The next step...
Can people change? This is something I've struggled, both with myself and with others. A friend of mine, who just moved, emailed to tell me that "community guys" are the same in his new city. Considering how many dating/pickup companies and wannabe-gurus there, I'm surprised his new city is also filled with similar social retards. Then I think back of people I've met and gotten along with from the community; one commonality is that people who are rather socially well-adjusted, they are also guys who had girlfriends before (i.e. not virgin) and have plenty of male friends. Guys, who tend to stay in the community, are the same guys who can't maintain relationships with most people in general.
There are some great tools for making new friends and building social circles in the community. The few superstars in the community give this false hope that anyone can improve; the reality is, as many have described, most guys will eventually crawl back into their little holes where they came from and revert back to their previous comfort zone.
For those who already have friends when they join the community, some of the techniques will dramatically change their lives... for those who haven't been able to maintain friendships before, they either have to work very hard and improve quickly, or they will forever flounder in the community. So the best way to make use of the community is to learn these techniques and stay away from most community guys. Pick out a few guys who already have plenty of friends, emulate them, hang out with them because they have more to teach than guys who are false leaders of men, such as lair "president," "gurus," and dating coaches who don't actually go on any date or been with any girl. We all have been exposed to the media; take a quick look at any community guy, if he looks like someone who hasn't been with a girl, he probably hasn't. If he doesn't act and/or talk normal, he probably will never be normal. The funny thing is, guys who remain in the community, that they all try to seek fame and/or fortune from fellow chumps.
Of the stuff these guys have learned about social dynamics, they would talk about the lofty goals of changing people, the sad fact of reality is that they couldn't even change themselves. Even if they can become famous among community guys, how does that translate to getting girls? Isn't what pickup is all about? Improving oneself by becoming more social and in the process, more girls. Another thing is that they want to be hustlers, trying to get people to pay for this and that, such as workshop, seminar, etc., basically applying compliance tests on guys. Seriously, if these guys want to get other guys, come right out of the closet, there's nothing wrong with being gay. Instead, these guys constantly hide behind something, such as targeting fat, ugly, vulnerable, naive girls, or using other excuses not to get girls.
The way to do this is to learn community techniques, go out, practice, apply and make friends first. Develop a big network of friends, then go out to have fun; in fact, so-called "naturals" who I had as friends before never went out with the explicit intention of sarging or picking up girls, they all had fun with each other and getting girls was just a by-product. If people who are friends can't have fun with each other, what girls would want to be with them? Except, of course, the types of girls that I mentioned previously. I will talk about some distortions created within the community and perhaps I was just stupid not to recognize them until now.
i definitely think people can change, it's all about who they surround themselves with though. your friends have way more influence than you might think, and this especially goes for community guys.
I think people can change. but it can take a longer time depending on how socially messed up you are.
there are guys like Tyler D who came from rock bottom. the only reason him and others like sinn went out CONSTANTLY was because they where convinced they didn't have a choice.
this is where you need to be to finally start with your journey. you have to absolutely be on the rock bottom to finally say "i will do anything to get better". then you start going out like a madman, then you start pummeling through the rejections, and then you start to see the glimmers of hope.
anyone can change. with enough patience, and with an open mind thats willing to learn even the most socially messed up guys can get good.
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