Thursday, January 3, 2008

Is she the one?

One comment in response to this reminds me of a "natural" who was very good with women. He was driven to connect and have sex with girls, all because he couldn't be alone. Many of these psychopaths become very good hustlers, they are driven to interact with people because of their personality flaws. Look up antisocial personality disorders if you are interested.

Unfortunately, those in the community have the same drive to connect with people but they also have this deep seated mistrust of people, a very strong characteristic of those who have schizotypal personality disorder. From my interactions with them and the existence of this pickup subculture, their inability to relate with people and mistrust lead them to formulate these bizarre, eccentric ideas, and odd beliefs about society. They are not entirely delusional, but certainly have interfered with their social lives. This, I believe, is why they are so driven to find ways "get" people, be that sex, money, and/or fame. Of course, the by-product of their disorder is the creation and application of routines, NLP patterns, innergame mantras, and whatever else that fuel their deep desire to get back at people.

The most common one being their desire to become dating coaches. To scam money from others by cannibalizing off their "friends." If they have any skill at all, then they would try to get sex from girls. This can range from girls who are naive because of their young age to their background. I don't need to name a particular pickup company, their leader is "dating" this FOBy J-girl. I even heard suggestions from guys who want to become ESL teachers just so they can get foreign girls because they can't get native-born girls. If you are still in the community, look around for some of these losers. Are they any better or worst than hooking up with drunk girls? I don't know, that's up to our individual standards and ethics.

So next time you hook up with a girl... are you doing both of you and her a favor, or just yourself? What do you have to hide? What are your motivations?


Anonymous said...

I think it was my comment that you're responding to. Since I'm procrastinating (I'm also an academic), I'll post another extract from one of the same emails. This time I was giving a run-down to my friend about the different coaching companies in the community:

"This is the biggest company right now. They probably charge $3000 for a weekend. They stress natural game and day game (pick-up in public places instead of at bars). I personally find their stuff a little bland with opening lines like "You guys look fun!" But I think you should try to model your company after them. They probably appeal most to computer dorks with money and have the guys do fewer things that are out of character for them. I can't help shake the feeling that [company name redacted] helps guys look graceful while failing with women. You can find youtube videos of them doing pick-up in SF. It's not really that impressive since anyone can pick up FOB Asian girls in Union Square."

Just reiterating then I'm really glad I found your blog. I have some reservations about pointing my friend in the direction of the community, but he's better than anyone I've met in the community. And he did help me. And despite all the talk in the community about unplugging from the matrix and the community being a revolution, there are a lot of hard-up guys who missed the chance to meet girls in high school and college and are now working tech jobs. They're so removed from women that not only do they know no women, they don't even know any guys who are good with women. The community just attracts some of the most desperate and sociopathic.

DDD said...

Indeed, I was responding to your comment. The community itself is a matrix... guys who are so wrapped up in it should pull themselves out and make some new friends, normal ones, become social, do more with their lives instead of buying more products or taking more workshops, not even ones as easy as 101.

Thanks again for your comments!

Anonymous said...

I've been to a couple of seminars of the group you speak of. I can agree they may not be worth $3k to the average person, but some of us are coming from some very introverted places. Its very refreshing to read your blog and see other ways out. However without 101s *easy* classes I'm not sure I could have started the road towards recovery. For some of us its not as easy as saying go out and be social if you have no clue what that is or social norms.

DDD said...

If I may, you are overthinking the problem. I'll have to write an entry... a sob story of how I started in the community. Now that I've been through it, I see that there's an easier, better way to do it.