Saturday, March 1, 2008

Drinking the Kool-Aid in moderation

In pursuit of dreams, most people lose sight of what is possible vs. what is probable. This goes back to my argument and my proposition that people should think twice about pursuing "the American Dream." With respect to pickup, most newbies ought to temper their enthusiasm with some realistic self-examinations.

Most marketeers, or as I often called them in my blog, hustlers want us to believe that anything is possible. The closest analogy is I can think of is like buying ONE (or a few) lottery tickets and expecting to win. Derren Brown did something similar recently in winning horse races. He came up with "The System" for winning horse races ALL THE TIME! I'll leave you to watch it for yourself... If you wonder how he did it, he used the tried-and-true method, by systematically applying the law of probability.

If you have ever wondered how to have the sure-fire way of winning the lottery, buy all the tickets that cover all the different combinations of numbers. Otherwise, your chance of winning is very slim. But for some reasons, when people embark on these self-improvement journeys, they all think they will become superstars. I compare this to "drinking the Kool-Aid." The cult-like devotion to gurus, blindly following their gospels, this proves exactly what pickup/seduction gurus warned people about, don't become beta-males. But if someone were to follow someone else blindly without question, that, in effect, is being beta to the leader.

This blog has been about critically examining this sociological phenomenon, whether there's any validity to the methods, the skill level and the factually accurate rate of success of their practitioners. In my experience, most of the materials from well-known gurus do work, but they don't work all the time, on everyone, at anywhere. In fact, in cases where they do work, that's usually when I was being genuine and not out "gaming" girls. Eventually, people will realize that they are being played and they don't like that at all. Being playful is one thing, but being deliberately deceitful and trying to get whatever from people are totally different.

The best way to succeed in life is to work hard and following the traditional paths to success. Sure, there are some unconventional mavericks who do rise to the top, what we don't ever get to see are the billions who tried and failed. You know, similar to FR/LR, they don't ever report ALL the sets that blew them out. Like JFK once said, "Success has a thousand proud parents, the loser is a lonely orphan." Because of people and their egos, they all think that anything is within their grasp, and in trying to get there, they usually end up grasping air and appearing like lunatics.

Take myself for example, I followed the traditional path of building a career; although I'm not the most successful guy around, I am happy with my work and I don't even think about giving it up. I'm also realistic with my ambition, and I often think instead of dream. I continue on the path that is the most probable way of achieving success... And not so surprisingly, I'm quite happy with my results instead of being frustrated or delusional.

This one is for the dreamers...

1 comment:

T said...