Sunday, October 7, 2007

The second step

Before even taking a bootcamp, definitely spend what you are willing to spend on a bootcamp or any PU materials on your looks & presentation. Looks matters A LOT and first impression, whether we like to accept it or not, is extremely important. This is one major area that is neglected in any seduction literature and bootcamp.

The myth that we can get any girl anytime anywhere is a joke. The second myth is that if we have good inner and outer games, we can pick up girls; which is also untrue. Going to a bootcamp wearing your best clothes for going church on Sunday won't cut it. BradP talks about sexy stereotypes in his fashion book. I would sum it up as either look good by being classy or edgy. Classy means that we convey that we follow fashion trends and I'll talk about how we do that. Edgy means that we have to show that we know what is fashionable and we break one or two rules just to show we know but we also value our individuality, see rock stars, magicians (e.g. Mystery), and other performers. This is how peacock theory is evolved. Edgy looks, i.e. peacocking, will invite girls to open, then it's a great way to learn to deal with shit tests (i.e. interest/intrigue).

How much to spend? How/where/what to shop? If you decide to take a $1500 workshop, be prepared to spend that much on your wardrobe. I would even go as far as to say that if you can't afford to take a workshop, you have to spend that much on clothes... not necessarily on one weekend, but over the course of a few months. There isn't a way to pick one look and it would magically transform you. The first step is to look through GQ and other fashion magazines for men. Find the hairstyle, clothes, shoes, and the image that fits with your personality you want to convey to the type of girls you want. Go to a salon and experiment with a few different hairstyles. Same with going to department stores and ask them for advice for what would look good on you. If you want to go for the uniquely edgy looks, then shop at boutique places, where they carry one or two of the same items, they will be either extremely expensive or very cheap.

I'm hesitant about recommending people to shop with their friends (even female friends). Most friends already have an image of you and they tend not to go out of their way to help you change your look because change is often what we all fear. I'm a strong advocate for people to look normal, blend in with the social crowd first rather than shocking people by looking crazy. Changing what we look outside will first affect how people respond to us and if we have a bit of social intelligence, will eventually alter how we view ourselves. In the beginning, we are what we see, how people react to us is the reflection that we see. Later on, we can work on changing inside, but even if we think we are the shit, and if girls disperse whenever we talk to them, no amount of inner game, delusions, and reframing can change that reality.

We have to master the basics: fitting in first, learn to be normal, be among social people, and gradually we will form good relationships with people. That's why I keep warning to newbies joining the community to stay away from guys who have been in this for a few years but have no social circles other than trolling forums and lairs for wings. There's something inherently wrong with them to cause them to be stuck at their current situation. Unfortunately, most newbies don't know and are repeatedly being misled. If people can't form relationship with other guys, how will they maintain relationships with girls?!

The first step is determine where we are... and changing our looks is the second. Girls and even most guys are extremely nice, they would never want to outright hurting anyone; I attribute most guys who don't improve because no one has the courage to tell them that they are not normal, they need to change to fit in, and if they can't, they should resign & be happy with their position in life. Not everyone is born social, just as 1% of almost any population is schizophrenic, and there's a rising epidemic of autistic kids. Such is life. If we are to avoid the same fate that has befallen most lair guys, we have to take small incremental steps to be normal.


Anonymous said...

Join a gym and get in shape. If your overweight lose it. If your underweight bulk up. This will make anything you wear fit much better.

DDD said...

Looking good and being fit also make for great sex. Yet something that's assumed and also not talked about. Healthy first, be wealthy next, then get sexy!