Thursday, April 19, 2007

LR: Cruising from C3 to S3

I have to admit that I have experienced many sets fizzling out in the comfort stage. I still have to work on balancing the Attraction and Comfort while directing the interaction to Seduction. One thing I remember, probably Mystery, is that I can't language a girl to spreading her legs so I can fuck her brain out.

Instead of taking her statements at prima facie, almost everything she says can be misinterpreted that she is ready to sex me. The last "date" we were together was so unremarkable that I don't even remember what we did. Then she called me out of the blue, hers was the 2nd of 3 calls from 3 different girls that day (I think it's the mating season again). She wanted to play tennis, I dropped by her place, instead of going out to play tennis, we got into deep rapport, again (just like the previous time we got together).

Right at the lull of the conversation, I moved in and we started making out. Just as I had expected, within seconds, she went, "This is bad. We shouldn't be doing this." I almost started to smile because it's almost verbatim from seduction materials. Of course, my immediate response was to agree, got her to laugh, then we went back and continued. Sometimes I wonder if girls are just clones because their behaviors, even in raising objections during LMR, are so stereotypical.

Another time with an FB, while we were full monty, she said, "I can't have casual sex with you." This isn't the first time we hooked up, we have been doing this on and off for a long time. Instead of arguing and languaging her, I agreed, and we went back to what we were about to do.

I suspect that girls tend to raise false objections, just to rationalize in their mind that they have resisted so that they can't be responsible, be blamed for what was about to happen. Sex is no big deal, it's what normal people with no hangups and comfortable with each other have together.


Stealth's Adventures said...

Thanks for sharing this. Has lots of useful info that many of us can learn from.

BTW, where's my recipe?

DDD said...

You are welcome. Useful, but not original. I must say that the community guideline for agreeing and continuing was something I used with some success. Never argue!

My recipe is to get her wet, stick it and stir it until she screams. Sorry I have never set an timer, probably within a minute or two!

micawber said...

I get the feeling that you are more than capable of having a new girl every week. This is a good LR, and it hammers home the point of not to listen to what they say, but rather what they respond to.