"Why a dating coach might be right for you"
Just for shit and giggles, I checked out yet-another-local-dating-guru-wannabe-website. That last statement in their sales pitch sums up everything. I've always been the naive one, I thought that the whole idea behind having fun, being with girls, and having an active social life is about owning up to one's manhood, taking charge, and not having to lower one's value, degrading oneself to do business with these hustlers.
Sure, I've heard the same pitch from these guys before, they are all about helping men. If they are so altruistic, why are they not doing this for free? I had the same question for those self-proclaimed financial gurus, who are on infomercials to hawk their wares, that they will show us how to make a fortune off the real estate market, etc. If they are so good at making money, why do they have to be on TV to market themselves? Because if someone is good enough, people will seek out those.
It's almost an annual thing, ever since my discovery of the community in 2006, I see one group popping up after another to teach guys how to get laid. These groups come up in an annual basis, usually around the end of spring and the beginning of summer. Of course, they usually will go away around autumn and never to be heard again. Their spirit of hustling desperate men, however, never truly dies, it always re-incarnates into yet another group.
The spirit of seducing men by men continues and flourishes; it has so many different forms. From self-help, to get rich quick, to get the girl, it goes on. Sure, there are so very useful materials that one can apply, and most of these materials can be acquired for free. I certainly have benefited from them, and guess what, I'm going to start posting them here. If people keep stumbling into my blog through search for these materials, I'm going to give it all away... on this blog. They don't need to go to seduction forums, take expensive and silly bootcamps, worship some self-proclaimed gurus. I'm just a dude, and I will give it all away... for free... to truly help guys.
Hey, that would be cool if you distilled the wheat from the chaffe, so to speak, and posted the best info.
I like this article, and I've posed a similar question myself. The
thing is, it is quite easy to find good financial and pickup advice for free, but not as easy as it is for some greedy fool to try to swindle you.
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