Thursday, May 31, 2007


This is the place for some tough love. Part of being a man is to lead, to take action, to be responsible, to face reality, and to respond appropriately. Yet, many who pretend to be leaders of men are bunch of excusers. Oh, I can't really go out because I'm seeing this girl, then don't get involved in the community that was created to learn and practice seducing girls. Oh, I can't really go out because I have this problem, like I'm bald BUT... I'm proud to be bald. No, not really... you are not, that's why you are reading this! And you know what? There's another famous bald PUA and I am just like him. But dude, have you look into the mirror and see what a chode you are?!

Not only do you not have hairs, you don't have any balls! You are still stalking your ex-gf and watching her flirt with other guys while you surround yourself with more chodes in a famous pickup bar, filled with beautiful women, fun party girls, and you are doing what?! Pretending to be a guru, to men, who don't get laid! That's right. You might as well start a virgin or born-again virgin club.

That must be rough, to move in and hoping that was enough to lock her down. Dude, do you have any experience with any girl before her? Especially experience with party girls?! Practice the catch'n'release. Just let it go. When you have discovered you are not good at something, move on. Sometimes, when you realize you simply don't have the talent, the courage, the commitment, or whatever that prevents you from becoming good, move on to something that you might have a chance to be good at, like be a code monkey and pound away 24/7 inside a dungeon to churn out more bug-laden code. That's why your company was the first to came up with a reboot button, because on/off button isn't enough.

Sure, self-improvement is great if you want to be better yourself. But if the self isn't there or even ready to change, you are still embracing those failures, nursing your wounds, and licking your little balls, perhaps you simply are not ready to embark on this journey, to be a man. Which is okay, just don't be all delusional, and if someone poke at one of your weaknesses, you jump and scream and cry like a little boy.

You know what? I love it when people point out my flaws, because they actually give a shit. Yes, I'm an attention whore that way. Why do you think I write this blog?! In fact, I bait you on a daily basis. So keep coming back here to read about yourself, keep going on the forum to see if I have written something juicy about you, just keep stalking me, I'm like the bf you will soon have, if you keep surrounding yourself with more gay boys, pretty soon, you will be fellating ea other, just to release the tension, the high BT generated by your banter, captivating stories,... You simply can't let go, because you enjoy the pain, the daily e-flagellation you get from me. We would make such a perfect couple, I'm a sadist and you are a masochist. You know why we won't ever work out, I like to pull hair and you ain't got any!

FYI, not everything is about you, part of growing up for little boys is to discover that there's more to life than just you. Go ahead, be a boy, a little boy, and use this blog as an excuse not to talk to girls. In fact, tell more girls about me. I love getting approached!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

OMFG, yes, you are "special"

A generation of attention whores! No wonder so many of these kids are on antidepressants. People should do what they are required to do, paid to do, and now, these kids are demanding constant praise, e.g., instead of employee of the month, there's employee of the day! When will they discover, yes, they are special AND unique, just like everyone else?!

We have to get people to rediscover the true meaning of self-esteem, from inside of oneself. We are way too needy; we don't need more psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, worst yet, life coaches or whatever else to constantly telling us how great we are. We are great because we achieved, we accomplished what we set out to do. People have to learn to accept that they are not always winners, there are plenty of losers and they are still okay. Stop with this neediness, it's not attractive nor sexy!

Thankfully, there are over 70 million of these kids, i.e., 35 million females. As most gen-X girls have already or are reaching mid-life crisis (passing their christmas cake age), there are plenty growing up and becoming available. The secret is constant praise. So go direct, heap on the compliments, boys!

A guaranteed way to get girls... of any kind

To do almost anything, and to satisfy any fetish you have... definitely cheaper than a workshop, less work than going out, and ultimately, less traumatizing than getting married. I'm not sure I should give this away for free. You know what sucks even more? To see guys who market themselves, whoring themselves out to other guys, doing their utmost to seduce others, qualifying themselves, and worst yet, although comical, and quite sad at the same time, being sooooooooo needy!

I know, I'm sure we all have quotas to meet, but the last thing about having a strong innergame is to have the confidence to let go, to know that you are good enough, to not be outcome dependent. Afterall, this shit is about focusing on the process, not the result, right? Sorry, I got carried away and became supplicating by asking you, the humble reader, for confirmation, to validate me.

Oh right, I almost forgot about that open loop I created earlier. I would love to make you sign an NDA, but because you are my friends, my loyal readers, I won't charge you the full price. Alright, for you, and for this limited time only, I would give it to you for free, which would make me look illegitimate, so I do have to make something. For the time I've spent crafting this message. I will say this much. After you learn this, it will shatter your world, your reality, you will be a newly liberated man, with choices, the freedom to choose, so here it is... please don't tell your friends, refer them to me instead! I hope you can afford it... not for me, but for them!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The skinny on PU workshops

Almost all human interactions are different variations of marketing. I understand the value of money; but yes, I am idealistic. I do believe in doing good for its own reward, helping others without getting any return, making a difference in the world because I want that to be my legacy, being nice to people who deserve my friendship. So these are my caveats lector... on with what I think is a "pickup" and what are the dirty secrets of pickup workshops.

Before I dive into PU workshops, let's set some boundaries on what is pickup. A true pickup is whereby two strangers meet, they strike up a conversation, they found commonalities, they establish an emotional connection, and underlying all that, is an inherent physical attraction for each other. Eventually, they go from verbal to physical to sexual intercourse. A good pickup compresses the time frame between face time to sexy time.

