Getting girls with no game!
RSD is jumping on the "natural game" bandwagon; no, seriously, when was the last time you notice RSD coming up with something new?! What they taught before was a bastardized form of Mystery's M3, and no, I'm not fan of Style either, who also taught another bastardized form of M3. And I think Mystery is a freak, at least no one else claims to have invented the M3 model. So what is really natural game?
The truth is that it doesn't take any game. Keep talking to girls, especially drunk girls, you too will be able to take them home. It's not difficult, as long as you are willing to take risks (e.g. rape charge, STD,...), and you have lowered your standard enough (e.g. fat, ugly, and/or dirty girls), there are plenty of girls out to get laid pretty much every where. That's the dirty secret these guys, RSD, Style, Mystery included, don't tell you. Drunk girls don't require any game. As long as you look relatively decent, not creepy, not too grabby, and most important of all, keep running your mouth, girls will take you home or you can take them home.
Girls + alcohol = easy sex. There's no game in that equation. Now if you want great sex, and emotionally fulfilling relationships, that's a different story. Even then, they also don't require game as in how it's taught by dating coaches or promulgated by keyboard jockeys on seduction forums. The reality is that guys should chill out, don't get all caught up in gaming.
In fact, get rid of these silly terms of eliciting attraction and running comfort game. You know what normal people call these behaviors? The first is called flirting, you know, guys and girls joke around. If girls don't run away, then they ARE interested. No one can sink every basket, hit a home-run off every pitch,... in the same way, not every girl will respond positively. Accept that and move on. And yes, with time and practice, you will improve, not because you have game, but because you have a better social intuition. Which has to be experienced rather than constantly searched and dissected for, because while you are doing that, girls have already been creeped out by you.
As for game is played in comfort, it's about being yourself, showing girls who you really are, inside. If you keep running routines and/or telling stories by other people, and unless you are a psychopath or a great actor, people will notice. However, the trick isn't to lie, but to spin those stories, filter them and deliver them in ways that are more palatable to girls. Do NOT try to embed DHV's, that's what normal people call bragging.
So study up the general concepts, internalize them, and stop thinking about them, because the act of thinking about them will turn every interaction into an awkward, robotic affair. One more thing, for guys who want to get laid by paying for bootcamps... save that money, go buy yourself some nice clothes, and spend the rest on hookers. At least you know what you will get, for sure. And if you feeling like hunting, go look for drunk chicks.