Friday, July 6, 2007

Mo' Mo' Mo Drama, Mo Drama

Good fucking god, how can juggling life be difficult?! Seriously, we just get together to fuck, why the song and dance?! As a friend suggested, I'm ready to outsource from daygame, nightgame, to day2, of course, I'll do the !close, thank you. If I were younger, life was not as busy, like managing multiple people, projects, businesses, I would love to dive both heads into more drama.

The only quiet time is when I'm being authentic, even then, I still get interrupted. Benzodiazepine will be my new best friend, sorry beta-blocker, you are not strong enough to take the edge off anymore. Opioid, you are next on the list, line yourself up, because I'm coming to get you.

1 comment:

Vibe said...

Daaaarrrrggghhhh I want more updates. Sexxyyyy time!!!!!!!!!!!