Most typical PU workshops take about 35 hours spanning over 3 days. Within that period, there will be class time, going out, meeting and talking to women. That is certainly not enough to learn anything more than just approaching people and initiating conversation. In order for people to get used to talking with strangers, rapidly finding common interests, establishing emotional rapport while eliciting attraction, do you really think that you can learn all those, along with social awareness to have the correct calibration to know what to do within a span of 3 days?! I would contend not.

If you consider taking a workshop, the expectation should be all about learning how to approach and that's all. Despite all those money back guarantee and promise of individualized training, no one will know who you are, what you are capable of, and where you will be than yourself. Unless you are taking private instruction, where the instructor hangs out with you, feels invested in your progress, you are just another student among thousands that he teaches.

In addition to all those considerations, there are more seduction gurus than diseases. They are like parasites on the community. Who would you consider? Even the big names, in trying to expand and corner market, are hiring crappy instructors and most of them are no better at getting women than your average joe.

My advice is to first, upgrade your wardrobe (yes, first impression and presentation matters), get a "sexy" haircut, treat yourself well to look as good as possible. Do what women do, give yourself a makeover. The next step is to work on finding out who you are, answering those difficult questions about your identity, your goals, your desires, your dreams. Also address your failures, where you are in life and determine the path of where you want to go. Basically, you have to know your strengths and your weakneses, and to conquer your demons. Once you have good answers to those questions and you are at peace with yourself. Then you are ready to meet new people. No amount of money, coaching,... can replace the self in self-improvement.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Lay off!!!

Following on my self-assessment how I have improved on my own and with "wings" who can behave like normal people, I have been inundated with calls, emails, texts, PMs,... of lame attempts from guys trying to seduce me (not the real life gay seduction). Seriously, I have enough spams in my mailbox, emails, and now I'm getting countless solicitations from these self-proclaimed gurus. I don't care about your money back guarantee, I don't care about losing "friendships" that are based on false pretenses: on making money off my back or using me to write prescriptions for you to sustain your habit. If you don't see the intrinsic value in who I am and what I am, get the fuck away from me.

I'm not your piggy bank, I'm not your ATM, I might make more or less money than you, I don't care, but you are not getting any of it. If you want to help me, wing with me, hang out with me, or vice versa, I'm okay with that if I have time. But if you have any sort of hidden agenda, I already sensed it and I don't like it. So get the fuck away from me if you think you can leech anything off me. You are not the first loser to try to get stuff from me, I have been dealing with drug addict patients before you have received your first bj that got you to nut inside her mouth! Besides, I doubt that you are getting any more girls, or hotter ones, or anything at all. Because I have yet to see you doing anything impressive in field. So STOP with creating this hype, you are a nobody, clearly the result of your great reframing technique! HA!

Go get a fucking life, go make some money like everyone else, not from your so-called community friends you are using the guise of helping them, AND go get laid, I've been getting that before I got into the community, I will continue to get girls, with or without this bullshit. Unless you plan on blowing me, with the stipulation that I get to knock out your front teeth first, I don't mind you gumming me, but definitely not biting my manhood with your yellow smoke-stained rotten teeth. Like I have written already, I want to give everyone, including your sorry ass the impression that I am not good, so I can get you to reveal your true colors. Now I have seen them, you are just another pathetic nickname on my ignore list. Thanks for playing! NEXT!

A memorable Memorial weekend

Back when I first joined the community, just 13 months ago, I thought there is a set of techniques that will give me choice, the freedom to choose, with desirable women. Only one of the few guys I respect in the community, who I have seen with my own eyes, who can PU hot girls, who dates hot girls, and he said something that to this day, I am impressed with his sense of ethical code for moral conducts.

Just like sharks that smelled blood, there is a feeding frenzy of freshmeat newbies. I stand by, among a few other guys, who I met over 1 year ago, I realize how far, those of us who go out regularly together have helped ea other out, how most of us have improved. Then I look at these other veterans, who claim to be good, who try to be leaders of men, who try to manipulate situation behind the scene, who try to be mediators, who try to appear as gurus, I can only pity them for all that they have missed out while they stay at home busily scheming and plotting to be authentic. For those of us who struggled in field, someone who I rolled with made a very keen observation, that those who I meet up regularly have improved dramatically. It almost makes putting up with many of these losers worthwhile, because now I know who they are, I know who to avoid!

When I go up to almost any stranger, I feel I have the power to befriend that person. Moreover, I feel that I can guide and direct that interaction to the desired outcome. The new found power of choice! If I were to pinpoint one thing, it is the experience of going out of interacting with strangers regularly. The cummulative experience, the multitude of hijinks, the great time we had together, they form the foundation for many stories to share with people. Life is too short to be by oneself, whether to work on innergame alone (most likely, "manually"), or to meet up with others and have more mutual mental masturbations (i.e. "meeting"). The fun is about going out, having a great time together, being with people who bring value and fun, instead of people who reek of hidden agendas. Life is indeed good; to have hot girls calling me, girls that other guys would die to fuck, and these girls couldn't reach me because I was out having a good time and meeting up even more desirable girls.

