Bait and switch
If you are tired of reading rants, please press the back button now! You have been warned! I first thank Flyboy for inspiring me to come up with the title and Vibe for giving me the punchline. Now that I'm done with the rave, onto the rant.
I was out just chilling with friends; one of them told me that a "Mystery Method" instructor was in town. Then I finally met the self-proclaimed MM instructor Saturday night. He went around telling guys to open sets instead of showing any of his game. This reminds me of a quote, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." In this case, there are so many "dating coaches" out there who talk plenty of game but don't show any. The first being the McDonald of seduction gurus: David D. Can you imagine that dude talking to girls and spew forth his mental masturbation materials? I know there are quite a few ways of putting someone to sleep, and so far, pharmacology is still far behind than watching any of David D's videos.
Back to the aforementioned "self-proclaimed" Mystery Method instructor, so I confronted him about his credential. He introduced himself as Kurgen (Turden? whatever) from LA. Then I followed up with what sort of TMM instructor as they have several levels even though the top dog isn't Mystery (Yeah, I find it kind of humorous that The Mystery Method corporation without Mystery). His answer wasn't what level, because he held his frame and instead, he reframed my question and answered that he rolls with Sinn. Without another word, he bolted away like many guys who don't have game, they tuck tails and run around like a chicken with its head cut off, while tooling other guys to open set.
Being a dick that I am, I decided to email Savoy and Sinn of TMM. They have responded that they don't know him and there wasn't any bootcamp here in Seattle this past weekend (contrary to what the dude said). Sadly, this wasn't the first time that someone claimed to be an instructor without any skill. The pervasive number of lies and charlatans that exists in the community is astounding. But then what do we to expect people who learn all these sales/marketing techniques?! The logical choice is to target the most vulnerable population: losers who don't have choices. Guys who are so desperate for women or any sort of attention from anyone that they will pay money for some bullshit. There, I've written it, which I have a solution already.
I'm willing to challenge that ANY instructor who has a better batting average than a good natural. Most of these guys are still playing the number game. Most of the time, they end up crossing sword with another dude because they are afraid of girls. Open enough sets, talk to enough girls, eventually some will hook, and if the stars aligned, cosmic karma is packed into the rectum, leaving plenty of dingleberries who can't open sets, even the lamest geek can get laid. And thank goodness, there are plenty of ugly girls for them to take home for their much talked about, ONS, SNP, and/or SNL. Once again, thanks to Vibe, we have the trifecta of becoming good at the (gay) game. We need to have the gift of being gay, so that we can develop the skill to seduce men. Most important of all, to keep at this forever, by that, I mean being a lifer in the community without achieving any observable verifiable quantifiable result, you got to have the passion! (Thanks again, Vibe).
The question is why the game is gay? Just look around at people in the community. They are here to impress men. Once this is a business, it's all about profit. The best way of making money is by seducing men. The bait is that we are tempted by this promise that they will teach/coach us to be good with women. The switch is that none of these fuckers are any better. What they are good at, however, is to seduce men, so that they can get the fame and/or fortune from other men. Sadly, being popular among guys in the community is like being the champion of the special Olympics.
So if you choose to learn this, ask yourself the simple question: What am I in this for? Women, men, or money? If you sign up now for the In-her game DVD, the first 3 chosen ones will get the whole comprehensive set for free, and those who reserve before the end of the month will get 1/2 off. After that, who knows... This might be gone forever! You are a winner only if you are in her, nothing else matters!
Finally, here are a few more sales terms:
- Bait and switch
- Pace and lead
- Yes and ...
I'm not sure about the whole community being gay thing, but what I will say is that it is pretty nerdy. Most of these guys come in as nerds, and stay that way. Don't focus so much energy on this BS, in the end it's all about getting in the vagine!
Characteristics of a good, I mean GREAT self proclaimed dating guru aka male seducer.
- Good at flipping "the gay switch."
- Great at flipping "the leader of gays switch."
Characteristics of a not so good, self proclaimed dating guru
- Goes for flygirls.
- Talks like Borat I liiiiiiiiiike, you're verrry niiiiice.
- Pick up is his Passion but can only pick up underage UGs.
- Self proclaimed Leader of Gays
I wish there's a way of embedding of pictures. HILARIOUS pics! Thanks dude.
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