Seduction forums are cesspools of KJ's
If you don't have friends who are already picking up girls, then perhaps you have joined your local lair and a few other online seduction forums. I did. I met some good people, most I can do without, they are either not doing anything with pickup and/or their miserable lives or are too busy trying to get guys, either for money, fame, or probably sex.
Guys, who are getting girls, are too busy to go on forum to read and/or post. Unless they are attention whores like me, why would anyone waste time giving advice to other guys who are spending more time on keyboards or playing with their own or each other's cocks. If you must read forum, filter for guys who have shown competence, you know those guys... the top tier dudes, they are usually well-known instructors. You can read all their posts quite quickly because they don't post much, they are too busy gaming and being with girls.
I don't agree with this at all, you assume the best PUA's are out there getting chicks all the time. That's ridiculous. A good PUA gets chicks while he is out doing other stuff I mean a trip to the grocery store is a pickup spot, going to the bank, wherever.
Not only that but just because a PUA has the ability to get 10 dates a week or whatever doesn't mean he actually wants to go on that many. I think a good PUA is a guy that gets as many girls as he wants, that doesn't mean like 100 girls i mean some guys might be happy with like 1 a week but he has the ability to get more if he wanted.
Just because someone has the time to post on a blog or write a lot of articles doesn't mean he isn't getting chicks, I mean some chick could be blowing him as he is typing and you just don't know.
Try going on a few day2 in a week, you will discover how little time you actually have. Notice how you are typing hypothetical situations, when was the last time you talked to and been with a girl?!
If a girl is blowing me right now, I'm busy moving her hair away from her face so I can see what's going on, not typing on here.
you know what was good when there was only mASF?
1. The board was moderated and anything posted that was dumb was openly mocked.
2. You could click over to Field Reports and scan for LRs from anyone giving "advice".
For the new boards, I completely agree that about the only advice worth noting is from known instructors, who by virtue of getting hired, are at least somewhat skilled and are getting laid.
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