Peeling off the layers
Getting girls at the bar, such as pulling them home, and even having sex with them that very night, is not a big deal! At any given bar, doesn't matter whether it's classy or not, there are plenty of girls who are out for sex... It's a numbers game. If we talk to enough of girls in there, lower our standards enough, we will get some that night. Is that worth it? Do we want to go out hunting night in and night out, every week? Or are having relationships (be they monogamous or not) more fulfilling?
Awhile back, I posted questions about identity and our purpose in life... those are the questions we all struggle with throughout our lives and raising those questions seems to trigger an almost universal response of, "OMG, someone who is going through the same turmoils as me." Sure, there are exceptions. For many people, they are like onions. They take time to peel through one layer after another, but there are some core questions that get at that very quickly. At the risk of sounding like a Mystery fan boy, his statement, "I didn't get an instruction book on how to live my life." It is vague enough, but also insightful enough to trigger that same universal OMG response.
Even though I use many community routines/techniques, I wouldn't consider myself a pickup artist, and I don't do pickup. What I do, however, is being social... being a normal human being. I don't belong to a special elite group of social retards. In fact, I make my interactions with girls so smooth, so fun, that they don't remember me how I #closed them and we might not have sex the same night we met, but we will keep on having sex for months afterward. One is to avoid state break and the other is strengthening that core emotional connection.
The way I avoid state breaks is to multi-thread. Stories stack on top of stories, conversational threads weave into another but they rarely finish, avoid the dreaded question train that goes after each bullet point in a resume, and always escalate, but not in a predictable way. Once girls accept that the interaction is like an emotional roller coaster, they will accept that they don't know what's coming because everything is sort of random and yet, but they continue to feel safe with me. That's how I build trust and comfort. Ways to create that randomness, and thus causing confusion, is to combine different techniques, push-pull, cat-string theory, microcalibration, rolling off, yin-yang,... "Bullshit baffles brain," as Lovedrop described.
Just as people are like multi-layered onions, conversational threads should be a tangled mess like a Gordian Knot, and interactions should allow us to connect at multiple emotions. Sure, there are simple routines to pump up buying temperature to overcome resistance or get girls to past compliance tests, and of course, sex is the final compliance test. What I am getting at is that each interaction should have this natural flow to it and routines can keep the inertia going, but much of it is improvisation, many market that as natural game, I personally prefer to call it organic game (tm). Think of trees, I defy anyone to find two identical trees, so interactions can be group into similar species, but they are rarely identical even though they have similar components, roots, leaves, branches, flowers, and seeds. After all that bullshit, even onions grow from seeds. (And yes, organic game is a subset of In-her game; for the humor impaired, it's a joke!)
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