Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Stupid is as stupid does

Just to test out some copywriting techniques, and again, mostly for my amusement, I posted a fake advertisement for my very own workshop, just like my mockery of people's fixation with inner vs. outer game. The funny thing is that I am deluged with private messages about my ficitious workshop, even though I've been advising people not to take workshops from guys (myself included) who are not working for big name schools. Seriously, if our parents got together to create us without a workshop, do we (as their progenies) need to take workshops in order to get girls?!

Do we need to follow some arbitrary rules for approaching women, meeting women, getting women,...? How about we follow our fricking instinct? If we can't tell the difference between what is fake and what is real... what is the right vs. what is the wrong thing to do, we are not fit to procreate. Do we suddenly have a generation of idiots who suddenly don't know how to relate to each other? Do we need to read about this in blogs, form discussion groups, participate in email lists, and join a lair in order to get girls?

I have a very simple idea, how about we go out, talk to people, learn from our mistakes, our failures... Does this generation have so much disposable income that we want to create and cultivate a group of parasites, or as they refer to themselves, dating coaches, in this society? This whole obsession with trying to find an easy way out, a method to get girls, there simply isn't a substitute of just having the raw experience of interacting with people.

Funny how so many self-help gurus want to "help" people by selling more books, more workshops, more bootcamps, more methods, more techniques, etc. Whatever happened to the self in self-help? Take charge of one's life... sure we can use some advice here and there, at some point, people just need to give up trying quick fixes, start doing the hard work of changing oneself, and ultimately, and directly interact with people instead of surrounding ourselves with social retards. There will always be new techniques, more sale pitches, more door-to-door/used car sales people.

The only way to get good with people is by interacting with people. There's just no easy way around it. People should worry less about running game, we all should start by being normal, then learn to be social, and hopefully, we learn to get along with each other.

One clear sign of idiocracy is that community guys don't realize they are being hustled by the same techniques they are supposed to learn to get girls. This is the last time, the once in a lifetime opportunity, the only chance, and throw in a false time constraint or two. Guys with skills and good reputation don't need to stoop so low to market themselves on forums. Just word of mouth alone is enough is sufficient to make or break someone's career, especially those "dating coaches" who can't open or get blown out left and right.


Anonymous said...

Well said! I couldn't agree more! I'd like to hear more of your ideas, how much do you charge for 1 on 1 phone coaching?

DDD said...

How about you send a blank check in an unmarked envelope? As long as you don't report me to the IRS, then I won't tell your future boyfriends that you "sarge" or "wing" ;)

Anonymous said...

Haha. Deal! What's your address? Don't forget to include your best pic.

Joking aside, great post.


Ian Paredes said...

agreed. i'd also add to that the fact that conversation is often unscientific and cannot fall under any sort of guidelines, period.

fuck, girls should even be the least of anyone's worries in the first place. why be in a community that tries to emphasize the opposite and therefore take away from everything else from your life? (oh, don't answer that, it's almost too obvious: how else are they going to get your money)