Friday, August 31, 2007

Cliff note version of a good pickup

HB in sight, start walking, don't think. Talk to her, get her to smile, appreciate her, validate her for her for showing interest, introduction. Relate to her emotionally, ignore factual description of anything but their emotional effects to make interaction more personal. Titrate interest with disinterest, pull/push/pull and turn interaction sexual. Establish connection, time constraint for day2 or continue fun interaction later on. Bounce between areas of the venue, bounce to different venues, and keep interaction light and fun. Sex is what people (who are comfortable with themselves and each other) do for fun.

Always stay in as in the frame as the evaluator. Qualify her, she's almost there, but not perfect. This sets her up to chase.

I will elaborate on each segment/stage/phase of the interaction in the future.

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