Friday, June 22, 2007

Being a pussy

Argh, perhaps other people have this problem. I have been going out A LOT lately and I feel like I have this power to befriend almost any group. I blogged about being a normal social and fun guy. I think I'm there. The frustration is that I am not escalating. If I were to take advantage of Seattle this summer, I have to go crazy with pulls and day2, etc. Inside, I feel I have the power, but I'm not exercising it. I need to exorcise this demon.

Not being a closer reminds me of times I'm sparring, my opponent is down or in submission hold, I either don't push it to the point he's tapping out or just complete my combination which will finish the job. In order words, I'm being a pussy. I know I can close the deal so that I can move on, but I'm not doing it. Someone please kick my sorry ass for not committing to the close. I suspect this is the same sticking point of me ejecting from sets before. I haven't been digging through the community literature on escalation, compliance tests,... This pussy demon will die tonight. I have to remind myself, catch and release, pump'em and dump'em, don't keep holding on girls I've closed. Time for fresh meat. Hear me roar, bitches!

Oh, one more thing. Goddammit, David D C&F bullshit and PU101 banter monkey do more harm than good. I'll have to work on connecting and closing girls. I have to keep the eye on the prize, as this is: In-Her game. I'm a winner only if I'm in her. Everything else doesn't matter!


Vibe said...

Dear In-Her Game Pick up Guru - "Doctor Recommended, Approved by Weird Community Gays".

I've been there before and I feel your authentic pain. You always have to close. It doesn't matter if you're in set for 5 minutes or 30. Ask for a fucking number. In the average night, about 2 girls say "No" to me when I ask for numbers and 3 will say "Yes". So in the end, if you close girls, you'll end up with about 6 numbers every Sunday and one of them will day2 you.

Another option is to run the Dingle Berry Method . No matter how the set goes, just hang in there, PLOW even if she is fat. This method is highly recommended by Boeing Engineers.

DDD said...

I will reveal a small excerpt from my soon-to-be-out (of the closet) In-her game book on being a dingle berry. It's a two-part process:

1. Keep talking like you have verbal diarrhea
2. Hang on to what conversation threads available. Do NOT let go!

micawber said...

Heh, I love how you take a otherwise "serious" topic and make it fun to read. Anyways, you and I have the same problem. I have gotten it to the point of where escalation is the next and only step, and yet I have not. At the time I'd be in disbelief I'd have the girl into me, but it's like you said, "Commit to the close!". In the end, who the fuck cares! Great post, short but sweet, like I hear you are :P.