Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Minor annoyances

So I have fun when I'm out and about... This inevitably leads to people (and sadly, mostly guys) wanting to hang out with me the week after. Being the recluse that I am, I can certainly have more friends. But why? Why can't I go out and pick up girls in peace? There are some long term friends who I've been out with many times, learning "the game" together and I always make time for them, even if I have to cancel out date with girls; I know, sounds kind of gay.

Friends who know what's up are fun to go out on weekends, because after all, Thursday-Saturday nights are for getting girls, and the rest of the week, Sunday through Wednesday nights are for babysitting girls. The problem arises when girls bring along their orbiters; then I end up having to babysit them too. If I were bi, or at least, remotely gay, then I don't mind. In the cost-benefit analysis, what do I get out of babysitting orbiters? Should I continue tool them, pawn them off to cockblocks?!

Another annoyance is how to do I deal with girls who constantly trying to escalate and bait for commitment after we had sex. Sex is just something people who are attracted to and comfortable with each other do for fun. That's one good thing about party girls, we get together, and we move on, catch and release, almost like sport fishing. "Hook, bait, reel, and release." (Credit: Mystery)

Back to work, so I can pay bills... Girls are a time consuming and expensive, but also a very rewarding hobby.

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