programs and getting freedom.

I think that without knowing that there are women and that they can be fucked, noone would ever care for them. Having desire to fuck women is only due to conditioning and trial and error.

I would not want to meet females if I hadn't fucked some.

Ian Paredes said...

konservatorium: yes, but that sort of freedom has always existed. Computers is not the cure all of the human race by any means. There was always academia (after the printing press), hobbies, etc. I think there's still a sizable amount of people working in academia or whatever else who hate computers, yet have found something that is beyond sticking their penis into a vagina. :)

Anonymous said...

It is not beyond, it is different. There is more to life than fucking.

I think, feeling bad because you cannot fuck a girl is all social conditioning.