We were at this gathering. Those who I rolled with regularly fanned out and basically owned the place. We were introducing people we just met to each other. And pretty soon, I discovered there were 4 other MD's. Despite how we all learned to have people skills, to make use of intimate knowledge of people, most of them were very shy and within their own shell. Interestingly, I felt I was the only one who was able to bring all of them together and to venue change them. Sure, community techniques were useful. It's not what were used, but how and when they were used that made our interactions seemed more natural. My observation of them made me realized how much I have changed, how far that some of us have improved. Just WOW! Something we all have to celebrate!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Leader of none, follower of women

Part of the recipe for success in this requires us as guys deciding where we want to take the interaction. Unlike social circle game, there is a requirement for observing social convention, and it's almost like a formal dance. I noticed recently that with many sets that girls are just waiting for guys to lead. When guys don't step up and decide where to go, that's when they lose the set!

Contrast this with many who try to live their life by the mantra, "Lead the men, then women will follow." Instead, the reality is that all they do is to try to lead men by doing silly shit, by getting into silly political fights with other guys, and the sad fact is, they are just like little lost puppies following women around, especially in bars, our main hunting ground. What I saw last night, I have yet to see anything more pathetic. How sad they are. No wonder women dump their sorry asses. In the end, they end up with nothing.

A good sign whether someone is any good with women is how he is with people in general. Guys who are busy scheming and calculating, constantly involving in self-talk to strategize, tactics for manipulation of others, not being able to make friends with strangers in any environment, instead of being in the moment. Guys who are good with people, they may not necessarily be good with girls, but I can assure you that there's much to learn from them than from another guy in the community, who can talk the talk, but can't walk the walk. If anything one is to take away from the community, is to not be in the community of losers. Grow some balls, go out there, and make friends. Then worry about picking up girls later.

A bad sign whether someone to avoid is a person with some hidden agenda. Girls pick up on this right away, we as guys tend not be as astute in sniffing this out. For myself, there is an implicit social contract I have with people. We are in this to improve ourselves, and our skills with women (not men). Life is short; I just don't have time for games among men nor games with women. My interaction with women is all about leading, escalating, pushing boundaries/envelope to reach my goal. My interaction with men is about improving each other, if our goals don't align, then I will spend my time in doing more rewarding activities and with more helpful people.

Life is short,
But the craft is long

-- Hippocrates 460-377 B.C.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Popping the cork

Something that clicked for me recently, in writing FR for my personal evaluation, is that part of being a man is to lead. In Juggler Method lingo, he talks about escalation. In Mystery Method lingo, is about pushing the interaction through different phases; the problem with people running M3 is that they fail to push A1-A3 within 3-5 minutes. Yes, it really doesn't take that long!

If I approach and open a set confidently, even if I'm running canned routine opener, and sometimes, I can see on their facial expression that they know I'm running a line. They will still be there and listen. More often than not, the more ballsy and outrageous it is, the more likely I will hook those sets. In retrospect, the problem hasn't been that I don't get attraction, usually, they fizzle or crash because I failed to lead.

Girls always talk about finding a confident guy being attractive. One trait of a confident man is to know what he wants, how he will get it, and he is determined to reach his goal. The problem with crashed sets have been my lack of initiative, to lead, to escalate, to push the interaction, to explore boundaries (that I placed on myself). People who stand around and do nothing are literally tied themselves up with self-talks and overanalyzing themselves and those around them. Instead, they should pull the Superman/Spiderman move, start moving their feet toward their target, rip away the socially imposed bounds (in the case of those superheroes, shedding their restrictive clothes and showing their true colors).

The next part is not just action, but with a direction for the collective set of actions that will lead to a destination. Sure, we all have the final destination of 6-foot under and will all eventually going tits up. Until then, there are many waypoints, the goal is to have as many interesting, fun, and memory building locations before we reach the final destination.

Sets that I failed to escalate, to push their boundaries, to test for compliance, usually fizzled out. From now on, I will harness that initial momentum and use it to push the level of interaction, compliance tests, etc, to a greater height. Once I figure out the sequential step, then it will be a new in-her game tactic.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Trichotillomania interruptus v. forme fruste

Awhile back I blogged a bit about cell death as the body's way of policing itself, to protect itself, sacrificing one or a few cells to isolate damage to the rest of the body. Those are pathological forms of cell death, mostly in response to injuries. There are also physiological forms of cell death; examples include cells between digits dying so that we don't born with web hands, like ducks, or later in life, where hair follicles degenerate under the influence of testosterones, commit quiet suicide, little bits, dying slowly.

The morphological hallmark of physiological cell death is the quiet disappearance of these cells without triggering inflammation; which I will blog about in the future (I know, don't get too excited). There are also frustrated forms of physiological cell death. By that, I mean the process is interrupted. The best example would be skin cells. Technically, they have committed suicide, yet the cell soma is still here, serving as a barrier to prevent the hostile environment outside from invading the sterile environment inside. Another would be red blood cells, they are so specialized, so well trained, in their mission in life, in sustaining life, that they don't even have the heart and soul of a cell, the nucleus. In the case of keratinocytes (skin cells), they are dead; but that's not the case with red blood cells, they don't die until they are gobbled up by other cells in the liver. Yeah, don't get me started on how you swallow, eat, and digest your own cells and proteins on a daily basis. So all these cells are what we called terminally differentiated. They don't become anything else, their fates have been determined. At an earlier point in their lives, they could have the potential to become anything, as we are currently trying to coax stem cells to do, but these cells at this stage, however, are fated to serve a limited set of functions then die. They have, in essence, petered out.

Yes, I know I'm anthropomorphosizing the process. This is how we all relate to the world, using what we know in order to acquire, incorporate, and organize information. One can only imagine the frustration if a normal process is disrupted, or in this case, interrupted. How does this frustration manifests itself? In the case of keratinocytes, they just slough off and become the dust in our house, as waste. In the case of erythrocytes (red blood cells), their content, such as hemoglobin, is recycled.

