How to prank the president of the lair of PUA
The story began with a friend of mine and I were having dinner together, at a place that's off the beaten path of most "pickup artists" here in this little small town. As we were finishing up, in came the president of our local "lair."
Despite my general overall antipathy toward "pickup artists" and especially their pseudo-leader, I'll explain why in a second. We were cordial with him and apparently, he was there to meet up with some "girl" that responded to his personal ad on Craig's List. For those people who don't know, there are plenty of fat chicks where I live and they literally infest CL personal ads, take a look at it and search for BBW. According to friends of mine who have met this pseudo-president, they all thought he was decent looking, until, of course, he opened his mouth and dispelled all doubts.
Remember when you were kids and at the playground, there was always one or two retarded kids, and the rest of the normal kids would make fun of those retards. Well, our pseudo-president is that retarded kid all grown up. I'm not a mental care professional, but there are certain characteristics, a constellation of signs, of his mannerisms, ticks, behavioral traits that betray not just his social awkwardness, but he is devoid of any social intuition. That, my friend, is the most common set of traits among people who call themselves "PUA" in the community.
Back to the story, so this guy, posted his ad, responded to an ad, agreed to meet the "girl" that he didn't even talk to on the phone (I'll get to the phone part later), didn't even know her name, just that she was going to be there, wearing something red! Seriously, how can anyone be so retarded and so desperate to meet a girl off something that's known for infested with fat ugly girls and he didn't even know who and what she was?!
The story didn't end there. Of course, he ended up sitting by us and couldn't even start (or continued the conversation that we started with people sitting next to us!). She didn't show up and from what I gathered, he continued to set up meetings with this girl, by email only, multiple times and she never showed up for any of them. How stupid is this pseudo-president?
Oh, you asked why he's a "pseudo-president?" He's actually a very qualified candidate along this line of socially-retarded lair presidents. The one who started the internet forum was this dude who is so ashamed of his look that he doesn't ever show picture of himself anywhere (like myspace / facebook / linked-in /...)! Of course, he takes on a (gay) character instead of being himself, however, he constantly preached people about being authentic... which, for him, means things like crying after sex, all broken up when his party girlfriend started sampling other "PUAs" in the lair (yeah, there are PUA-philes out there!), went nuts and started snooping into people's private messages, and of course, like 99% of lair guys, he also wanted to work as a dating coach.
And the clincher after he left the city, he passed the rein onto this virgin socially awkward 19-yo kid, who couldn't even go out with any girl without explicit prior approval from his folks, and yes, he was and still is living with his folks. Then the rein was passed on to the social retard that trolls CL for "girls." Why are these two latter retards "pseudo-presidents?" Because they still don't have control, or say in the direction of a forum that started by the first retard! So the first retard "president" was never good with women, but he was great at seducing guys! I even heard stories about him sitting in bars surrounded by guys... in the new city where he just moved to. But he still maintains control over the forum in our city here. These so-called "lair presidents" are proxies for that SIRducer (as my friend, who I had dinner with, called the guy who set up the forum).
When I'm bored, I might blog about why current pseudo-president doesn't have a phone and that's not the only moronic thing he does... or so I'm told. And of course, what type of mannerisms that the general populace would interpret as signs of retardation. This, my friend, is why you should avoid community/lair guys in general. If you have any social intuition, you don't want to be near them because some of their social awkwardness might rub off on you!
Sadly, we still don't have any guy who are truly good with women here locally, which I'll save for another blog. But in the mean time, you just got some tips on how to prank these false prophets!
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