Thursday, September 20, 2007

Pickup intelligence

I have nothing to sell... yet. So I can be honest. Some people are simply good looking, and for them, they will have an easier time picking up girls, probably better looking girls, and more consistently. Sure, there are things that we all can do to improve our looks, women have been using makeups forever, men can improve posture, walk, dress, and how we carry ourselves. Within these constraints, what else can people improve, their "game."

Another dose of reality, how good someone can get game is also limited. Like intelligence, and if you so inclined, to break that down into different categories, is spread across a continuum. Some people are simply smarter than others. Same with pickup, some people will get better and some people won't. Sure, the goal is to strive toward reaching our full potential, but some people simply don't have that much potential. Why do I dwell on the negative? Why do I dash people's hopes and dreams? It's about examining oneself honestly and realistically.

This exuberant enthusiasm for self-improvement is all about padding the pocket of those hawking their ware, be that in pickup, sales,... One thing I hate to see is people getting hustled. Another is people being delusional. There are some people, despite countless workshops, seminars, and buying an endless supply of pickup paraphernalia, will end up where they started.

There are many things we take for granted. Binocular vision for example. There's a critical period during our childhood development that we acquire this ability. If we were to cover one eye in a child during his/her development, for a short period of time, that child may never develop or lose eyesight/vision in that eye forever. Same with language development, there's a critical period that we can learn language, once we have grown passed that critical age, the brain center for that one skill set doesn't get organized and can never be developed. I propose that social skills, specifically, pickup, develop the same way. If people miss that critical period for social development, despite how much they work at it, they simply won't have it.

I've gotten to know quite a few guys in the community. There are some who are social retards, I know because I am not that different from them. And then, there are some who have friends, can maintain relationships, and those are guys who get much better with pickup. This goes back to the critical period hypothesis, those who never have friends, no matter how much they learn and train to be extraverts, they already missed the train and forever be anti-social. They can spend countless hours learning PU skills, analyze situations, and scheme/plan to get laid, but they are condemned to repeating their past behaviors. They become social savants. They might be very intelligent in a very specific set of PU skills, but they are not normal, they are not social, and they might be able to put on an act, but they are not themselves.

What do we have left then? Sure, go out, have fun, be social, interact with people, all these can improve one's social skills, and may be, in the process, get laid. The reality is that people should aware of their limitations, or in a more positive term, real potential. Don't get suckered into thinking that PU is the magic solution to turning an awkward geek into a Casanova, chances are, he will end up as a savant... someone who seems to be knowledgeable, but with absolutely no understanding nor the ability to apply that knowledge. They are the ones, who are destined to be KJ's and forum gurus (or be like this blogger).


jon said...

you consider yourself a social retard? am i reading that correctly?

DDD said...

Yes, and I wouldn't have to learn this otherwise.

Anonymous said...

true enough. Only thing is that most guys I meet sell themselves WAY short on their potential. So yeah...are we all gonna bang Angelina Jolie? No. But can we all end up in happy relationships with women we're attracted to? Surely. For what it's worth...Flip

Vibe said...

This is probably the best article you wrote so far because all the dating gurus are avoiding this subject and I don't buy your theory of the critical period thing. I don't think it's the way it works. Sure:

" we were to cover one eye in a child during his/her development, for a short period of time, that child may never develop or lose eyesight/vision in that eye forever."

This could be true but our eyes were not covered. How many people do you know who are blind because their eyes were covered? I don't know of any but I do believe in social intelligence. It's similar to IQ. Some people have more, others have little. What if you take a guy who has an IQ of 140 (genius) and IQ of 80 (reTARD) and try to teach them to become a doctor. The guy with an IQ of 140 will advance at a much faster rate than the guy with the IQ of 80. Sure the guy with an IQ of 80 could study for may be 40 years and still become a doctor but it will take him a LOT OF time to get better.

Same applies in pick up. Some people start with a Social Intelligence (SI) of 140 (these people tend to have major Approach Anxiety because they realize walking up to people and talking to them is not normal) and these people get better right after a bootcamp. Others start with a SI of 80 and they stay at one spot and never improve because even if they approach, their sets wont last more than 2 minutes.

As for me, I started with a reasonable intelligence about social stuff and I had a lot of friends in college as well. So it's like i'm smart, and I knew a lot about the human body and I wanted to become a doctor. It was easier for me to excel but as you know, I worked really hard to get where I'm at and compared to a guy like Sinn, I'm nothing.

So in the end, we all wont be mystery or juggler, but we can get success beyond our belief.

DDD said...

You have much more faith in people than I do. A person with an IQ of 80 is destined to be working at Goodwill for the rest of his/her life. No amount of training will turn that person into a (functioning) doctor.

Covering one eye is a well studied area, you don't get to meet people like that because we know how to avoid it.

You are one of few guys in the community who have friends, had relationships, can maintain an active social circle... so for you, you can improve. For those who never had that up to a certain age, they probably never will.

The community will fuck up many kids lives today... and the misfits from back in the days... they will continue to be social outcasts, and if things work out as they will, their anti-social genes will be weeded from the gene pool.