The in-her game(tm): Be a dingleberry
All credit for the name goes to Vibe! This is only possible through our collaborative effort. Too bad he's devoting his karma to being authentic and genuine, unlike me, I have the posting diarrhea!
For those who have missed previous articles, you should start with this. Now that you have a brief primer, we are ready to discuss a new technique. It's more than just being committed to opening a set; in addition to commitment, it's about using a series of techniques to convey that we are interesting guys, and after we have elicited attraction, we can proceed to develop rapport so that we can convey our emotional depth, because we are interested in others.
Despite what David D and PU101 teach, we open sets by breaking rapport using being cocky & funny because that convey non-neediness. As soon as the set opens, we have to convey to them that (1) normal (2) social (3) interesting, this along with some others that girls talk about: confident, sense of humor, and the dirty little secret, looks. Most sets usually don't open right away, or they have to size us up to see we are high value. This is when being a motor mouth, and having verbal diarrhea is important. Of course, that's how most dingleberries begin their life down the poop chute. They are substantive but definitely very runny. Whatever threads available become the nidus for the formation of dingleberries. During the attraction phase, we can be break rapport in order to build attraction, but this is VERY brief, no more than 5 minutes. Any longer, and if we don't titrate to the right dose, we will appear as assholes, not dingleberries!
After they invest into our interaction or show interest, IOI, not running away or backturning to us, then we continue by showing our interest. Girls have to know that (1) we lead interesting lives (2) we are interested in them (3) for reasons that we bait them, either in Juggler's investment into the interaction or Mystery's A3 phase of M3 qualifications. This is important because we always start at the evaluation frame. We are not some horn dogs with legs and will jump on any girl, but we have standards. Not all guys have standards, but if we are guys with value, we will decide if she's worthwhile. This is what being in-her game is about; not only do we follow the Dubya plan, we are the deciders! Then we have to hang in there, like dingleberries, we don't let go. Most naturals do this because they don't open as many sets as we do; actually only a few guys have the balls to open. However, one thing many of us beginners will eject because we are afraid of the uncomfortable silence. If we setup the open questions, or qualifications, we have to give them a chance to show that they are worthy; or in Juggler's term, we run the vacuum.
After all that, then we can talk more about the next phase. Being the closer. We have to build enough momentum, from the formation of dingleberries, to congealing, hardening, and remaining sticky in order to close!
I'm a firm believer of the dingleberry method. Matter of fact, when the In-Her game DVD comes out, I'll be giving a special talk about it to some selected lair members.
And the first 3 lucky guys who sign up will get a complimentary butt plug with water-based lube, along with the 1/2 price for sign up before the end of the month!
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