Monday, July 30, 2007

Push-pull, getting her to invest, in bed

For those struggling with LMR, I personally have experienced it, and I was patient enough to plow through. Girls will inevitably raise false objections, "Oh, we are not going to have sex", "Put my bras back on", "My panties are staying on", "This is so wrong", "Why are we doing this?",... on and on. The key to push past LMR is to keep turning her on and then pull back, let her feel the loss. My technique is an extension of the Juggler Method, getting her to invest, making her please me.

The simplest way to take a girl's hand isn't to take her hand with mine. I start violating her physical boundaries very early in our interaction; I would get close enough to touch her hand, then I let go. There are times and place for playful kino, spanking, tickling, the things I did when I was a kid, with girls. Once we have established that touching each other is no big deal, I often get her to comply with other physical touching. There is the classic Mystery trust test; note that I would extend my hand, wait for her to put hers into mine, then I hold hers. I don't just move in and take her hand. The rest of this blog will get quite graphic. So stop reading now if this turns you on.

There's also the "almost kiss" that Future and Sinn blogged about. I tried it a few times, girls got really frustrated, so I'll be sure to do it in a playful context, not when she's ready to jump my bone. One thing guys who have encountered LMR talked about is that she wouldn't let me take off this or that. What's the point? My solution lately has been to be selfish. I would help her to get me hard, and help me to take off my clothes instead of hers. Soon enough, her hands will be on my little penis, and working her magic to make it grow. And of course, her mouth will follow. As long as I'm comfortable with that, she will soon let me take her clothes off to join me.

The way I see sex is a two-way street; why must she be the receiver? She gets as much enjoyment if not more than me. My way to deal with her false objections is to keep turning her on, then slow down, or stop, and re-initiate again. This is what I mean by push-pull. Girls get turn on seeing how they can turn guys on. One last thing, girls do NOT like sleeping alone; from teddy bear when they are young to cats when they are old. So go out there and keep those fatties warm. That's all, sorry, you didn't get the happy ending that you were hoping.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The new infectious disease

Obesity and how it spreads among social networks. This reminds me of a joke that a friend told me a few weeks ago:

What has 4 arms, 4 legs, and never works out?

The other DQ: Drama Queens

One important thing to avoid is be the Mr. Fix-it guy. Being chivalrous is one thing, but never ever be used, like a doormat. What's one thing that pets, children, girls, and to some extent, guys have in common? They constantly test boundaries. Another way is described before, as all interactions are collisions of frames. Especially players/hustlers and the wannabe's, they will constantly see how much they can get from us, how much they can (ab)use us. The goal is to let them know early, or we will become their tools.

Among guys, I state outright what is and isn't acceptable. They know what consequences they will face if they decide to test those boundaries. With girls, children, and pets, they require some finesse. Be the fun happy guy, I usually cut conversation threads about her and her friends, family, and problems, and splice in fun topics. Some girls know enough not to bring drama into our conversation, such as their exes. I would immediately turn to talk about what I have encountered before, and be murky, mysterious, nonspecific, how things just happen to get better and move on to the next topic.

I keep conversations light hearted and fun; sure we can share emotional experiences, only to the extend that we bring our past experiences and plans for future to the table. This is NOT the time to advise and guide her. Trust her that she can resolve any issue she brought up and let her know that. Again, our role isn't to be her bitch boy that she can call to cry on, to console her, and to swoop down to fix what bothers her; i.e. not to be her parent or friend.

Another way to frame our interaction is that we are lovers by escalating as quickly as possible. There are many ways of doing that. Charm school teaches a method of using sexual barriers, others call it sexual IOI,... I prefer being playful and fun. When we are having fun, being playful, from spanking her to tickling her to play fighting with her. This allows her to be a child again, and for many, it was a happy carefree time in life. When people go out to meet market (yes, not meat), be the leader who snaps them out of their current reality and into a whirlwind of emotions, sprinkle in future projections, and (literally) sweep them off their feet.

I used to get drawn (because of my weak frame) into girls' world of dramas and be a good listener. Sure, I still listen, but I actively and selectively listen for positive emotions and filter out negatives, avoid dramas. This has allowed me to sidestep another problem I had, the Mr. Fix-it, of giving advice. In fact, compressing the time between face time to sexy time, we become physically intimate (by violating her physical boundaries early on using touching) without getting tangled in other (emotional) dramas. The more talk time in between face and sexy time, the more likely one will fuck up.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Winning the frame game

Any interaction is a collision of frames. Any weaker frame will be subsumed into the stronger frame; or whoever holds the stronger frame would win. Girls are used to guys hitting on them, chasing them, caring for them (because of hidden motives),... in other words, guys tend to have weaker frame and girls are the selector. At the risk of sounding like our idiot POTUSA, we have to set our frames early: dominant, sexual, leading, selector, i.e. the decider. How?