The distinction of whether something is useful or not is difficult. It's almost as bad as trying to figure out the cause and effect. For example, if you see someone who is bald, does s/he have trichotillomania (and possibly trichophagia, a "zebra") or just another case of alopecia areata (the horse)? Sure, there are clinical signs that we can look for, but to a lay person, who is reading online medical books without training, how would that person figure out without clinical experience? It's almost like trying to figure out what I am saying in my blog without knowing who I really am and what I'm really saying. What inspired all this? Subcommunication.

Something I leave you with, you know the expression about people who are frustrated, they pull their hairs out. What happens to those who are already bald? Where do they find an outlet for their frustration?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

LG: Life is good

Being an academic provides a great deal of freedom. Part of that is to use my time and to contribute back to the body of literature, not just in terms of publishing my work, my results, my ideas, and my discoveries, I also help review papers, grants, and referee conflicting works. I don't mind that as my fellow colleagues are obligated to do the same for me. The fun part is that we get to b.s., to do some chest pounding, and quite often, to whip out our dicks to compare. Sometimes, we have to do the proverbial circle jerk; or as I euphemistically call those meetings, mutual mental masturbation session, M3 for short.

One skill I developed from my work is I'm very well versed in giving backhanded compliments. I don't really have a choice but to be smart when I'm surrounded/hounded by people whose IQ's are 140+. Or in PU lingo, push-pulls. In fact, when I was growing up, I was often chastised for doing it naturally. Who would have thunk this stuff is becoming so useful when I grow up, especially in PU?!

The 3 pillars that support a happy satisfied life, which Mystery talks about (yeah, do you think I actually read real books?!) in VAH, defintely hold true for me. Health, wealth, and relationships. I was battling the flu from hell, uh, China, which isn't that far off from hell for most people there. I had absolutely no motivation to go to work or to hang out with friends. Before that, the work situation was a bit tenuous. Now that both of those pillars are finally stabilized, I have so much more fun going out and meeting new people.

Thank goodness I don't just talk to guys or observe girls from afar, I think girls have a term for that, creepy stalkerish behavior. It is true that happiness comes from within, or in PU lingo, all games are inner game. That's not the end though; ultimately, it's the in HER game. Allow me to return back to China, I'm sure those Tibetan monks (don't write to me about Tibetan independence, Richard Gere, and I won't talk about that hamster incidence) have plenty of inner game. Yet, they are celibate. So having inner game is great, but in-her game is even better. Trust me, I'm a doctor.

P.S. Seriously, stop with the phone calls, text messages, emails,... I already made my official statement and I stand by it.

Monday, May 21, 2007

The not-so surreal life

I'm going to make this entry short, so that I can quell the number of texts I'm getting, dispell any persistent rumor, and allay any unwarranted fear. I have not had any sexual relation with gf, ex-gf, mother, sisters of anyone that I already know; well, not intentionally, it's definitely not my goal. It's not my fault that we clicked, especially how we both agree that you are a dork; not so surprisingly, it's a widely held belief, even among those who claimed to be your friends. Back to me, you can blame my parents for giving me the good looks, quick wit, and intelligence; I'll take credit for my charms.

As I use for my tried-and-true LMR breakthrough routine: here it is, just the tip! There's a very environmentally friendly technique that I practice with party girls: catch'n'release. I don't move in with them, etc., because I take committed relationships very seriously. They are like sacred cows for me, even when I'm getting offer of free milk from elsewhere.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The in-her game(tm): The Dubya Plan

Now the architect of bringing freedom to Iraq, Paul Wolfowitz, finally resigned from his position as the head of the World Bank; probably the first Jew to fail at running a bank. I think he should get on the lecture circuit, like Rudy Giuliani once did, and help motivate us how to fail. Since this is a "pick up" blog, we only talk about how to succeed. I got the best plan for success.

Those who have rolled with me probably heard me tell this joke. So you can skip this entry. For you girls who read this, go right ahead and leave your contact info in comment, don't worry, it'll be our secret; I won't publish it unless you feel this urge to get back at someone!

The first step of my Dubya plan of PU is to: 1. Go in. We have to commit to going in, we don't look around and gather intelligence, we don't wait, just let your feet do the walking and we just have to accept that the first few times, we will fail. This is what I called "having balls." For those of you who lack them or with hypogonadism, you'll just have to keep hanging around with guys and eventually, you get to feel some of their balls instead.

For those of you with experience in making many approaches, you'll soon discover that we all have to talk for the first couple minutes, just enough to flip those Mystery attraction switches. If we don't, girls will lose interest, worst yet, who the fuck we are and they certainly won't be attracted. 2. Stay in. This means we will need to use stories to DHV, or just to introduce who we are tacitly without sounding like a shallow braggart. The goal here is to reach hook point, to elicit sufficient attractions by demonstrating who we are. In some ways, this is what most guys with experienced with warm approaches or got girls thru friends of friends don't have to do. We can't verbiage girls to spread their legs, but we can certainly give them an idea, or sufficient intrigue to wonder if there's more than what meets their eyes.

