This is the place for some tough love. Part of being a man is to lead, to take action, to be responsible, to face reality, and to respond appropriately. Yet, many who pretend to be leaders of men are bunch of excusers. Oh, I can't really go out because I'm seeing this girl, then don't get involved in the community that was created to learn and practice seducing girls. Oh, I can't really go out because I have this problem, like I'm bald BUT... I'm proud to be bald. No, not really... you are not, that's why you are reading this! And you know what? There's another famous bald PUA and I am just like him. But dude, have you look into the mirror and see what a chode you are?!
Not only do you not have hairs, you don't have any balls! You are still stalking your ex-gf and watching her flirt with other guys while you surround yourself with more chodes in a famous pickup bar, filled with beautiful women, fun party girls, and you are doing what?! Pretending to be a guru, to men, who don't get laid! That's right. You might as well start a virgin or born-again virgin club.
That must be rough, to move in and hoping that was enough to lock her down. Dude, do you have any experience with any girl before her? Especially experience with party girls?! Practice the catch'n'release. Just let it go. When you have discovered you are not good at something, move on. Sometimes, when you realize you simply don't have the talent, the courage, the commitment, or whatever that prevents you from becoming good, move on to something that you might have a chance to be good at, like be a code monkey and pound away 24/7 inside a dungeon to churn out more bug-laden code. That's why your company was the first to came up with a reboot button, because on/off button isn't enough.
Sure, self-improvement is great if you want to be better yourself. But if the self isn't there or even ready to change, you are still embracing those failures, nursing your wounds, and licking your little balls, perhaps you simply are not ready to embark on this journey, to be a man. Which is okay, just don't be all delusional, and if someone poke at one of your weaknesses, you jump and scream and cry like a little boy.
You know what? I love it when people point out my flaws, because they actually give a shit. Yes, I'm an attention whore that way. Why do you think I write this blog?! In fact, I bait you on a daily basis. So keep coming back here to read about yourself, keep going on the forum to see if I have written something juicy about you, just keep stalking me, I'm like the bf you will soon have, if you keep surrounding yourself with more gay boys, pretty soon, you will be fellating ea other, just to release the tension, the high BT generated by your banter, captivating stories,... You simply can't let go, because you enjoy the pain, the daily e-flagellation you get from me. We would make such a perfect couple, I'm a sadist and you are a masochist. You know why we won't ever work out, I like to pull hair and you ain't got any!
FYI, not everything is about you, part of growing up for little boys is to discover that there's more to life than just you. Go ahead, be a boy, a little boy, and use this blog as an excuse not to talk to girls. In fact, tell more girls about me. I love getting approached!