Sunday, March 16, 2008

Why me?!

There was a funny incidence of a patron getting kicked out of a local establishment. I was just happened to be there to witness it, which reminds me of what happened in a forum not long ago with a few other hustlers.

This guy was clearly disruptive with music blasting through his headphones so loud that I was able to hear him outside of the store. He was all indignant and became very defensive when another patron confronted him about the loud and disruptive music. Of course, the offender claimed that everyone else picked on him, and not 30 seconds after I whispered to the person next to me, that this offender will play the race-card, which he did and we had a good chuckle.

That's the thing about lowly powerless people. They first victimize themselves by living lives that offend others, and they turn around to accuse the rest of us for picking on them. They don't realize that had they lead legitimate lives that doesn't involve offending people, we would all live harmoniously. This, of course, refers to a recent incidence when this wannabe-hustler turned dating coach nominated me for being his critic on his blog. I don't think this kid is that stupid, he is bright enough to have made it into graduate school, but instead of choosing to excel in his field of study, he chose to do a reality TV show and by riding on that popularity train, he landed a spot as an instructor of a seduction school, that's tanking, or so it appears to be with most of its senior instructors left. Unfortunately, this kid doesn't have the social or net savvy-ness to realize his own social ineptness.

So first they try to take advantage of people, when people chastise them, they turn around and go "Why me?!" Some even exhibit signs of a paranoid personality. We often see this on popular media about guys with missing teeth telling their alien abduction stories, which usually culminate with aliens performing anal probings. Now, how come we don't ever come across stories about aliens abducting powerful state leaders? Wouldn't they be better targets if aliens want to take over Earth?! Going back to those with paranoid delusions, some lair members think I'm personally attacking them on my blog. What they don't realize is that I am just using them as examples of what-not-to-be, they fit the stereotype of people who failed in life, not just at getting girls.

That's the thing about insignificant morons, they conjure up these scenarios or stories to make themselves seem like some major players. The reality is that no one cares. But in their delusional worlds, they think everyone else is talking about them, that's partly true because they are most likely the victim of our derisions and butts of our jokes. So when these jokers ask why me? I just have to ask them, "have you look at the mirror and wonder why people laugh at you?! " And if they look and behave like semi-normal people, no one cares. Really, I'm not blogging about you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just described the game "Kick Me" from _Games People Play_ by Eric Berne. It's a pretty fun book although hard to take altogether seriously. Here's Berne's description:

'Thesis: This is played by men whose social manner is equivalent to wearing a sign that reads “Please Don’t Kick Me.” The temptation is almost irresistible, and when the natural result follows, White cries “piteously, “But the sign says ‘don’t kick me.’” Then he adds incredulously, “Why does this always happen to me?” (WAHM.). Clinically, the WAHM may be introjected and disguised in the “Psychiatry” cliché: “Whenever I’m under stress, I get all shook up.” One game element in WAHM comes from inverse pride: “My misfortunes are better than yours.” This factor is often found in paranoids.

If the people in this environment are restrained from striking at him by kindheartedness, “I’m Only Trying to Help You,” at social convention or organizational rules, his behavior becomes more and more provocative until he transgresses the limits and forces them to oblige. These are men who are cast out, the jilted and the job losers.

The corresponding game among women is “Threadbare.”'

Also, having gotten into grad school is not always a sign that someone is intelligent. Some of the dumbest people I met, I met in grad school. I tend to think that a lot of grad students are people who are okay at a certain discipline but are so clueless that they don't know they're not strong enough to make a career out of it. It's not just the community guys who are lost in life.