The in-her game(tm): Point of no return
I am such a horrible person, instead of working, I'm procrastinating so I am blogging instead. If you have ever crammed for exam, waiting for the right time, and keep pushing until the last minute to get things done, building up that tension. It's almost like playing chicken, to see who finally give in and submit, that is when one has triumphed over the other. Yes, I keep pushing, and I balance that with pulling, in different ways. This is the basis of how I like structure the early part of the relationship.
Many earth years ago in a land not so far away, I was seeing a girl, when she was about to move away, so we went on a trip together, it was our farewell trip. I know, touching, no need to shed any tear. It was a great trip, but just prior to leaving for our trip together, I met another girl and we started seeing each other on and off. Then I told girl #2 that I have to go away for two weeks, what I didn't tell her was with girl #1. When I returned, girl #2 was all over me.
This is how I came to recognize that with sufficient rapport and emotional connection; hearts do grow fonder when separated. After that one incidence, I almost always have to leave to "go on a trip" somewhere for a short period of time, usually undetermined, out of touch, right as the "relationship" about to start. This is what usually tips her over and when we see each other again, sex is always amazing. This, my friends, is when we both have crossed the threshold, the point that I know we have started the relationship, there is no turning back, this is when she will constantly push more commitment, time and otherwise, from me.
Once I've entered the community, others have articulated similar techniques... After we elicited sufficient attraction, some advocate doing the false takeaway and build jealousy plotlines in nearby sets. Another thing is BradP called stewing the girl, keep her going for awhile, but not actually seeing again for quite some time after the initial meet. For some unknown reasons, if I ever had that mystical connection with a very hot girl, just playing plain and simple comfort boring phone game, but I keep stewing her and not see her again right away, things usually escalate VERY quickly once I meet up with her the second time. Remember, hot girls only, I don't know how this works with UGs or fatties (please go test this out for us).
So young grasshoppers, learn to build comfort with her, then stew her, do NOT see her right away, but your phone game comfort building has to be tight, you got to be not needy at all. Sure, you will lose some, the subcommunication is that you are a man of purpose, you have other callings, she isn't the top priority, I know some people will frown at this for making the girl chase, little do they know that girls crave the chase, tacitly. It's almost like a piece of genetic memory, girls love that movie moment, the one when her man returns...
What reminded me of this was one girl I've been seeing on and off, she tried to pull the I'm going away/travel thing today. I kept a straight face and encouraged her to go. Some things are meant to be, learn to let go. Let go of your expectations when you are starting to approach, let go of your desires so you don't convey neediness/desperation, let go of any prejudice, be in the moment, your time here is now. Like a boomerang, she will return (I know, I like to contradict myself), just not right away, give her time and space.
Finally an update on the blog. I was getting bored for a while.
You wouldn't be if you were out leading men! When will you update your blog?!
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