Friday, May 4, 2007

No more!

When is it enough? How did people get by without all these self-improvement workshops, seminars, support groups, "communities,"...? People around me talked about this and complained that some are workshop junkies, etc. Then a friend invited me to go with him to a promotional seminar for The Millionaire Mind Intensive workshop. Okay, I have to confess that I'm quite judgemental... I looked around the room. I had this distinct feeling that those people there and I were functioning at different levels.

There is a uniquely American phenomenon, the crazed drive for self-improvement, to chase after that Horatio Alger myth, the American dream. Unlike much of the old world, where our station in life would be pre-determined; social mobility is rather limited and much of it is accomplished through marriages rather than pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps. Due to the amalgamation of different cultures, people, and the overall feeling of having a fresh start among immigrants, we all think we can strive to better ourselves, to improve, to change, and to be better than our parents.

From my limited knowledge and perspective, this started by Freud, followed by the American obsession with psychology, fueled by commercialism of advertisements, and some distilled the same sale techniques to develop this whole new industry. I would put everything under the self-improvement category. Within it are different niches, wealth building, health maintenance, and more recently, the seduction community.

Sure, I am all for improving myself. Do I really need to commit so much of my limited resources (mostly time) to this when I have more pressing matters? Like doing my job well, managing my life and relationships with others. Back to the promotional seminar, I met up with many guys from the community. The funny thing is they sounded so alike, almost brainwashed to spew forth the same crap; but they have done nothing to improve themselves. They would go to one seminar after another, just as some guys in the community taking one workshop/bootcamp after another. The problem isn't just going to subscribing to one after another, but these dudes are deluding themselves to think that if they keep going to seminars, they will become millionaires, "pickup artists," whatever else without actually doing the hardwork of making things happen. They would learn about hypnosis, destroying limited beliefs, changing their money blueprint, voice training, salsa dancing, improv, working on innergame, everything else EXCEPT actually going out and talking to girls!

I'm willing to bet that they also spend much of their days reading up, "contributing" to forums, listening to tapes, and at the end of the nite, alone and probably masturbating to their "girl friends" on facebook or myspace instead of the actual act of pounding the vagine. I am by no stretch of imagination to be any good at this pickup b.s. However, I am definitely not buying into this whole community b.s. about doing bootcamp, workshop, fixing problems. Sure, our parents probably didn't have that many sex partners, they certainly are successful enough to leave behind progeny, us. I doubt that they went through the same b.s. that we are trying to learn, practice, do, and help ea other.

When I see and read about people signing for workshops, bootcamps, seminars... I just want to go up and smack these dumbasses upside their heads. Instead of giving up one's responsibility of doing self-improvement to one's coach(es), why not do what self-improvement is suppose to do... by oneself. Just like self-esteem should be coming from within oneself. I wrote this before: Happiness comes from within, not from without. No amount of money, time, energy, and effort will worth a damn until people start doing. There's a whole industry of leeches who feed off our craving for something more, something better,... when we have all that we need to be better, ourselves. So stop reading this blog and go do something about your life, don't be an addict, be a man!


Vibe said...

No matter where you go, the 90/10 rules will apply. There is nothing you can change about it. 90% of the people are looking for a quick fix and 10% know they have to work hard and it'll come to them.

And guess what??? I'm in Blogger :) I can leave comments now.

DDD said...

You whore! I'm glad you are on board, I was tired of weeding out anonymous comments.

If those ppl actually went to college, studied, worked on their career, they wouldn't need this wealth building b.s. Same with the seduction community, if ppl should just go out, be normal, talk to ppl instead of running game and creeping girls out, they would be so far ahead.