The first is about our approach, indirect method subcommunicates that automatically, even with direct methods, we can still do that by following up with either qualifications, i.e. setting up hoops, and using push-pulls (or vice versa). The goal in the beginning is to let her know that we are not sure, if she's cool enough to be my friend. Banter, cock & funny, teasing, are various forms of implicit familiarity, that they are no different than our existing friends.

Once the girl hooks, then our next step is to escalate. We have to lead. As long as she has invested (or put effort) into our interaction, demonstrated her worthiness by jumping through hoops, passed our compliance tests. Then we can go ahead and state our intention explicitly. Many do this with SOI and it's okay to tell them what you will do to them. I have failed at this step because I didn't kino escalate at the same time. It's okay to run some comfort phone game, but the goal should be turning the interaction as sexual as quickly as possible. After all, the goal of being a PUA is to be characterized into the seducer NOT boyfriend role. We have tools that allow us to build comfort quickly, and not necessarily deeply, so we can start the seduction by compressing the distance between the face time to sexy time; note that there's no phone or text time, we want our interactions to be physical... not virtual.

Another way of subcommunicating this is to put time constraint into everything. Even on phone calls, don't call as a friend, i.e. talking without leading, thus ending up in conversation quagmires. When I meet girls in person, I always tell her that I have to do something else afterward, preferably, something social, and if she's worthy, she will be invited along. Also turn the table around, make her wait for me, also start training her to call/email me instead. Remember I wrote that girls become pushy after I had sex with them? Well, do that as quickly as possible, ignore the 7-hour rule, it only exists as an average. Read up on statistics if that holds no meaning.

One more thing. Be non-reactive. Girls are just emotional toys for us. I know this sounds misogynistic, you don't think girls feel the same way about guys chasing after them? If you have girls just gave you numbers, bj's, sex... afterward, they told you they have boyfriends; then you will learn soon enough that most girls are just toys to be played with and how much they truly care for the ones they professed their love. As sad as this may be, it's reality. It is what it is. Accept it and take advantage of it, or you will end up as the boyfriend they cheat on. If you were the boyfriend, my apologies, it wasn't my goal, she threw herself at me and I was just practicing my game.

In summary, go in with a suspicious curiosity, does she worth my time? does she meet my standards? My time is valuable, she has to work for them. My goal is to be the seducer, the one who has sex with them, not just another asexual male friend. Escalate both verbally and physically. Minimize time spent on phones/computers. Maximize time by being with each other physically so that we can escalate. Afterward, use technology to keep in touch.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The in-her game(tm): Titrating phone calls

Saturday morning, if last night went well, we probably have plenty of numbers. How shall we play the phone game? This is to be avoided at all cost. Phone calls should be short, concise, and only for confirming, maybe for directions to a place; they should not be used for much in the beginning of the "relationship." Like everything else, if I failed at phone game stage, then the cause is something that happened prior to it.

Let's start with why we get numbers. This is not as a close or some sort of achievement, we should have so much to talk about, and things we want to do together, which justify our continuing interaction. True, I adhere to the dingleberry technique, but once I have reached a high point in the conversation, it's best that I setup our next meet, rather than milking the interaction and killing off our conversational threads; unless I can tell that they are ready and willing to be pulled that night. Conversational threads that talk about what we enjoy doing, what excites us, what makes us feel good, those usually lead to talking about specifics and events. So before I go out, I look at my calendar for next week, have an idea of what I will do... or at least have a regular activity I do anyway. Then I casually bring that up. Sometimes they bite, sometimes not, I continue the interaction. Eventually at high point, when they have revealed themselves, I have stated my intention and how I am attracted to them, after many qualifications, then I would invite them to join me.

Girls will give false objections sometimes, I just tell them, "I enjoy our conversation and we have much to talk about, let's meet up (...) Give me your number and I will text you the direction." Note that I don't use "Can I have your number?" or any other wishy washy questions, always give them commands. Then another technique I use, depending on how high energy they are, I would try to get the first call out of the way, I call them right there. If she's high energy, then I tell her to answer her phone, I pretend she's my friend, and I would proceed to tell her about this great girl I meet, but this girl is a bit suspicious, I continue this role play if she's high energy. Now if she's low energy, then I call her phone, have her talk into my phone to leave a message for herself, to tell how much she likes me, and we would practice how much she enjoys talking to me etc. Of course, I also have her save my number using some sort of nickname. There is another thing I do to make me seem high value. It works almost all the time.