Once we have passed the initial attraction phase, or reached hook point, the rest requires us men to lead. We have to escalate. I just came back from a house party, every set blew wide open and hook point was almost a given. The difficulty was that I had to escalate discreetly. By that, I mean I have to go beyond just stories, but I have to vibe and establish rapport. Remember the shallow part? Well, this is when we need to talk about emotional depth. I would venture to say that most people are not shallow, however, most people simply don't know how to talk with strangers. We automatically put up these walls despite our deeper desire to connect with people. Being a man is to be able to lead by example. We vibe so that we don't become emoting creeps, and then we have to be able to dive into deep emotions. Something that we are truly passionate about; even for someone with obsessing with men, or even less gay, money, like the Donald. 3. No exit strategy.

If the interaction has reached this far, then there's no reason for any fuck up. The goal is to be in her. I talked a bit about the initial stages previously. We need to set up the chase cycle, as some have coined this. This is what sustains a romantic relationship, for those who consistently failed or never had one. Although we are born to succeed & breed, I feel a successful life means leaving more than just biological progeny as my legacy. There is a greater purpose.

So that's all... Paul Wolfowitz. I can be the shadow architect for the new Dubya plan for seduction. Ask yourself, WWJD, "What would a Jew do?" Go walk the track and make me some money, biatch!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A new hope

Now that we can grow hairs out of stem cells... The next step is to grow balls for some hairy balls!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Compliance and a stronger frame

I don't get many "Aha!" moments nowadays. Probably due to old age or lack of cortical activities in my cerebrum. One side effect of being unreactive is that I often just don't give a shit and like water off a duck's back, I go on without wasting karmic energy on most things. Or as one friend advised, erase these negative people from my life and my thoughts. How is this related to pickup?

We probably heard that most interactions are the collisions of frames, whoever has the stronger frame wins. As shown with those who are good with women, they tend to be quite good at manipulating people, as in both men and women, in general. By good with women, I, of course, meant that getting them to comply, which could range from the beginning of the interaction, getting them to hook into the conversation, accepting and reciprocating kino, to further along in the interaction to venue change, and ultimately, accepting and enjoying the cock.

How is this generalized to manipulating other men? This started as my observation that those who tend to violate other people's boundaries, pushing the interaction further than most are willing, tend to get the results they desire. Then I saw the same observation repeating over and over again, from stories and experiences of many, that people complained (not just out of jealousy) that guys who are good with women are quite adept at manipulating and extracting favors from those around them. Most men are bred and raised to be followers, they feel that they must give up something to gain something else. They simply don't see value in their existence.

I personally find this revelation quite alarming. Do I want to continue down this road in order to be good with women? I've seen many who have failed, and they ended up as passive aggressive whiners, or in general, they become gossipy girlie boys who simply complain, or try to get others to comply when they simply don't have that strong frame to force onto others, or worst yet, lie and pray that others might give in. Can this set of dominant behaviors be controlled, i.e., turn on and off at will? The sad news is that I suspect that it has a more biological basis, that once the switch is flipped, there's no turning back.

P.S. For those who want specific techniques, this post on Sinn's blog on being a closer is MONEY!

Monday, May 14, 2007

FR: mundane small talks

Lately, I've been going out alone or with relatively normal and socially well-adjusted people who can carry a normal boring conversation without running game. Starting Friday night, I went to a mixed club/bar by myself quite early in the evening. There was, of course, a line of guys sitting at the bar. I went up and started small talk with them. I don't even remember what we talked about... but they were obviously out hunting. Two guys going out together are to get laid, same with two girls.

Soon afterward, my friend came and we continued our small talks with other sets. Throughout the night, they were providing us with social proof by walking by and talking to us. Girls somehow ended up standing nearby us just waiting to be opened, which we did. We bounced to another venue and met up with two natural friends who were just out drinking. They were able to hook a group of girls, but they couldn't close the deal, as these guys are living with their gf's. One thing I discovered recently is that how easy it has been for me to blow girls/guys out of mixed sets by making guys within the set appear as the social violators (thank you, lovedrop!).

For the first time, however, I encountered resistance. There was this guy, not only did he take the bait, he further disqualified himself. One thing he didn't do, like most guys usually tuck their tails and leave, he stayed in, maintained composure, and surprisingly, girls also stayed. I didn't gather enough information as whether they were friends or not, which I need to do next time!

Fast forward to Saturday night, I was again out by myself at first. I met up with people I knew long ago and they were out with their girlfriends, so I was out sarging alone. This nite, my goal was to up the challenge by opening girls who were obviously waiting for their bf's. One girl I opened didn't hook, I stayed in and plowed for a bit. Another discovery I stumbled on is that as long as I am comfortable with myself, at ease with myself, and hang in there (like that guy I failed to AMOG), I was the normal guy and when the bf returned, I did the Juggler's alpha-nice. I did small talks with a few more sets like that.

Not once did any guy threatened me or anything bad happened. As long as I was interested in who they were, i.e. not asking opinions on silly relationship/mystery questions, they even shook my hand when I left! This reinforces what I used to do before joining the community, is that I get people to talk about themselves, rather than some other topics that may be chick cracks, but have no relevance to them. We are all egomaniacs. I now think that "qualifications" or A3 is about getting people to open up, or in Juggler's term, getting them to invest into the conversation.

Back to being an ass. To AMOG guys out of set, go in with relatively higher energy, bait guys to be social violators. To stay in set with couples, go in with chill, social vibe, and do NOT run game. The task, for next week, is to escalate and run some attraction games to see how far I can get away with couples. More to come...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Grow some HAIRY balls

For those who haven't experienced this before or lately, the solution to many problems, including many frustrated guys in the "lair." They should go get laid. Nothing makes the day brighter, the world more peaceful, happier with life, than nutting inside a girl. Try it!

