Friday, August 31, 2007

Cliff note version of a good pickup

HB in sight, start walking, don't think. Talk to her, get her to smile, appreciate her, validate her for her for showing interest, introduction. Relate to her emotionally, ignore factual description of anything but their emotional effects to make interaction more personal. Titrate interest with disinterest, pull/push/pull and turn interaction sexual. Establish connection, time constraint for day2 or continue fun interaction later on. Bounce between areas of the venue, bounce to different venues, and keep interaction light and fun. Sex is what people (who are comfortable with themselves and each other) do for fun.

Always stay in as in the frame as the evaluator. Qualify her, she's almost there, but not perfect. This sets her up to chase.

I will elaborate on each segment/stage/phase of the interaction in the future.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's Awesome!

All that is wrong with the world, it's Awesome!

When someone can't open, it's Awesome...

If a girl doesn't hook, it's Awesome...

If someone failed to pull, it's Awesome...

If someone couldn't get laid, it's Awesome...

If there's a post anywhere that contradicts anyone, it's Awesome...

Why is that? Because...

This reminds me of Homer's Odyssey, Awesome is the modern day version of Οὔτις ("Nobody").

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Where's the love...

For my cash?! What happened in the past couple of days? I normally get flooded with emails from all those seduction schools trying to sell me something, and it only takes a brief moment to tell me this great big secret about getting girls. As much as I hate spam, I feel so lost, so unloved, that, OMFG, the seduction community has abandoned me! Where's the attention? Where are those groping hands rummaging through my pockets to get at my wallet? Where are those tips I need to get girls?

Either that or GMail finally figured they were spam and started blocking them. Instead of reading those emails and blogs, oh, I almost forgot, keeping up with seduction forums and lairs, I started talking to girls. I can't believe how much fun they can be. Crazy? Yes. Quirky? Sometimes. And the best part is... If I make them fall head over heels in love with me, I get to see their heels over head!

Yes, I'm the man that your mom warned you about... especially if you are like her!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The community is a mean, not an end

There's an uproar of people in the community whining about the increasing publicity associated with The Game (book), TV shows, and soon to be released, the movie. Sure, the driving force behind it is all about fame and/or fortune, not because anyone wants to help another human being. What's the big deal? People have been seducing each other ever since there was sex... What is so novel about this? Oh sure, social mores, religious edicts, and political forces are used to subdue the mass and to ration sex so that only the power elite has access. The hard way is to become part of the power elite. Of course, the hustlers (and seducers) would find ways to short circuit that process. For every rule, there are more rule breakers out there. So what if the community is exposed?! I have found my path... to salvation, to the land of endless supply of vagines, no, no one has to commit suicide or anyone has to die.

The dirty secret is... MAKE FRIENDS! Yes! Those who cry foul the most in the community about being exposed are guys who don't have friends now nor can they make new friends. Sure, there are a few products here and there that talk about "social circle" game. First, I found happiness from within; I become at peace with myself, who and what I am, my abilities, my strengths, my weaknesses, and my flaws. I either accept them or I change for the better. When I go out, I'm always the fun person; some people can imitate it by banter and some other b.s., but having a sense of fun arises from within and I have no idea how that can be imparted on another until the receiver is at peace with him/herself. If I can attribute anything to innergame, having a sense or feel of what is fun, being that fun person is having a strong innergame. Second, be social. This is probably what people say is the outergame. This is definitely a skill set that can be learned... because I certainly wasn't as gregarious as I am now. Using methods, techniques, routines, banter lines,... can help a person to develop his/her social skills. Ultimately, this requires a strong foundation, having that sense of fun becomes the people magnet, and eventually, social intelligence is developed.

Finally, the combination of having fun being social will lead to making new friends. When I first entered into the community, I thought there was some camaraderie, a common purpose, and we are all supposed to help each other to become better. Then I discovered that most people in the community not because they want to help others, but because they are stuck here... another example of the Peter Principle. So the community has two groups of people, the naive newbies who are entering, and the old guards who will never get out other than to prey on and to keep on misguiding newbies. Those who developed any social skill, they leave and never look back. This period of their lives is not something to be proud of or talked about!

