Skipping the middleman
I have been one of few vocal people calling out the hypocrisy about the community ever since I started participating and hanging out with people who are in this. There are some truly amazing people that I've met, and despite my profession, I probably wouldn't have met them, at least not at this young age. Some are truly beyond help; I would say they should take care of their physical, mental, emotional, and/or psychological health before they get back in trying to get women. Really, they truly are the products of thousands of millions of matings. If they can't find the right partner who would have sex with them, may be they are the few who are destined to be extinct. Not everyone belongs to the gene pool.
Perhaps I don't understand enough to say, why are people so unhappy with themselves that they need to seek out external stimuli to be happy with themselves?! They should look inward, figure it out or with help and get at the root of their unhappiness; yes, some of them are just homosexuals in denial, some are simply schizoids who are being convinced to be people they are not,... In case they are none of the above, then get out there and literally learn to be normal. If not, take a workshop to be a player, but from a legit, proven, reputable company. Even then, I would still advise against that until they have truly reached a plateau and can't improve further.
The best option if they want to get laid that badly is to skip the middleman altogether. Just go directly to the giver of pleasure, instead of spending $250 on clothes, spend that on getting a hooker. Why bother paying some dude who claims to change your life, when you can do it yourself?! Afterall, isn't this what self-help is all about? Whatever happened to the self in self-help?! Take the responsibility of changing oneself, instead of worrying to be leading men, seducing women, whatever. Go take a look at a mirror, would a girl wanna fuck the guy you see in the mirror. If not, then what steps do you need to take to be that guy? I hope your father didn't take a workshop/bootcamp to get your mother. Why do you think you need it? If you do, do us a favor, PLEASE DO NOT breed! One of you is more than enough, and we have enough pollution in the gene pool.
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