Quit trying to be a "president" by joining internet forums to talk with other frustrated guys who don't get laid, unless you decide to escalate from verbal/posting intercourse to sexual intercourse with them.

And one more thing, I wish "confidence" had the confidence to call me directly to ask for the favor himself! Thank you for trusting us enough to release the entire private email list to us. I expect to see more great deeds from you. All hail the newly anointed president!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Why in-her game(tm)?

There is a Descartesian divide in PU of separating inner vs. outer games. Do people who succeed are required to have both strong inner and outer games? There's the David D (like many who came into the community thru his brilliant marketing) who talks a great deal about inner game, having a strong frame etc. Then there are guys like Mystery, who focuses more on techniques in order to get the results. I had a long discussion about guys who have strong inner game tend to be almost delusional, despite their beliefs, they don't achieve much results. So what is the right balance?

I like quantifiable results. At the end of the day/nite, when we cut through the b.s. about self-improvement, becoming a better self, etc. We are in this to get girls. Yes, it's quite a shallow goal. Do we need to take this long detour of self-improvement, developing a strong inner game,... just to get girls? I believe that innergame should not be about girls, it should be about having and exuding confidence, rule #1. It's not about how much girls want me, that belief, by itself, is flawed. I am who I am in spite of whether girls wanting me, my happiness and self-esteem should come from within, not to be validated by how much girls want me. The take it and leave it attitude, or in Brad P's words, "Blow me or blow me out." Or stated in a different way, Sinn discussed about being indifferent.

Then where does that leave us? Outer game goes beyond the words we spit out and games/routines we run. If we don't make a strong impression, yes, the dreaded "looks." Then we will have no chance to run any game. Why are certain guys much better at this than others? Where they improve so much faster, they are the rising stars? It's not because they got game, I would contend it's their looks. Contrary to community beliefs, I'm willing to bet that most fat girls have plenty of self-esteem, a strong inner game than skinny good looking girls. With a few exceptions, would any of us want to talk to those fat girls? Looks, in the case for guys, presentation matters. I noticed a huge difference in results when I changed my wardrobe. PU, similar to having a gf, is a very expensive hobby. Until people have health and wealth sorted out, don't even bother to participate in the game.

The solution isn't to just think girls wanting us. We should think more about ourselves, what makes us happy, no, it's not girls. We need to get our shit together. We have to work on being at peace with ourselves, being happy with who we are, not needing to do PU in order to be happy, it's not: I have to do this so I can move on with my life. There's also a balance, we can't live in a cocoon thinking we are some mack daddies when we are not getting laid; similarly, like fat girls who think they are BBW, when there's no beauty in being fat.

With inner game, it's about being a confident person who is leading a fun and exciting life (rule #10). With outer game, we first have to develop an attractive look. Then we can work on becoming social. These are just stepping stones. Ultimately, we have to push our interactions, rule #9. We will have drinks thrown in our face, we will get slapped, we might even get kicked out of venues. If we don't experience failures, we haven't reached nor explored our limits. It's not about making the ho say no, it's about making her submit, by leading. This is all about being in-her game. No amount of thumb twiddling thinking how girls want us or staring at the mirror admiring our look matters. The goal isn't the how guys say we are good, or how much we can scam off other guys, it is about being in the vagine. Really, it's that simple, if you are not in her, all your inner and outer games mean nothing.

Alanis Morissette: "We'll love you just the way you are if you're perfect."

Monday, May 7, 2007

What makes us tick

I'm a bit behind in my move and left my server (computer) at my old place. So I brought along a laptop to the new place so I don't get internet withdrawal. Normally, I prefer my thinkpad with its trackpoint that I so fondly use to move the mouse pointer around... Since its wireless is a bit flakey, I brought along the other laptop, with the touchpad instead.

I could go write a long rant'n'rave about how much I prefer trackpoint over touchpad. But I digressed, I made the best of the situation and learned to customize the touchpad properties, like its tapzones, etc. This got me thinking. I'm one of those guys, when I install programs, I almost always choose "Custom." When I am about to double-click something the first time, I would use the right mouse click to see what other options there are. When I get my hands on a new gadget/toy, I want to figure out how it works, what I can do with it. When I meet someone, I want to figure out what makes him/her tick.

Perhaps that's why my mentor a few years back suggested I devote a small part of my life to doing research, figure how stuff works, and then incorporate that into my practice. Before I started clinical work, I was busy tinkering with computers, applying math I learned to doing simulation, which got me into graphics to visualize results of simulations, then user interface design so that I could manipulate objects and "programming" simulations, and eventually, I started learning how to use scripts to bring modular programs to work and communicate with each other.

Why this tangent and how it relates to PU? I wouldn't say I was happy with my dating life, I certainly have had gf's before and I was not a complete social retard. Then I join the community thinking I was going to learn more about picking up girls. Surprisingly, I learned about a great deal of human interactions. Sadly, most of it from the politics between guys trying to out maneuver each other, basically, guys were too busy seducing each other instead of out getting girls.

When confronted with any novel situation/object, I tend to do a distant meta-analysis of it. The only conclusion, as I just discussed with another friend about people in the community, is that guys who are in this have no other life experience except this. Perhaps this is their only transformative experience. Since they only have work or school before, the only thing they can apply to any social situation is to go back to their same old behavioral patterns, politics. They don't go out to have fun with other people, but constantly scheming, planning, comparing, calculating, competing,... with each other, while they have missed the real goal of PU community, we are supposed to share what we learned, develop some techniques based on our experience, and ultimately, we are in this to get girls. As misogynistic as this may sound, the tip of our knives, the barrel of our guns, and the glans of our penises should not be pointing at each other, instead, they should be directed toward the vagines... or the anoos... of the female kind.