Oh back to the subject at hand, the solution is to develop confidence (strong innergame) and competence (strong outergame) in order to make new friends, with normal people, not the social misfits and rejects. The amazing thing is that most normal people also have normal social skills, which naturally lend themselves to having more social friends. And normal and social people also have activities. If you are cool enough, normal and social enough, people will invite you to these events and introduce you to even more people, and naturally, your social circle will expand and then, when you look back, you will wonder why you ever wasted that precious part of your life with those rejects in the community.

How did I come to this insight? I was invited to a party, supposedly a heavily promoted party here in Seattle last night... filled to the brim with hotties, by two groups of girls, who I befriended through my expanding social circle. Funny thing was, as the party picked up, there were hordes of community guys sharking the venue. Perhaps this is a Seattle phenomenon, they didn't open, and if they did, their sets didn't hook. Basically, they might have schemed, planned, strategized, practiced, and rehearsed on ways to get girls; they ended up where they started with, no normal friends but community guys. Since I'm not part of their elite, fight club, or whatever the fuck these community guys had going on (which was probably nothing), I still ended up at the same venue for the same event, except I was there with normal people and I didn't even have to hunt for girls! Better yet, the girls invited me there were professionals, not the skanky teases.

So the lesson from all this is... be normal, go out, make friends; if you are cool enough, people will invite you to events, and you will end up with more friends... instead of out hunting and going home... alone to "masturbate with tears as lube." (Thanks Sinn!) If you just joined the community, use it for what it is... make as many new non-community (i.e. normal & social) friends as possible, then get the hell out! Don't be a lifer... have a life and go live it!

I'm invited to another happening party tonight, I'm not telling where. Perhaps I will get to laugh at more community guys sharking there!

Peace & love!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Life is one shot, one opportunity, carpe diem

This is the 100th post and it's time to reflect on what has transpired. Much of life is about seizing that one moment, do not flinch, as Eminem asked, "Would you capture it or just let it slip?"

Life is more than just going through a series of motions and it is too short to be killing time. From the moment eye contact is made, we have to commit to initiating the interaction, if not, then don't bother. Once the interaction has started, we have to escalate, or that connection will go stale and it will, ultimately, fail. There are many turning points, and almost every turning point, we have to deal with each and every shit test effectively. Previously, I discussed about having the balls to open sets, afterward, it's all about keep talking until girls open up, some will and some won't. Success in opening is dependent on the first impression; that's why I suggested people to spend money on their look, better posture, body language, and some things everyone can change, hair style and wardrobe! Oops, if you don't have hair, I guess you can't change... I kid! Save your money on workshop, spend it on yourself first. If you truly have psych issues, get help from accredited individuals, as in the tried-and-true, proven-to-work, traditional therapy using medication if necessary, not more bootcamps, PUA materials, improv class, etc.

Afterward, it's all about talking, being interesting, and as I got better, I discover that attraction is easy too get and it's very fleeting. Try different ways, some girls are more responsive to the fun guy, others to the cool dude, and many to the insightful/introspective man; correspondingly, banter monkey, DHV storyteller, and of course, Juggler's open ended questions to get her to invest into the interaction. If the girl doesn't comply this early on, as in, banter back, stay to listen to the story, or to respond to OEQ, then either keep plowing or move on. Only experience in field can provide that calibration. Seize on her response, and keep escalate! Once she has committed to the interaction, then we have to be direct, express our interest, and lead! Girls must know the guy has done this before, that he knows what he wants and what he will do.

How do I know what to do? By going out and trying stuff on my own with some feedbacks from friends. Forget workshop, forget this blog and others, forget what I read... Be a man, be my own man. As shown in the picture earlier, eventually, I have arrived at the end of the road, the promise land, the oasis, it could be a mirage, or a dead lake with evaporation into thin air. In fact, most "dating coaches" and seduction-oriented companies are all about making money off us, so they are more devoted to marketing than to teaching... and least of all, care about us to be sure we are the right people to take it, and to improve with their materials.

