Saturday, September 22, 2007

Conveying the player vibe to beauties with brains

There's not one method that will get you any type of girls and there isn't a player who can get all girls. One must has both drive and focus. Drive is required to keep us going and focus is needed to direct us toward specific goals. Before one can be good with girls, have some ideas of our target demographics. We can't be a perfect match for everyone and vice versa. So what I'm about to describe has been working for me consistently with this specific group and when I used these tactics on a different group, I haven't been as successful. Being a real player would mean that I will be good with many types of girls, I'm not one yet so don't try to use this on (1) cougars, (2) skanky hot girls (aka, strippers), (3) fat girls with attitude, (4) really young ditzy airheads,... I can go on, but the one group I'm interested in can be found in bars and clubs.

These girls are recently graduated or about to graduate from college. They are relatively young, 21-28, not super hot or they wouldn't have gone to colleges (or capable of graduating). They have enough beauty to be palatable, and enough brain to make conversation fun and interesting for me. I'm sure guys with better game can do it, I have yet to pull these girls the same night that led to sex, and fortunately, they can be closed by day2.

What works with these girls? I convey that I am a guy with these values. I'm accomplished, BUT I still am working toward something even greater; i.e., I'm not at a dead-end job, I'm not rail-roaded onto a corporate track without dramatic jumps in career advancement, I'm going somewhere in life, and there is so much more. I'm adventurous; I have done more in my life than just cramming for exams. I have seen many parts of the world and I can relate & connect with different people, but I am selective in who can be my friends. I have had relationships and I have grown from them, not scarred by them. Of course, the other usual attraction switches that Mystery talked about matter: (a natural) Leader of men, pre-selection by women, protector of loved ones, ability to emote, willingness to let go, ambition that requires risks with commensurable rewards. There are probably more. The trick is to titrate to the right level for this group of girls.

The first three attraction switches can be flipped by being the guy who is occupied with activities (and that doesn't include playing Halo), one who organizes events with friends, one who has friends with values, meaning they are capable of having fun without being party animals, they have careers, not just gigs/jobs. The next step is to be able to relate to her on an emotional level. For them, this is a transition point in their lives that they realize that they are beauties with brains. Because I have many friends and connected, they can align with me, but they must work and contribute something of value. Most importantly, as I just recently discovered, I don't want to be the guy who has accomplished everything I've set out to do in life... Instead, I am the guy who has some accomplisments, goal directed, and is working toward something great, I'm not there yet but I have the potential. In fact, being a guy with very high values and end-stage accomplishments become detrimental because either these girls don't feel they are not measuring up or this would create a cognitive dissonance in them, why would such a high value guy going out to bars/clubs to talk with girls like them?!

I might reveal some routines and tactics I use to convey them in the future. For now, these are some guidelines.

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