How to get the 10's!
Or be the 10 magnet! Yeah, I know. There's one mistake that guys make, and one trap I fell into before, was that we have this stupid system. It's not a system for getting girls, in fact, it's not something that serves any useful purpose whatsoever! It's a system that ranks girls on a scale of 1-10.
Guys create these artificial barriers for themselves. If she's a 6, then I will talk to her in a certain way, and if she's a 8 and above, I have to open and throw in couple of negs. So even before I walk up and talk to her, I've already created all this drama in my head and so I won't be present, I'm already disoriented, and not do what I am supposed to do, focus on our interaction.
Of course, community guys would take it to the next level of mental masturbation, they do what the middle/high school juvenile kids would do, go brag to their friends. Really, that's what FR/LR's really are. Are we that hard up for validation / approval (at best)?! Or are we just being animals by doing these chest thumpings? I propose that it's more than insecurity that these guys are whipping out their dicks to compare.
I suspect that deep down, they are homosexuals, they just want to check each other out. I would even venture to postulate that they have such an elaborate system of going after girls so that they don't have to confront their deepest fear, not fear of girls, not fear of rejection, not fear of failure, i.e., when they messed up, their excuse is that they haven't mastered such a complex system of getting girls, but the reality is that they fear what they know is true inside, that they want men. Not just approval from men, not just admiration, but sexual gratification.
Instead of stopping at what's superficial, go after the common core within most girls. Another thing I would steal from Cesar Milan, not just his motto of having "calm assertive energy," but start from the most basic level. She's not the 10, she's not just Jennifer so-and-so. But she's an animal first, human second, female third, whatever ethnicity fourth, family fifth, and we may quibble on a few other rankings, and finally, her name & look last. So, our totally useless ranking should not even be in the picture.
How do we approach an animal? Do not hesitate, do not be skittish, be confident (slow & calm), be assertive (i.e. lead!). What about her human side? Be positive, be respectful,... I might elaborate more in the future. This came up in my conversation with a friend last night, I've dated 3 girls who participated in beauty pageants, 2 were runner ups, I know, I have to jump start my game so it would work on that winner, the HB10! Remember those unattainable cheerleaders / girls in the dance team in high school? Been there, done that! And you know what? Deep down, they are just girls. They have the similar doubts and frustrations, fears and disappointments, hopes and dreams... within their cores, they were no different than many other average looking girls!
So the money shot for this entry is, quit ranking girls, quit playing games and stop strategizing, instead, starting today, see past their looks, I'm not advocating we go for land-manatees, beached whales, girls who are fugly enough to be picked up by many big-name gurus, and girls with FUPA. If she's fuckable, go talk to her. See what's up with her and drill deep into her core. Find out what makes her tick, what makes her special, tell her that.
P.S. Negs do work, if she's unresponsive, bitchy, then tease her a bit. Push her away with some disqualifications, see if she comes back to gauge her interest. You see, community materials are useful, sometimes, in the right context.
Its interesting how much you comment that most community people are gay. I've always wondered if these are just guys that have been brought up too effeminate to get girls. I mean seriously why would you go around chasing girls if you were gay? Perhaps people just suck, that seems like a more likely scenario.
I think these people spend so much time chasing girls just so they can cover up that deep down, that they are gay. It's the classic overcompensation.
I knew very little about girls, and was definitely not the best looking guy, and I had girls before this community b.s. I thought that if I could do it without community materials then, so can everyone else. Unless biologically, these guys are not meant to procreate!
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