Friday, November 2, 2007


Heroes. Have you seen this tv show? What is with our obsession that we, as individuals, are somehow that special? That we are endowed with some secret superpowers. This reminds me of some individuals, especially among those in the community, that they think they have the secret, cracked the code, divorced from the matrix, and can manipulate/hustle other people.

That's one thing people in cults believe... and same with those in the secret society of the community. A friend just sent this article about "Ways the community can make you weird." What a well thought-out, balanced article! The one thing that article failed to address is what I have been harping, the overselling of simple ideas that most people already know, and guys are busy seducing each other instead of girls.


Vibe said...

I love the cheerleader there. Her super power is healing. If you cut her hand, it grows back. It makes me wonder if her Hymen would regenerate if i fuck her?

DDD said...

With your "superpower," you should be called The Hymenator!