If guys do NOT set aside their anti-social tendencies that got them into the community in the first place, they will never get to have friends, uh, "reliable wings." I think the next phase of the community is not about having more natural game, it's about having a more organic game, one we don't just go in oozing out our agendas and projecting neediness. If guys are frustrated, figure out how to relieve their problems elsewhere, going out is about having fun being social. Be a man, a straight man, go get girls, not guys.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Oh I don't know...

why you're not fair
I give you my love
but you don't care
So what is right
and what is wrong
gimme a sign.

I previously blogged how we Americans are constantly chasing after our dreams, so I can see how we do not have any passion because we are too busy improving ourselves. The whole rat race and one up manship, instead of focusing what truly makes us happy. Much of what makes us happy doesn't take that any work. After exhausting themselves after two World Wars, I venture to guess that most Europeans learn to appreciate the simple fact of being alive, and to use this precious moment to be happy, rather than having this relentless drive to improve, to be better, etc. The stereotypical image of Parisiens sitting at a cafe, sipping slow drip coffee, watching riverboats meandering river Sienne, pops into my brain. Just chillaxing...

The lack of overall passion is disturbing; there's more to just having a passion. Very few of us have the luxury of combining what makes us happy into our profession, instead of imbuing ourselves with a vision/purpose that serves a greater purpose, we jump into the proverbial ball in a hamster cage and keep on running toward an imaginary and ultimately, an unattainable goal. That's how we set up this feed forward chase cycle. I suspect that's why some feel this emptiness in their gut. So they are constantly in search of the one seminar, the one workshop, the one class, the one girl, the one secret formula of success that fill their collective empty core. At best, they are still hopeful enough to look for solutions to their problems, and for those who are frustrated with their lack of direction in life, some would resort to blame and to lash out at others.

Speaking for myself, I find that when I improve the condition of someone who was suffering, I feel better. They give me that ego boost, that sigh of relief that I have served my purpose. Almost as gratifying as seeing that agonizing O-face that girls make, just before they about to gush forth their liquid joy... finally relaxing into contentment. That is as close as I can describe how I feel when I get to pursue my passion.

Best of luck to those who are still in the chase... to hunt for your passion!

Friday, May 4, 2007

No more!

When is it enough? How did people get by without all these self-improvement workshops, seminars, support groups, "communities,"...? People around me talked about this and complained that some are workshop junkies, etc. Then a friend invited me to go with him to a promotional seminar for The Millionaire Mind Intensive workshop. Okay, I have to confess that I'm quite judgemental... I looked around the room. I had this distinct feeling that those people there and I were functioning at different levels.

There is a uniquely American phenomenon, the crazed drive for self-improvement, to chase after that Horatio Alger myth, the American dream. Unlike much of the old world, where our station in life would be pre-determined; social mobility is rather limited and much of it is accomplished through marriages rather than pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps. Due to the amalgamation of different cultures, people, and the overall feeling of having a fresh start among immigrants, we all think we can strive to better ourselves, to improve, to change, and to be better than our parents.

From my limited knowledge and perspective, this started by Freud, followed by the American obsession with psychology, fueled by commercialism of advertisements, and some distilled the same sale techniques to develop this whole new industry. I would put everything under the self-improvement category. Within it are different niches, wealth building, health maintenance, and more recently, the seduction community.

Sure, I am all for improving myself. Do I really need to commit so much of my limited resources (mostly time) to this when I have more pressing matters? Like doing my job well, managing my life and relationships with others. Back to the promotional seminar, I met up with many guys from the community. The funny thing is they sounded so alike, almost brainwashed to spew forth the same crap; but they have done nothing to improve themselves. They would go to one seminar after another, just as some guys in the community taking one workshop/bootcamp after another. The problem isn't just going to subscribing to one after another, but these dudes are deluding themselves to think that if they keep going to seminars, they will become millionaires, "pickup artists," whatever else without actually doing the hardwork of making things happen. They would learn about hypnosis, destroying limited beliefs, changing their money blueprint, voice training, salsa dancing, improv, working on innergame, everything else EXCEPT actually going out and talking to girls!

I'm willing to bet that they also spend much of their days reading up, "contributing" to forums, listening to tapes, and at the end of the nite, alone and probably masturbating to their "girl friends" on facebook or myspace instead of the actual act of pounding the vagine. I am by no stretch of imagination to be any good at this pickup b.s. However, I am definitely not buying into this whole community b.s. about doing bootcamp, workshop, fixing problems. Sure, our parents probably didn't have that many sex partners, they certainly are successful enough to leave behind progeny, us. I doubt that they went through the same b.s. that we are trying to learn, practice, do, and help ea other.

When I see and read about people signing for workshops, bootcamps, seminars... I just want to go up and smack these dumbasses upside their heads. Instead of giving up one's responsibility of doing self-improvement to one's coach(es), why not do what self-improvement is suppose to do... by oneself. Just like self-esteem should be coming from within oneself. I wrote this before: Happiness comes from within, not from without. No amount of money, time, energy, and effort will worth a damn until people start doing. There's a whole industry of leeches who feed off our craving for something more, something better,... when we have all that we need to be better, ourselves. So stop reading this blog and go do something about your life, don't be an addict, be a man!

Baby don't hurt me...

