Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The awakening

Back in early 2006, I went to a "lair meeting" thinking that I would meet some real life ladies men. Little did I realize (until later), that almost all those guys were social retards. How did I figure out?

There was this semi-private email list of guys who were "sargers" because they went out regularly. I got myself into that list very quickly thinking I was on the road to success. I also suspended my judgment and logical reasoning to the point I was asking some kid for advice on relationship. Of course, he spouted off what he read in some forum and I thought to myself, "Wow, may be he knows some stuff." What perplexed me at that time was that he constantly talked up about himself, like he was dating a stripper, yet I've never met any girl he was dating or dated. Of course, several guys sent me private messages on a newly setup forum. I suspect that because of my professional background, which was the reason why they contacted me. So I went out with several and I had zero success.

By zero success, I meant we spent more time talking about game and women than actually interacting with people, and women in particular. I still had faith, in fact, one guy who I was "sarging" (more like "dating") with suggested doing the Mystery's Newbie Mission.

Little did I know, he has been doing the "newbie mission" on and off for nearly 2 or 3 years without any success, and the only girls he dated were all from It was quite funny how he reframed that he liked ugly and fobby Asian girls. In actuality, he just couldn't get younger (below 35 yo), hotter, more culturally savvy (as in more Americanized) girls. He even went as far as going to Japan to teach there in order to get those girls, and just this past year, he wants to go teach ESL classes just so he can get younger girls. That, to me, sounds not only creepy but predatory. Guys, who are that desperate for girls, are trying to avoid something, they hide their cocks inside vulnerable pussies just to prove that they would rather have cocks up their asses.

Going back to the first guy who claimed to be dating strippers, that wasn't his lies... but I was beginning to see through his bullshit. He couldn't even drive from point A to B on a map, after given explicit direction. How can anyone "date" a girl without any rudimentary sense of direction? The addict was a guy without any sense of direction in his life. He's in his late-30's, he hated his career, living situation, and just his life in general. But in the forum, he would craft these posts that present himself as someone who knew about women and they were just rehash of the same bullshit being promulgated in the community.

After repeatedly going out for nearly 1 year, I thought to myself, these guys don't have friends outside of the community, may be they are just anti-social misfits, not having girls in their lives was just a symptom of a more deep-rooted problem. So I contacted a few other guys who have friends, who went out regularly with their non-community friends, surprisingly, their non-community friends got along with me and liked me! Of the guys who had non-community friends, they all told me that they were very hesitant about introducing community guys to their non-community friends because there was just something off about community guys, but I was the exception.

I then realized that I was quite normal, I might have been shy but I certainly wasn't a social retard or a misfit, unlike most community guys, which led me to started blogging about my journey, my transformation, and how I turned away from the community in general. In case I haven't mentioned, I'm a slow learner! I now see the community for what it is, a cesspool of societal rejects who are busy trying to seduce each other, trying to convince each other that they are good with women, when in reality, a woman with any social intelligence would reject these guys out right. Worst yet, these guys never have and probably never will improve because they are so busy trying to best each other in the forum instead of going out and work on themselves.

My advice has been, the best thing to get out of the community is to get out. Distance yourself away from people who are social retards because their behaviors will rub off on you, and if nothing else, there will be fewer community guys trying to hustle you for money, fame, and eventually, sexual favors.


T said...

Gee, I wonder who you're talking about here....

Artisan said...

I have also come across a lot of really really weird guys in my local community. At this point there are only a few guys I've met through the community who I'd want to hang out with. I think it's important to make the distinction between a lair wing and a friend.

Jay said...

Even though I have been pretty successful with women in the past, learning the material from the community has improved my "game" quite a bit. I go to lair meetings, but I do not go out sarging with them, I do my own thing and approach girls on my own, so I cannot speak to how most of those in the community behaves when they are out, but I do think that there are two sets of people in the community, one set is socially inept and probably will just never get it and the other group just needed some guidance and will do just fine with woman once they understand the process. Most probably fall into the former category, but we all have to decide who we want to spend our time with in life and ones primary choice to spend it with people that will better you.