Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Part of being a man, in my not-so-humble opinion, is to make my position known, backed by rational and logical reasoning (as far as I can manage), rather than to play nice, hide my position, suppress my true feelings, and lie about my beliefs, because of something as simple as I might offend whoever is near me. Time and again, I've seen people pretend to play nice, yet deep down, they are nasty, jealous, fearful, angry, and hateful individuals. There's nothing bad or wrong about having negative feelings and emotions, but harboring them and allowing them to fester will eat away at these pretenders' core, to the point that they won't amount to anything in life.

I'm the first to admit that I hold some extreme views and positions; usually not because of what some gurus or anyone in particular told me, but because of what I gathered as empirical evidence which leads to my logical conclusion. However, I've also been wrong, not just in my reasoning, but I've also changed my beliefs, views, positions, and consequently, actions; only after I have examined the evidence and I am convinced by sound reasoning. And my mistakes had far reaching consequences and sequela. This is how I conduct my life. There are variables I can't control: shit happens, I made mistakes, and so have others. But I can control how I react, how I respond, and what I can do to correct and/or fix them.

This is a follow-up to my previous entry about taking action and monitoring progress. They are just an extension of having a strong sense of identity and core values. People without conviction in who and what they are tend to waver in the wind, always standing in the sideline, not taking risk, only wishing and wondering what could have been instead of being themselves and taking part in a cause. Life is too short; I'd rather lose a few people along the way than to amass "friends" who I don't know.

This is presumptive on my part and my viewpoint is risky, I suspect girls feel the same way about guys. When a random guy meets a random girl, he might be able to make her laugh, create some intrigue (or "attraction), and build some "comfort" because he doesn't seem creepy. So they even hook up, but the secret to having and keeping someone around is to have a strong sense of identity, standing up for oneself, and growing together.

That's the thing about people pretending to be hustlers, they think they can weasel their way into getting what they want. With that said, this is not an attack on "indirect game," I think it is quite useful for finding out what the girl is like for me to have a reason to like her, not because of her superficial look, which helps but she wants me to take the effort to know her. Part of that process is for her to know me as well. This goes beyond the initial meeting to having friends, they might have fun with me, but they also know where I stand. Being difficult to read in the beginning makes the process of discovering each other fun, but keep being mysterious will come across as creepy later on. And worst yet, keep playing nice will leave most of these people playing by themselves, as in being alone. Hesitation leads to masturbation, so is the lack of conviction.

My blog is quite critical of the self-help, self-improvement, pursuing-the-American-dream phenomenon in general, and pickup or seduction movement in particular. I've learned a great deal from all of them, but I am not going to swallowthe whole heap of bullshit. I am quite sure that some of my opinions and viewpoints that I've brought up have crossed the minds of many smart individuals, they might even whisper or discuss privately, but few if any would stand up and call bullshit for what it is. I hope that I'm wrong, but after keeping a tab on this for nearly two years now, I'm more convinced than ever that this has been one of the greatest marketing campaigns ever to wage on society, preying on the dreams and aspirations of do-nothing lukewarm identity-less losers.

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