Just look at the early fracturing between Mystery and RSD crew, Mystery Method Corp. (without Mystery) into Venusian Arts, recently, Juggler and his manager, and hot off the press, Pickup101 and Sean Newman/Messenger. Who can ignore the Walmart of seduction materials, David D, first he tried directing it to girls, with Christian Carter, now, he, back as himself as Eben Pagan, has turned back to marketing people who he learned all those tricks to sell "cocky & funny" to us.

As scary and even as negative as this sounds, I did, I failed, I learned, and I kept repeating. The only thing that sometimes suffered has been my ego. But when I recall all my fond memories, a few bruises to my ego are the cost to improving me. Just do it. Don't worry about what others think, by impressing or teaching others, be who you are, be a man.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Being ballsy

Approach anxiety is talked and discussed for ad nauseam. Guys need to have balls and just do it. There's the Mystery's 3-second rule, and whatever else. Once I started approaching, I learned what I needed to improve. I lost quite a few girls recently because I expressed my interest too late.

I see the whole pick-up process is like a speeding train, it takes momentum from both parties (on both sides) to keep the process on track. If it's entirely one sided either way, the train will stall. However, if the train is accelerating too fast, it will inevitably derail. One problem I discovered I had was that I was not ballsy as soon as the interaction goes well; which means I was not expressing my interest to her. Girls will inevitably get turned off by too much attraction; some like to call that overgaming, I call that over-terminology! Girls like guys who are ballsy enough to show his interest. Juggler calls that SOI and follow up with false sexual barriers. Sinn calls it sexual IOI. Captain Jack calls it Sexual Framing. Same shit, splattered on the wall in different ways.

From my perspective, I recently had the (un)fortunate opportunity to hang out with a community guy. I thought, after 6 months, I'm sure he must have improved considering how he has been hosting lair meetings, and being "leader of men." Well, I was rather disappointed. It wasn't him as much as what he did. All night long, he didn't talk to one girl, but squandered his energy on negging me, bantering, being cocky & funny (yeah, David D is a douchebag for keep emphasizing C&F without being human), but not at all funny. I told him up front that unless he was trying to elicit attraction from me, doing that stupid shit to other guys is simply stupid. There is a time and place... for being the funny and interesting guy. At some point, guys need to put his intention on the table, stick his neck out, and be ready to face rejection.

That's what those new posts in other blogs have been about... Guys have to continue to lead confidently, be able to weather shit tests, and be ready to face rejections. In the process, guys will discover that talking dirty isn't bad, girls will get all worked up when they know they have the same effect on guys. Guys get turned on by naked girls; well, girls get turned on by guys as well, especially if guys are turned on because of girls themselves. It's a positive feed forward loop. So go out there, as long as the girl is talking to you, she's interested, no need to look for more IOI, state your intention up front, girls don't want guys to beat around the bush, as most girls don't have any bush nowadays. Yes, when I was your age, girls were trimmed at best and only porn stars shaved; once you grow up, you can tell younger guys that when I was your age, girls didn't do anal. I'm saving that for another blog entry.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Back to basics: finding the balance

Two weeks after that show on cable-TV, I decided to go back and run canned community routines to see if anyone is catching on. The good and bad news are, no one has caught me yet!

I can't say that I don't have any approach anxiety, but I contain mine so well that I come across as robotic. If I have to guess, I would say girls want to sense some genuine nervousness, not some asshole who is out there to mind fuck them, i.e. running materials without feelings. Being a good actor is very important in running routines, because after awhile, I can spit out routines without emoting, girls want someone who is both confident, with control, and also, with emotions. I'm at a point where I don't really care about their reaction, which is different than being unreactive. The latter is important, whereas the former has gone too far.

In any case, I'm back to going out to have fun again. Juggling girls is wearing me out! I need more dramas in my life.

Monday, August 13, 2007

A lifestyle choice

For those who are devoted readers of this blog, I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Life has been busy; there seems to be a synergy between the three pillars of life: health, wealth, and relationships.

Learning "pickup techniques" has made me more friendly, I can relate with people, and consequently, being social animals that we are, I have met some wonderful people, made new friends, and in the process, gained so much more joy being human again. Although I have very little hesitation in expressing my opinions in the past, I feel so much more liberated now that I can quickly connect with people and be part of the group.

