Lessons learned in the community
This is the 200th post, I'm going to recap what I've learned. The basic ideas of people getting together to share knowledge, grow together, learn together, help each other, and be a better person to make the world a better place! Lofty idealistic goals, almost like communism. The reality is...
The community is infested with anti-social dudes and sociopaths. Most people in this have no friends outside of the community, because they don't make good friends and the world has rejected them for who/what they are. For some of them, in time, they could be rehabbed into normal people. And the most pernicious group is the sociopaths, their goal isn't to get girls or be good with women, but they spend their time seducing guys by trying to convince newbies that these sociopaths are great with women. They do this to gain fame, from shaving their heads so others can recognize them for being so-and-so, to eventually, flipping the attraction switch of men in order to start their own workshops, which people will recognize their lack of success and eventually dismiss them as frauds. Like pedophilic sociopathic Catholic priests, they move to other places and start all over again.
If there's one thing I'm proud of, other than this blog, is that I've done my share of calling out these sociopaths and yes, I've made my share of enemies. Then again, do I want these people in my life?! However, there is a silver lining, I have befriended my share of great guys. These guys become my best friends. The characteristics they have in common is that they were quite good with women, and/or they have plenty of friends outside of the community. In other words, they got lost and ended up in the community by accident as they will be/already are good with women.
The best way to be good with women starts from within, it's not just inner game. It's about finding inner peace, having passions, owning up to one's faults and strengths, getting things done, and when it comes to women, having standards. Guys who just want to fuck of lots of girls almost always end up fucking each other or by themselves. Guys with purpose, are ones girls attracted to. Sure, guys with a sense of humor, cocky'n'funny, are great with girls in the beginning, and they have to tone it down, slow the interaction down, so that they can get girls to show off, display their best selves. Humor and attraction techniques should be used like condiments, they should be sprinkled into food to spice things up but too much will turn girls off.
There are many ways to interact with people. The most important is not to be needy, wanting anything from anyone. Now you see why I find those sociopaths (forum gurus, KJ's, dating coaches) are an antithesis to the community?! People have been having sex forever, before they started walking on two feet, and if we don't need workshops and walking coaches, why do we really need all these brand new blueprint for transformation techniques? If someone couldn't get girls, may be they are not meant to be with girls, it's that simple. And those who do get girls, are guys with balls, and by talking with enough people, those guys will develop social intuition. Those people are not "community" dudes, but normal social and fun guys and girls!
Finally, the best thing to get out of the community is to get out as soon as possible. It doesn't offer anything that we can't get from elsewhere. The problem is that by hanging out with people who are either social retards or sociopaths, we either become more anti-social or get ripped off. The best way to get women is to be with women or at the very least, guys who are good with people and women in particular. Keep having fun ("innergame") and be social ("outergame"). Of course, be a man!
the phrase "blueprint for transformation..." i take it you are including RSD in your indictment of ripoffs? my feelings on them are mixed, I think they are the best the community has to offer, which in both our books isn't saying much. your thoughts on rsd?
props on the fresh perspective, man. I've been enjoying reading your posts (CJ link brought me hurr)
oyeah, somethings been bugging me about the CONGRUENCE of your inter-web identity - why is your blog full of PUA ads? hah, either way, cheers bro.
LOL I really liked this article. For most self-aggrandizing PUA wannabe, this article would sound OOOOH SO negative!
But I've seen my fair share of PUAs. You are right on!
It also helps when my female therapist friend also tells me the same thing when I introduce her to some of these PUAs ;p
Thanks to CJ for bringing in some new readers.
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And yes, there are new ads on here... to support my drinking habit! Keep my Irish inner child alive (at least until St Patty's day), so click on those ads and buy something :)
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