LG: Life is good
Being an academic provides a great deal of freedom. Part of that is to use my time and to contribute back to the body of literature, not just in terms of publishing my work, my results, my ideas, and my discoveries, I also help review papers, grants, and referee conflicting works. I don't mind that as my fellow colleagues are obligated to do the same for me. The fun part is that we get to b.s., to do some chest pounding, and quite often, to whip out our dicks to compare. Sometimes, we have to do the proverbial circle jerk; or as I euphemistically call those meetings, mutual mental masturbation session, M3 for short.
One skill I developed from my work is I'm very well versed in giving backhanded compliments. I don't really have a choice but to be smart when I'm surrounded/hounded by people whose IQ's are 140+. Or in PU lingo, push-pulls. In fact, when I was growing up, I was often chastised for doing it naturally. Who would have thunk this stuff is becoming so useful when I grow up, especially in PU?!
The 3 pillars that support a happy satisfied life, which Mystery talks about (yeah, do you think I actually read real books?!) in VAH, defintely hold true for me. Health, wealth, and relationships. I was battling the flu from hell, uh, China, which isn't that far off from hell for most people there. I had absolutely no motivation to go to work or to hang out with friends. Before that, the work situation was a bit tenuous. Now that both of those pillars are finally stabilized, I have so much more fun going out and meeting new people.
Thank goodness I don't just talk to guys or observe girls from afar, I think girls have a term for that, creepy stalkerish behavior. It is true that happiness comes from within, or in PU lingo, all games are inner game. That's not the end though; ultimately, it's the in HER game. Allow me to return back to China, I'm sure those Tibetan monks (don't write to me about Tibetan independence, Richard Gere, and I won't talk about that hamster incidence) have plenty of inner game. Yet, they are celibate. So having inner game is great, but in-her game is even better. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
P.S. Seriously, stop with the phone calls, text messages, emails,... I already made my official statement and I stand by it.
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