Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The roadmap to be mPUA

When I read something so inspirational, someone worked hard to be where he is because he has balls... he doesn't have to:

  1. shave his head
  2. pretend to be a leader of men
  3. take pickup program/workshop, one after another
  4. learn to be authentic
  5. learn to be natural
  6. regurgitate advice from others without really any deep understanding
  7. use girls to get guys
  8. be petty little insecure boy
  9. try to rip off/cannibalize his "friends"
  10. be a rockstar/surfer/daytrader/stereotypical "character" who gets girls

when he can just be himself, a real man, push himself without prompting or coaching, take actions to get good, rather than paying for quick fixes. Read this and weep, oh right, I doubt that he cries after sex or when a girl rejects/dumps him!


Anonymous said...

Seems strange you would pay attention to this guys blog after all the ranting about the community.

DDD said...

I do read a few pickup blogs, and I don't know Sinn personally, I like his no-nonsense approach.

I don't know what sorts of girls he pulls, but I have learned, applied, and successfully used techniques he discussed on his blog on different types of girls.

I doubt that he's your typical community guy though. He's one of few PUAs I admire.