Next is the actual phone call after the initial meet up, this should be short, just check in, I found Socialhitchhiker's post quite useful. One caveat is that if she doesn't remember me very well, then I might have to spend more time on the phone with her, going through some comfort building routines to let her know that I am a normal person. We will set up a time to meet and this requires additional calibration, if she seems to be a party girl, like she doesn't answer your phone calls all the time, then I would ask how certain she will be there, and if it's anything but 100% commitment, I would say that's okay and tell her another time. If she seems like a nice girl and won't flake, then I don't do that as that would imply that girls have flaked on me. This requires calibration, only experience will give you an idea how you titrate this to the right amount.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Bring girls freedom

Have you ever gone out, your friends were getting shitfaced, while you, Mr. PUA, can still have a great time, both with your friends and with everyone else around you? I just did last night, it was hilarious. We came up with the craziest "opener" and I would go up and use it on girls, of course, I would get them to get us drinks if I were to approach other girls with even more ridiculous openers. This snowballed into girls, I opened with those lines, coming back with their own ridiculous openers, uh, "pickup lines."

We had a great time. Girls were free to have fun instead of more boring and getting to know each other chit chat. Perhaps I have reached a certain level of calibration and I can project a friendly fun social vibe that I was using the most ridiculous opener, girls were doubling over and laughing their asses off. We first started with the super hot girls and then continued on down to the homeliest girl. All of them reacted positively and we had a great time talking, having fun, being happy. Of course, friends were just getting even more drunk by the minute.

If I were to break down my approach, I would start with being still, non-fidgety, calm, speak slowly, and loudly. Next is the acting part, imagine how an actor would do when speaking the line, then perform that. The trick is in the delivery, how I say, not in what I say. Openers are about getting people to pay attention to me first, after that is done, I usually would transition into something else. Be spontaneous, have fun.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The in-her game(tm): Point of no return

I am such a horrible person, instead of working, I'm procrastinating so I am blogging instead. If you have ever crammed for exam, waiting for the right time, and keep pushing until the last minute to get things done, building up that tension. It's almost like playing chicken, to see who finally give in and submit, that is when one has triumphed over the other. Yes, I keep pushing, and I balance that with pulling, in different ways. This is the basis of how I like structure the early part of the relationship.

Many earth years ago in a land not so far away, I was seeing a girl, when she was about to move away, so we went on a trip together, it was our farewell trip. I know, touching, no need to shed any tear. It was a great trip, but just prior to leaving for our trip together, I met another girl and we started seeing each other on and off. Then I told girl #2 that I have to go away for two weeks, what I didn't tell her was with girl #1. When I returned, girl #2 was all over me.

This is how I came to recognize that with sufficient rapport and emotional connection; hearts do grow fonder when separated. After that one incidence, I almost always have to leave to "go on a trip" somewhere for a short period of time, usually undetermined, out of touch, right as the "relationship" about to start. This is what usually tips her over and when we see each other again, sex is always amazing. This, my friends, is when we both have crossed the threshold, the point that I know we have started the relationship, there is no turning back, this is when she will constantly push more commitment, time and otherwise, from me.

Once I've entered the community, others have articulated similar techniques... After we elicited sufficient attraction, some advocate doing the false takeaway and build jealousy plotlines in nearby sets. Another thing is BradP called stewing the girl, keep her going for awhile, but not actually seeing again for quite some time after the initial meet. For some unknown reasons, if I ever had that mystical connection with a very hot girl, just playing plain and simple comfort boring phone game, but I keep stewing her and not see her again right away, things usually escalate VERY quickly once I meet up with her the second time. Remember, hot girls only, I don't know how this works with UGs or fatties (please go test this out for us).

So young grasshoppers, learn to build comfort with her, then stew her, do NOT see her right away, but your phone game comfort building has to be tight, you got to be not needy at all. Sure, you will lose some, the subcommunication is that you are a man of purpose, you have other callings, she isn't the top priority, I know some people will frown at this for making the girl chase, little do they know that girls crave the chase, tacitly. It's almost like a piece of genetic memory, girls love that movie moment, the one when her man returns...

What reminded me of this was one girl I've been seeing on and off, she tried to pull the I'm going away/travel thing today. I kept a straight face and encouraged her to go. Some things are meant to be, learn to let go. Let go of your expectations when you are starting to approach, let go of your desires so you don't convey neediness/desperation, let go of any prejudice, be in the moment, your time here is now. Like a boomerang, she will return (I know, I like to contradict myself), just not right away, give her time and space.

Monday, July 16, 2007

From many, few emerged

I had a few discussions with people about the whole pickup scene is going to explode, as it has been growing since The Game. Do we really need to be afraid? I personally don't think it matters. Girls go out, they want to talk to interesting guys and hopefully, connecting with some; so do guys, why the big fuzz?! I see some striking similarities between this and martial arts; any dude off the street has heard of martial arts, there are many different styles, some gain and some wane in popularity, there are very few individuals who are truly stars with skills. Same with pickup, there are plenty of imitators, few are innovators, and the rest are just wannabes.