Leaving ethical and philosophical argument aside, for the greater good of the body/person, each cell within us is capable of committing suicide. There's an elaborate system of cellular machinery within each and every cell that will quietly kill the cell, if sensors of that cell-death machinery are triggered. The rationalization is that if something bad happens to or within that cell, it would rather die than to mutate or act in ways that would hurt the rest of the body.

Failure of such system can be one potential cause of cancer. For example, DNA modified by radiation that mutated the gene to either nonfunctional form (in the case of an anti-tumorigenic gene) or to an overactive form (gain of function in a proto-oncogene), that cell undergoing multiple mutations will lead to a "cancerous" state. Usually, self-check or by immune cell surveillance would detect this change and the cell is either self-induced to die (by apoptosis) or to be killed by immune cells. This way, the irradiation damage is limited, contained within that one dead cell and not be spread, or to affect other nearby cells.

In fact, most cells in the body are "programmed" to die by default without the proper growth factors and other environmental factors. This self-induced death is quiet in the sense that nearby cells or local immune cells will clear the debris without causing inflammation; i.e., the death is quiet but not silent. The same molecular machinery within cells that are used to die, as it turns out, I discover that they can be used for functions other than cell death. There's a growing corpus of literature that shows these cell death enzymes are used for both physiologic and pathologic functions without leading to cell death.

The importance of this discovery can be categorized at multiple levels. At the epistemological level, there is a distinct connection between form and function. Cell lives and dies by changing its form. At the scientific level, this provides a novel insight into mechanisms of cellular differentation, fusion, fission, chemotaxis, apoptosis, proliferation and growth. At the medical level, we can deduce how the body regulates both normal (physiologic) and in response to disease/injury/harm (pathologic) activities using the same set of enzymes. This would provide a list of candidate targets for drug development.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

What is love?!

Microsoft has made us less productive by releasing bug ridden programs and unstable operating systems. The best joke I read was on a friend's away message: The day that Microsoft releases a product that doesn't suck is when it makes a vaccuum cleaner! This was from a Microsoftie. Although Microsoft wasn't defanged, it has became synonymous with crappy products. What if the company makes great products, slowly but deliberately are taking over our lives, do we still need to fear it? Despite Google's do no evil motto, I think it's quite dangerous a company has gathered so much data about us and is controlling so many aspects of our lives.

The ultimate evil is the idea of love. It's marketted, branded, and often something we all should seek and strive. This came up in a discussion about this video:

We were talking about that special something, that sparkles, that makes a relationship worthwhile. If it was a drug, it makes us miss it in its absence, reminisce about those precious moments. Do we need that obsessive thinking pattern in order to qualify the relationship as being in love? How long can we sustain that emotional fire?!

With internet nowadays, we all can indulge in our collective perversions, in the privacy of our LCD screen(s) and our eyeballs. There are plenty of underground communities that turns a simple indulgence into a full fledge fetish. I confess I check this sick humor site on a regular basis. There are also amazing stuff I've found like the following, I'm not sure who is parodying whom!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

FR: Boundaries

Awhile back I blogged about compartmentalization I created in my life to prevent different roles/aspects of my life from interfering each other. The same concept can be applied for interactions with different social circles. When we talk about PU, however, I believe that in order to be successful, the ones who are willing to push the envelope, violate others' boundaries whether through naïveté or deliberate action is a necessary requirement for success.

Much is described and discussed about being alpha, having a great inner game, exactly what that means, what can we distill out of it? I propose that one attribute to be people who are daring, curious to discover and perhaps, to violate social boundaries. The first thing that bootcamps stress and work on is to get guys to approach girls. That alone is an invasion of someone's boundaries; we sometimes have to break into a group and be able to dominate that group order to control the conversation. The act by itself is alpha, it shows someone who isn't afraid of violating boundaries of others. Although the community is moving toward "natural game," whatever that means, just because we appear less like dancing monkeys doesn't mean we don't push the interaction.

The difference between the traditional relationship and one that PUA cultivates is that the latter requires rapid escalation. Many guys in trying to make moves on girls hesitate because they are afraid of rejection, not sure what to do next, and eventually, they lose out. Since we have the roadmap of reaching that final destination, then we need to step on the gas pedal and get there as quickly as possible. Sure, we can take time to enjoy certain moments, but the goal is the vagine, not getting one's ego stroked by other cocks.

Back in Vegas, we were waiting in line for cabs, there were a few really hot young girls standing behind us. I felt this compelling need to be an ass and teased them, of course, that blew open the set. What came next was interesting, one of the hotter girls was with her bf, we talked about cutting in line, etc, just verbalizing hijinks we all wish we could do. Instead of just fucking around, I had her wrapped her arm around me, her other hand was pulling her girlfriend, we started walking up and they couldn't handle the social pressure. Her bf didn't mind, but the girl was afraid of violating social boundaries, so she hesitated and turned back.

Even though I lost her and her friend, another taller and even hotter girl in the same group noticed what happen, we started small talk and eventually, she was all over me. This girl was 5'11 + 6" heels, I never had a girl that tall wanted to take pictures with me, kissing me, and taking more pictures of us. This goes back to my original point, we can talk about many alpha characteristics, one that I think is crucial is the ability to push the interaction, not afraid of push social boundaries, personal boundaries of others, and to see how far one can get away.

The kicker of this was on the day that I was flying back home. We had a great time eating lunch together so I ended up about 45 minutes before flight takes off. I somehow got to the terminal with only 15 minutes to spare and got on the plane. That's another story for another time.