Thursday, October 18, 2007

Anything for a laugh

Allow me to be Yoda-like, you know why community guys fail at pickup? They take what "normal people" do for fun too seriously, which leads to expectation, expectation leads to neediness, neediness leads to creepiness, and creepiness drives girls away!

I have a tendency to see the humorous side of things, perhaps due to my professional training, I'm just skeptical in general. And yes, I'm suspicious too! When I first started blogging here, I made one post that got this one particular guy so worked up that to this day, he's still going back and re-reading that one post. Forward 7 months to now, someone told me he started posting again, and sure enough, there was a hit from his new city to read that very post on the same day of his new post. If there's one thing I like about community guys, I find their inability to change or improve very reassuring. It's almost like telling the same joke to a retard over and over again, and s/he still finds it funny.

Take the case of that social retard. He thinks this could be his future career as a dating coach with a ready and captured audience. Little did he know that most retards that he "leads" also doubt his ability. But he already had the expectation of everyone will follow lock steps with him, thus the second someone stepped out of his column, this retard freaked. He posted inflammatory statements, created multiple accounts, read people's "private messages," tracked anyone who he thought were suspicious in what they post or vote,... This continues from one anointed successor to the next. Yes, the line of social retards has yet to be interrupted and I hope it continues because where will I get my laughs.

Expectation leads to neediness, which he was, and his neediness eventually drove his only girl away (probably with his tears! EWWW!) and then, he had to move away. Sure, there are plenty of excuses, guys in the community are great at coming up with them. Once again, they prove that they don't change, they are great at doing the false DHV, of talking great game, goals of doing this and that to impress girls, and at the end of the day, they have forgotten to be a normal human being, a social creature that can get along with others without wanting something from people. I guess their desire to get laid, get girls, or guys, is so strong, that even they can't think or be straight.

Finally, a better writer wrote what I wanted to say:

"You want to be weird in the best ways imaginable, cool in ways particular to you, and normal enough to get yourself in the door."

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