Wednesday, May 2, 2007

FR: Boundaries

Awhile back I blogged about compartmentalization I created in my life to prevent different roles/aspects of my life from interfering each other. The same concept can be applied for interactions with different social circles. When we talk about PU, however, I believe that in order to be successful, the ones who are willing to push the envelope, violate others' boundaries whether through naïveté or deliberate action is a necessary requirement for success.

Much is described and discussed about being alpha, having a great inner game, exactly what that means, what can we distill out of it? I propose that one attribute to be people who are daring, curious to discover and perhaps, to violate social boundaries. The first thing that bootcamps stress and work on is to get guys to approach girls. That alone is an invasion of someone's boundaries; we sometimes have to break into a group and be able to dominate that group order to control the conversation. The act by itself is alpha, it shows someone who isn't afraid of violating boundaries of others. Although the community is moving toward "natural game," whatever that means, just because we appear less like dancing monkeys doesn't mean we don't push the interaction.

The difference between the traditional relationship and one that PUA cultivates is that the latter requires rapid escalation. Many guys in trying to make moves on girls hesitate because they are afraid of rejection, not sure what to do next, and eventually, they lose out. Since we have the roadmap of reaching that final destination, then we need to step on the gas pedal and get there as quickly as possible. Sure, we can take time to enjoy certain moments, but the goal is the vagine, not getting one's ego stroked by other cocks.

Back in Vegas, we were waiting in line for cabs, there were a few really hot young girls standing behind us. I felt this compelling need to be an ass and teased them, of course, that blew open the set. What came next was interesting, one of the hotter girls was with her bf, we talked about cutting in line, etc, just verbalizing hijinks we all wish we could do. Instead of just fucking around, I had her wrapped her arm around me, her other hand was pulling her girlfriend, we started walking up and they couldn't handle the social pressure. Her bf didn't mind, but the girl was afraid of violating social boundaries, so she hesitated and turned back.

Even though I lost her and her friend, another taller and even hotter girl in the same group noticed what happen, we started small talk and eventually, she was all over me. This girl was 5'11 + 6" heels, I never had a girl that tall wanted to take pictures with me, kissing me, and taking more pictures of us. This goes back to my original point, we can talk about many alpha characteristics, one that I think is crucial is the ability to push the interaction, not afraid of push social boundaries, personal boundaries of others, and to see how far one can get away.

The kicker of this was on the day that I was flying back home. We had a great time eating lunch together so I ended up about 45 minutes before flight takes off. I somehow got to the terminal with only 15 minutes to spare and got on the plane. That's another story for another time.


Stealth's Adventures said...

It takes balls to approach women and it takes BIGGER balls to interrupt a group of guys and girls. You hit the spot that to be successful, you need to go beyond boundaries whether putting yourself outside your comfort zone or 'violating others' boundairies'. Great post!

"I somehow got to the terminal with only 15 minutes to spare and got on the plane. That's another story for another time."
I can't wait for that story. Quit being a tease. :)

micawber said...

This was by far your best post, in my opinion. The part about pushing social boundaries is right on, and it really hit home. It's true that this point has been said before in different ways, but for some reason the way you presented it hit home.

P.S. you're a cocktease