Monday, July 16, 2007

From many, few emerged

I had a few discussions with people about the whole pickup scene is going to explode, as it has been growing since The Game. Do we really need to be afraid? I personally don't think it matters. Girls go out, they want to talk to interesting guys and hopefully, connecting with some; so do guys, why the big fuzz?! I see some striking similarities between this and martial arts; any dude off the street has heard of martial arts, there are many different styles, some gain and some wane in popularity, there are very few individuals who are truly stars with skills. Same with pickup, there are plenty of imitators, few are innovators, and the rest are just wannabes.

Like any self-improvement, the first and foremost starts from within. One has to believe that it's possible, the next step is to take actions to make those changes, in a step-wise fashion to reach our goals. Ultimately, it's a challenge for oneself, not between each other. Sure, being popular and powerful is great, but how will that be fulfilling?! Those who don't have either/both of those are ones who are desperately seeking within the community, among hordes of losers. I've written this before, it's like being the champion in the Special Olympics.

Another way to quantify our successes, how do we compare hot party slutty girls who pop more prescription pills than kids chewing their Flintstones multivitamins, with girls of value, who are stable and well adjusted?! And how many washed up ugly ass cougars can measure up to one young girl? Especially if they were found on! Yes, number matters, we are in this to get girls, unlike some of us who are really after something else, besides the popularity and power I mentioned above. The overarching goal, we have to be giving, we are in this to share and connect with those people.

I have the privilege of having a few friends who have black belts in various disciplines of martial arts; these guys have the most amazing self discipline, and they are most generous people I've known. This requires focus and drive; to know where to go and the means to get there.

This blog is entering into the uncharted territory in most seduction literature: relationship management (not with community guys!) Every relationship is different and unique... More importantly, juggling multiple ones will be even more fun!


Anonymous said...

Publicity of the game is not going to change anything other than more pollution of the lair websites. From first hand experience, the art of pick up is an art of self discovery. I believe in what has been said many times that 'all game is inner game'. It takes much more than methods to be able to convince the girl that I am a suitable person to mate with.
Think of this like ... just because gyms are accessible to everybody, it doesn't mean that everybody is in good shape; America is still full of fat people and will always be. Only the people who have the self discipline and creativity will be able to walk the path and come out of the other side of the tunnel. Mystery or Style can just show the door, but Neo has to through it himself. And we learned from Morpheous, not everyone is 'The One'.
Methods might become as popular as pick up lines ... and many fools still believe that a smart pickup line can get them laid ... and later they will believe that a smart DHV story will get them laid. The society evolves and only the strongest of the species will get to reproduce.

DDD said...

I agree with you, epoch, mostly, with the exception that "ALL game is in-her game." Too many guys are too busy trying to get into each other's wallets and/or anoos. Let's get back to why we are in this... in-her game.

Anonymous said...

I think you are too hard on community guys. Everyone wants to be understood, appreciated and comforted with touch. Let's face it ... The community is not full of Casanovas. These are guys who have failed in securing a fulfilling relationship with a girl in their life. Many new comers in community realize that these tools/methods/philosophies/strategies can make them successful with girls. However, many new comers also realize that they were never successful with girls as they never had that 'hunger' for pussy. So, they turn to the other sex for that comfort of touch. Its a catch-22 for these guys now, they found approval in the community meant for pick up girls so can't leave the group but at the same time can't really get the drive from inside them to hunt for the pussy. I say - Do what tastes right !

On a separate topic, you should write a blog about oneitis sometime.

DDD said...

Hmmm, interesting suggestion. I have to dig back into the recess of my mind to find a case of one-itis. If I have !closed her, it can't be a one-itis, right? :)

Anonymous said...

Oneitis per Urban Dictionary is an illusion that the girl is special. Its a different state than relationship from my perspective. Even if I have !closed her, I can still be in that state. Example symptoms like approach anxiety redeveloping.

DDD said...

Perhaps I can make you a contributor, and we can post your article here. I personally have not experienced that ONE girl has or will ever fulfill my life. Girls come and go, family is forever.

Anonymous said...

i just started reading this blog and i had to say... you seem to really have a problem with gay guys. are you sure you aren't gay?

DDD said...

I might be, I've never been with a guy, I should try to see if I like it. When are you available? I'll bring knee pads for you.

What I have problems with are hypocrites, guys who pretend to be leaders but are not, guys who are fucking ugly ass girls so that they can avoid dealing with their repressed gay issues, guys who talk game but can't do the walk,... in other words, guys who are hustlers but are just lame geeks trying to game each other.

I have no problem if people are upfront with what they want, but if all they do is to concentrate their efforts on seducing guys for ego boost or monetary reward, then they are gay. Another way of saying that guys are not honest an genuine with their intentions, and their actions belie who and what they are.

Anonymous said...

I was a poor schmuck of an AFC....then I purchased the Awesome "In-her Game!" method with Flyboy's "Live From The Launchpad!" companion set. Now I get laid like a fish...external fertilization and everything!

DDD said...

If she is starting to smell fishy, time for you to bring her in for a check up ;)