What makes us tick
I'm a bit behind in my move and left my server (computer) at my old place. So I brought along a laptop to the new place so I don't get internet withdrawal. Normally, I prefer my thinkpad with its trackpoint that I so fondly use to move the mouse pointer around... Since its wireless is a bit flakey, I brought along the other laptop, with the touchpad instead.
I could go write a long rant'n'rave about how much I prefer trackpoint over touchpad. But I digressed, I made the best of the situation and learned to customize the touchpad properties, like its tapzones, etc. This got me thinking. I'm one of those guys, when I install programs, I almost always choose "Custom." When I am about to double-click something the first time, I would use the right mouse click to see what other options there are. When I get my hands on a new gadget/toy, I want to figure out how it works, what I can do with it. When I meet someone, I want to figure out what makes him/her tick.
Perhaps that's why my mentor a few years back suggested I devote a small part of my life to doing research, figure how stuff works, and then incorporate that into my practice. Before I started clinical work, I was busy tinkering with computers, applying math I learned to doing simulation, which got me into graphics to visualize results of simulations, then user interface design so that I could manipulate objects and "programming" simulations, and eventually, I started learning how to use scripts to bring modular programs to work and communicate with each other.
Why this tangent and how it relates to PU? I wouldn't say I was happy with my dating life, I certainly have had gf's before and I was not a complete social retard. Then I join the community thinking I was going to learn more about picking up girls. Surprisingly, I learned about a great deal of human interactions. Sadly, most of it from the politics between guys trying to out maneuver each other, basically, guys were too busy seducing each other instead of out getting girls.
When confronted with any novel situation/object, I tend to do a distant meta-analysis of it. The only conclusion, as I just discussed with another friend about people in the community, is that guys who are in this have no other life experience except this. Perhaps this is their only transformative experience. Since they only have work or school before, the only thing they can apply to any social situation is to go back to their same old behavioral patterns, politics. They don't go out to have fun with other people, but constantly scheming, planning, comparing, calculating, competing,... with each other, while they have missed the real goal of PU community, we are supposed to share what we learned, develop some techniques based on our experience, and ultimately, we are in this to get girls. As misogynistic as this may sound, the tip of our knives, the barrel of our guns, and the glans of our penises should not be pointing at each other, instead, they should be directed toward the vagines... or the anoos... of the female kind.
If guys do NOT set aside their anti-social tendencies that got them into the community in the first place, they will never get to have friends, uh, "reliable wings." I think the next phase of the community is not about having more natural game, it's about having a more organic game, one we don't just go in oozing out our agendas and projecting neediness. If guys are frustrated, figure out how to relieve their problems elsewhere, going out is about having fun being social. Be a man, a straight man, go get girls, not guys.
I agree. Going out is made out to be a chore by most, and this concept is reinforced by some gurus out there. For fucks sake, going out and talking to woman at a bar should not be a chore. It's fine if you get a little bit nervous, but overall this should be an enjoyable experience.
Reflecting back, funny how guys are so obsessive about this supposedly a social activity. Instead of talking to and about girls, they would either brag about how good they think they are or how someone else is weird,... they don't focus on let's be positive, be social, be fun. I guess they don't teach that in bootcamps.
It's sad that some guys out there treat this as a dick measuring contest rather than going out and having fun. The goal is seduce women not guys. Agreed that this stuff should not be a chore and should be a fun social activity. Great post!
It's inevitable that some will brag. A good seducer is the one who is discreet, unlike most wannabes ;) Check out my latest FR/LR/pics... so prepare for more reports from me!
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