Even a simple task of getting a rental car, the guy gave me free upgrade because I was friendly with him. Another incidence was that we were stranded up on a mountain at night, because I befriended a few other tourists from Europe, who barely spoke any English, we were able to make our way back down together, 1.5 hours later. Had I been timid and shy, like I was before, and with just my girl, I don't think I would be typing up this blog in the comfort of my home, nearly 48 hours later.

Then a few weeks ago, another headhunter contacted me regarding some possible employment opportunities, with a few phone calls, and being able to be the likable person, I think I have a new job lined up. I will decide whether I will jump ship once I get to know the people there.

As trite as this might sound, be yourself is a great advice. I was not myself until recently; deep down, there was a fun, friendly, social guy, because of fears and other insecurities, my true self was locked up. Let go of expectations, let go of fears, find out what make yourself tick, be the person you want, lead and others will follow.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Seduction forums are cesspools of KJ's

If you don't have friends who are already picking up girls, then perhaps you have joined your local lair and a few other online seduction forums. I did. I met some good people, most I can do without, they are either not doing anything with pickup and/or their miserable lives or are too busy trying to get guys, either for money, fame, or probably sex.

Guys, who are getting girls, are too busy to go on forum to read and/or post. Unless they are attention whores like me, why would anyone waste time giving advice to other guys who are spending more time on keyboards or playing with their own or each other's cocks. If you must read forum, filter for guys who have shown competence, you know those guys... the top tier dudes, they are usually well-known instructors. You can read all their posts quite quickly because they don't post much, they are too busy gaming and being with girls.


Monday, August 6, 2007

Key words/phrases for relating to girls

This blog entry is mostly a reference for myself. I will use these words more often in my conversation with women. Please don't try to figure them out if you are a guy, they hold no meaning, but to women, they open up a flood gate of emotions that I wouldn't know where to begin to explain them.

  • balance
  • being
  • centeredness
  • connection
  • communication
  • curiosity
  • depth
  • desire
  • discovery
  • energy
  • excitement
  • fascination
  • freedom
  • fulfillment
  • growth
  • intensity
  • knowing
  • love
  • learning
  • meant-to-be
  • passion
  • peace
  • realization
  • recognition
  • relationship
  • serenity
  • special
  • stillness
  • surrender
  • tranquility
  • transcendence
  • trust
  • understanding
  • wonder
  • yearning

Sprinkle them into my conversation with women about emotions and experiences. These words some how allow women to fill in the blank and add a whole new dimension to our conversation!

Friday, August 3, 2007

DTR: Define the relationship

How does one respond to... "What are we?" What do you say?

The best answer I got from a girl was, "It is what it is, we should enjoy the moment." Submit yours!

Of course, I will post mine... one I came up on the spot.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Minor annoyances

So I have fun when I'm out and about... This inevitably leads to people (and sadly, mostly guys) wanting to hang out with me the week after. Being the recluse that I am, I can certainly have more friends. But why? Why can't I go out and pick up girls in peace? There are some long term friends who I've been out with many times, learning "the game" together and I always make time for them, even if I have to cancel out date with girls; I know, sounds kind of gay.

Friends who know what's up are fun to go out on weekends, because after all, Thursday-Saturday nights are for getting girls, and the rest of the week, Sunday through Wednesday nights are for babysitting girls. The problem arises when girls bring along their orbiters; then I end up having to babysit them too. If I were bi, or at least, remotely gay, then I don't mind. In the cost-benefit analysis, what do I get out of babysitting orbiters? Should I continue tool them, pawn them off to cockblocks?!

Another annoyance is how to do I deal with girls who constantly trying to escalate and bait for commitment after we had sex. Sex is just something people who are attracted to and comfortable with each other do for fun. That's one good thing about party girls, we get together, and we move on, catch and release, almost like sport fishing. "Hook, bait, reel, and release." (Credit: Mystery)

Back to work, so I can pay bills... Girls are a time consuming and expensive, but also a very rewarding hobby.