Tuesday, June 26, 2007

PU to real life

I was out after-work/post-workout gaming with a friend and we ended up opening this 2-set of girls. It went really well, we were bouncing them (sorry, I could exaggerate to "pulling" girls) until we were interrupted. To cut the long story short, it was a LONG sarge, and my first set of the day. Somehow we got into a discussion about her application to medschool and I told her how we are all suckers for stories, for seeing the transformation, the process of change, and that's what draw us into another's world.

Then I came home and read this blog entry of Sinn, about the hero's journey. You all should read it. Simply amazing! This is the same reason why the Star Wars saga has been so popular. The hero, Anakin Skywalker, failed in his journey that allowed his son, Luke Skywalker, to complete. Joseph Campbell and George Lucas worked extensively together to craft the storyline. I'll stop here before I spew forth my geekasm.

For those who remember doing all those readings for highschool literature classes, girls melt when you can reach that deep emotionally. They will forever remember you. Be the fun, the social, and also, an adventurous guy with depth and vision. I'll go rub one out before I go to sleep instead of watching another David D video. I kid... sheeesh! Okay, you wanna watch? And do you have some spit? I like to do it wet. (Apologies to the Pheromone Kid).


Anonymous said...

Your blog title 'be a man' always reminds me of Russell Peters ... Its unrelated to PU but the same punch line 'be a man'. Watch this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qtrAMK7_Qk

DDD said...

That's right biatch! Be a man, do the right thing. Aim for the vagine.