A memorable Memorial weekend
Back when I first joined the community, just 13 months ago, I thought there is a set of techniques that will give me choice, the freedom to choose, with desirable women. Only one of the few guys I respect in the community, who I have seen with my own eyes, who can PU hot girls, who dates hot girls, and he said something that to this day, I am impressed with his sense of ethical code for moral conducts.
Just like sharks that smelled blood, there is a feeding frenzy of freshmeat newbies. I stand by, among a few other guys, who I met over 1 year ago, I realize how far, those of us who go out regularly together have helped ea other out, how most of us have improved. Then I look at these other veterans, who claim to be good, who try to be leaders of men, who try to manipulate situation behind the scene, who try to be mediators, who try to appear as gurus, I can only pity them for all that they have missed out while they stay at home busily scheming and plotting to be authentic. For those of us who struggled in field, someone who I rolled with made a very keen observation, that those who I meet up regularly have improved dramatically. It almost makes putting up with many of these losers worthwhile, because now I know who they are, I know who to avoid!
When I go up to almost any stranger, I feel I have the power to befriend that person. Moreover, I feel that I can guide and direct that interaction to the desired outcome. The new found power of choice! If I were to pinpoint one thing, it is the experience of going out of interacting with strangers regularly. The cummulative experience, the multitude of hijinks, the great time we had together, they form the foundation for many stories to share with people. Life is too short to be by oneself, whether to work on innergame alone (most likely, "manually"), or to meet up with others and have more mutual mental masturbations (i.e. "meeting"). The fun is about going out, having a great time together, being with people who bring value and fun, instead of people who reek of hidden agendas. Life is indeed good; to have hot girls calling me, girls that other guys would die to fuck, and these girls couldn't reach me because I was out having a good time and meeting up even more desirable girls.
We were at this gathering. Those who I rolled with regularly fanned out and basically owned the place. We were introducing people we just met to each other. And pretty soon, I discovered there were 4 other MD's. Despite how we all learned to have people skills, to make use of intimate knowledge of people, most of them were very shy and within their own shell. Interestingly, I felt I was the only one who was able to bring all of them together and to venue change them. Sure, community techniques were useful. It's not what were used, but how and when they were used that made our interactions seemed more natural. My observation of them made me realized how much I have changed, how far that some of us have improved. Just WOW! Something we all have to celebrate!
I haven't known you for the whole time you've been in this community, nonetheless for the time I have known you I have noticed a DRAMATIC shift in your attitude, spirit, and general vibe you give off. You are more laid back, less matter of fact about all of this. It's good to see you are truly enjoying this now, unlike some people who see this as a job.
Thanks (gay) man! :) I rediscover that I've always had a fun side to me. That was when I first started going out... now I know how to titrate to the right amount, and be able to push the right button at the right time. I learned quite a bit from the community and I incorporate what works into who I already am.
You can too. Everyone can bring something, if that person has it.
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