Fewer jargons, more actions
For the self-proclaimed dating coach who singled me out on his blog, thanks for driving more traffic to my blog! There are two simple problems within the community, guys who are no better than any average Joe in getting girls to become dating coaches and guys who are stupid enough to believe the first group.
I've previously blogged about this predator-prey relationship. The difficulty I've encountered in this blog is that when I tell chumps that they are being had, that those hustlers / dating coaches are ripping them off, they hate me for telling them that they are stupid. Of course, most big name guys have enough game and confident enough to NOT feel this compulsion to prove themselves to me (of all people), except for those no-name little guys who are trying to hustle. When I call them out, they would lash out at me, for the very simple reason that their livelihood is at stake. They don't have the skills to back up what they say, they are barely making ends meet, their students are just as unsuccessful, and of course, those hustlers are just as insignificant as this blog.
When I challenged these hustlers before, they immediately tried to qualify themselves to me. From the guy who told me that he had a PhD in sociology (but he is currently working as a code monkey) to the guy who dropped out of his PhD program. All of these guys want to make a quick easy buck off the back of hard working chumps. I wouldn't have challenged them if I have seen them in action or know that they have game. The reality is that they don't, they are just like any average Joe at best.
I'm realistic enough to know that I don't have game or need to have game. But I am socially savvy enough to see through their facade and their rather banal attempts to hustle other guys. At best, they are rehashing conventional wisdoms into new jargons, at worst they are turning socially awkward guys into creeps who bother people at public places. I see this blog as a public service to keep bars / clubs / public gatherings free of creeps. The thing is, guys don't need to be creeps to get girls, if they learn to behave like normal people. There is really nothing magical about game because commoners have been using it forever.
The common term for banter is teasing, for those who don't have good friends, when you are on good terms with people, you give each other shit, make fun of each other. So instead of going to a class to get into a circle jerk to tell other guys how cute they are, how about go have fun with your friends, at the very least, you don't pay for their friendships and you can learn more about each other, which is what normal social people do to establish rapport. Once again, you don't have to pay anyone to teach you that either.
The simple solution is almost always the easiest, least painful and costly way to go. Go out, talk to people, make friends, do stuff together (besides going out on dates with other guys from "the lair"), and make more friends. Once you have learned to get along with people, friends you can rely on, have fun with, instead of out sarging or winging each other. Then I guarantee girls will come, literally, you don't have to do anything to get girls. That's what those coaches called building a lifestyle of abundance. And yeah, if you don't have one, get a day job, and if you have one, don't quit it.
The sad thing is that most of the big name guys with blogs like Sinn, Tenmagnet, etc. all say to get your life in line first, but the little peon forum monkeys convince all these newbie guys that they can shortcut everything else to get women. It's just not realistic
When I first started this, just seeing how guys supposedly changed, I thought this might be better than seeing therapists. I think most guys are so depressed, lonely, and out of touch with reality, they are willing to throw money at this problem.
Of course, there are plenty of losers who don't want to work that are ready and willing to catch. The modern day man-on-man seduction :)
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