Leader of none, follower of women
Part of the recipe for success in this requires us as guys deciding where we want to take the interaction. Unlike social circle game, there is a requirement for observing social convention, and it's almost like a formal dance. I noticed recently that with many sets that girls are just waiting for guys to lead. When guys don't step up and decide where to go, that's when they lose the set!
Contrast this with many who try to live their life by the mantra, "Lead the men, then women will follow." Instead, the reality is that all they do is to try to lead men by doing silly shit, by getting into silly political fights with other guys, and the sad fact is, they are just like little lost puppies following women around, especially in bars, our main hunting ground. What I saw last night, I have yet to see anything more pathetic. How sad they are. No wonder women dump their sorry asses. In the end, they end up with nothing.
A good sign whether someone is any good with women is how he is with people in general. Guys who are busy scheming and calculating, constantly involving in self-talk to strategize, tactics for manipulation of others, not being able to make friends with strangers in any environment, instead of being in the moment. Guys who are good with people, they may not necessarily be good with girls, but I can assure you that there's much to learn from them than from another guy in the community, who can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. If anything one is to take away from the community, is to not be in the community of losers. Grow some balls, go out there, and make friends. Then worry about picking up girls later.
A bad sign whether someone to avoid is a person with some hidden agenda. Girls pick up on this right away, we as guys tend not be as astute in sniffing this out. For myself, there is an implicit social contract I have with people. We are in this to improve ourselves, and our skills with women (not men). Life is short; I just don't have time for games among men nor games with women. My interaction with women is all about leading, escalating, pushing boundaries/envelope to reach my goal. My interaction with men is about improving each other, if our goals don't align, then I will spend my time in doing more rewarding activities and with more helpful people.
Life is short,
But the craft is long-- Hippocrates 460-377 B.C.
You forgot to mention that others try to be the leader of men by trying to seduce other men. They pretend to be a dating guru, tell others they have done this and that but I see them in real life, in the field where it matters the most and I see absolutely nothing. The community is filled with a bunch of morons and losers.
Remember you said having the mentality of a student, being able to learn from everyone instead of trying to appear as a guru. That has helped me to be a better person, I don't give a shit what people think of me, in fact, I want guys to underestimate me. My goal in this is to get girls... not guys or their money.
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