Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The truth of getting girls is out

There's this rather lame wannabe-hustler trying to start a cult-following here to basically pay him for regurgitating pick-up tips that's available elsewhere for free. Apparently, there's a record low turn-out and now he's threatening to shut it down. Good riddance! And go get a real job instead of trying to hustle money from people.

Coinciding with that is also a record low enrollment into a RSD bootcamp here, I hope the message is getting out there... that this pick-up / dating / seduction racket is about to die! People are starting to see this for what it is. As a good friend of mine said it best, "Pickup bootcamp is about selling dreams." The dreams of dating multiple super hot model-lookalikes, a new girl every time going out, and regular threesomes.

The best case scenario is that a few guys might get lucky, but that, I mean the ones with enough courage to keep talking to enough girls at any venue, they will stumble upon on some drunk girls and they might end up going home, the rate drops off dramatically, whether they will end up having sex, and probably infinitesimally small that they had good sex, which I will explain why later.

Just think through this problem logically, instead of getting all caught up in the marketing, of all the people you have in your life, how many do you think you can count on if shit hits the fan?! Who do you get along? The number is probably quite small. That's probably the same ratio as the number of girls you will hook up with vs. the girls you just chat up.

Another scenario, if you were a decent looking girl, with a decent job, and if you are social enough to go out, and probably surrounded by friends, you have so many choices with guys. As one girl told me, if she has chosen to, she could have free meal every day, until her look wears out, most likely into her 30's. If she has so many options, why would she go home with a random stranger, spread her leg, and let him invade her?! Can you imagine how much she has to like that guy, even at the superficial level, AND how much she has to trust him not to harm her? Sure, they might go out for some drunken sex now and then, but if that's the case, guys don't need much game at all!

First, the community started by that creepy dude using hypnotic suggestions. Then it moved on to the sequential steps, routines-based method. Now, the natural game is all the rage. Ultimately, the game is about being real. Not just a better self, the best self, you simply have to be the best. There will always be a few hustlers here and there who will skirt the law and find shortcuts through some parts of life. For the rest of the masses, we simply have to be the best at who we are and what we do.

People can try to learn fearless first impression with banter, real deal rapport, they might even get the blueprint to girls, but they will never double their dating. The tried-and-true way of getting girls, which has existed for eons, and which also lead to over 6 billion people today, is about being happy, being accepting of oneself, surrounding ourselves with good people, and truly living the life we want.


T said...

I'm not sure why you're being such a killjoy, dude. You just need to sarge more.

Anonymous said...

I like what you said about how heavily relying on pick up methods and getting caught up in marketing hype won't do any aspiring ladies man any good. I agree that being your best self(being happy, accepting of oneself, being with cool people, living the life we want, etc.) will definitely get you the girls and no other pick up methods can beat that.

However, that doesn't mean that PUA skillsets are useless. Being your best self is one thing (called "innergame" by the community) but having the skillsets that can help you convey yourself is another thing (called "outer game" by the community). This includes having conversational skills(think about engaging cold strangers and motivational skills) and tactics you can use to handle logistics(imagine dealing with a mother hen).

DDD said...

Conversational skills are developed by having conversations with people, not by going to a silly reality tv show dude who has guys screaming at the top of their lungs to each other, "You are CUUUUUUTE!"

He's doing what any guy with skills and experience would know better not to do... trying to prove himself and qualify to me and my silly blog.