Sunday, October 28, 2007

The wizard behind the curtain...

Perhaps I'm the only one, or may be not, that faithfully believed many pickup techniques and practitioners of those techniques to be true. There's a certain amount of admiration and after what happened recently, I am slowly beginning to see the light. And if people haven't noticed, this revolution of thoughts and skills has returned me to where I first started, and what everyone else (outside of the community) said before has turned out to be true.

Yes, there probably was a community of guys who weren't that socially savvy; they probably spent time out there socializing and figured out what works and what doesn't. Then marketing people discovered this group of guys who have some skills, and the marketeers hype them up to be superheroes, when these "amazing feats" are what normal, well-adjusted, social guys have been doing forever.

The magic isn't in the techniques, but in marketeers' ability to hype and sell these seemingly mundane social skills to be endowed with some magical powers to social retards, who obviously don't have the social intuition to figure out that these techniques aren't that special. What I find funny is that THE GUY who started mass marketing these pickup techniques (of being cocky & funny) has returned back to his root and now offers to teach his marketing techniques to his peers in marketing. This is the sign of the golden age of pickup techniques is ending because they have milked the market dry and the only route of expansion is back in marketing... to find the next niche of rich retards.

I had an inkling of what's going on last year with the mass marketing campaign for the Anal Method. Then I got to meet some dating coaches, sure, they were somewhat smooth, but I didn't see what they claimed to happen in their "reports." Most were just guys out talking to people and most conversations didn't go anywhere. Then recently, some people showed me videos of these secret "edited" footages of sarges by these gurus (including that of the World's Greatest Pickup Artist), I finally see that this has all been a big marketing hype.

Without a doubt, my life has changed since I've been out socializing with people. I now have more friends than ever, more social events to attend to than before, more girls than I thought possible. In terms of the time and money that I've spent, and unlike many who have taken countless workshops, which I've always been skeptical, is it worth it? Not really. All those workshops, techniques, can be distilled into a few things someone can do... and these are basically what people have been saying all along, the problem is that they didn't elaborate on what they mean, and I will blog my interpretations of these sayings:

  1. Be yourself
  2. Have fun, live life to the fullest
  3. Be social, surround yourself with good people

That's it... There's no need to buy the latest, greatest, one-time-only, final workshop... the last brain transplant... the final weekend before I leave to bum around in the next town... and you certainly don't have to leave me any unmarked envelope with cash, because who would want IRS to start snooping into this type of unreported income?!

And yes, this Halloween has been amazing! I was among friends, met some cool new people, and I'm sure the next one will be even better. Sorry, I won't post any embellished report because most of my interactions are like this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, at the beginning, the was mostly real players trading tips, insights, etc. There were guys who weren't good, but back then guys like them (me), didn't post much except to write FR's or ask questions. Which is the way it should have stayed.

The beginning of the end was the number of new guys who started flooding the group AND somehow felt that they could add something intelligent to the discussion, despite their lack of real experience. That's what Mystery eventually labeled "KJ'ing", and it really brought the quality of the information way down, IMO.

It's gotten way worse now with all the money-whores. To me, except for a few people I pay attention to, the information out there is next to worthless.