Like any self-improvement, the first and foremost starts from within. One has to believe that it's possible, the next step is to take actions to make those changes, in a step-wise fashion to reach our goals. Ultimately, it's a challenge for oneself, not between each other. Sure, being popular and powerful is great, but how will that be fulfilling?! Those who don't have either/both of those are ones who are desperately seeking within the community, among hordes of losers. I've written this before, it's like being the champion in the Special Olympics.

Another way to quantify our successes, how do we compare hot party slutty girls who pop more prescription pills than kids chewing their Flintstones multivitamins, with girls of value, who are stable and well adjusted?! And how many washed up ugly ass cougars can measure up to one young girl? Especially if they were found on! Yes, number matters, we are in this to get girls, unlike some of us who are really after something else, besides the popularity and power I mentioned above. The overarching goal, we have to be giving, we are in this to share and connect with those people.

I have the privilege of having a few friends who have black belts in various disciplines of martial arts; these guys have the most amazing self discipline, and they are most generous people I've known. This requires focus and drive; to know where to go and the means to get there.

This blog is entering into the uncharted territory in most seduction literature: relationship management (not with community guys!) Every relationship is different and unique... More importantly, juggling multiple ones will be even more fun!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A generation gap

What's the deal with texting? Younger girls are so into texting and IM'ing, whereas girls a few years older, i.e. my age, don't care much for texting and we prefer to talk on the phone. Even worst is that some of the younger ones want my myspace/facebook profile. Whatever happened to just talking and getting to know people?! I spend so much of my time in front of the computer, but I don't ever see a good reason to have a myspace and/or facebook profile; okay, I did, just to look at pictures, but now that myspace AND facebook have implemented privacy settings for pictures, I just don't care enough to login to check. What's the point?!

Another is the ipod/iphone craze, as a friend told me, people are having iGasm over silly gadgets that serve no purpose other than more entertainment. How about reading a book? I was telling my friends in otolaryngology must love these devices (music, bluetooth headset,...), think of future patients with hearing loss. It's like my friends in medicine have job security due to McDonald's; myself included. So keep texting, listening to your ipods, eating crappy food. I will have iGasm as I laugh my way to the bank.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Busy week

Sorry for lack of updates, been busy with life, work, women, and fun friends. If there's anything you can do to improve your life, be sure to surround yourself with positive, humorous, uplifting people. Yes, I'm aware of the drama; I'm very flattered that people think so highly of me, that I have such power! BWAHAHAAH! That's why I'm glad I have friends who are along on this fun journey called life.

Don't worry, I haven't given up the cause yet... I still think most guys in this community are gay and there will be more in-her game (tm) posts.

Monday, July 9, 2007

S/NSRI: emotional lobotomy

Prozac: Why feel when you can just function? (Thanks Chemist!) Someone just forwarded me an article that 48% of American population is on antidepressants now. As Chemist suggested, the other 52% probably can't afford it. I would say that taking antidepressant for unhappiness is akin to dosing opioid for pain. The pain/happiness is still there, you just don't care. Is this how we want to live?

Sure, life has its ups and downs, rather than getting at the core of how we go about managing and dealing with stressors in our lives. We have turned our backs and started to numb ourselves, essentially ablating our emotion centers/circuitries. I'm sure many of these patients are depressed, is our policy of dispensing medications whenever they feel sadness the only solution? Emotions are not necessarily good or bad. Love and loss, for example, gives the contrast, the wide range of emotions that we need to experience in order to appreciate each other. By dampening our emotional response, what kind of world will we create?

The best classical works, from literature, music, paintings to sculptures, were created by those who went through those emotional ups and downs. Most if not all of those artists were manic depressives. Their ability to express their emotions, and to lead us through their emotional roller coaster would never exist today. Instead, we just get to nod our collective heads and go thru the same spastic dance moves to the drum beats of doldrums, that we call hip hops, pop country, and whatever else that P.Diddy decides we should listen.

The silver lining though, I suspect is that most people don't and won't know what feeling love is about... to go through the longing, obsessive phase, the insatiable emotional craving, and peaceful contentment. Without these emotional travails, people are much more easily deceived, can definitely caught up in the moment, wrapped up in the temporary emotional escape, and thus, pickup techniques will be so much more effective. Hence, the secret of connecting with women is through emotions, add on the time distortion of multiple venue changes, and in the whirlwind of kino escalation combined with our intrinsic desire for companion to enter into the dark night. Thank you Prozac, Celexa, Lexapro,... who needs roofies?!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The in-her game(tm): Guidelines

Just for kicks and giggles, this blog entry will evolve as I grow (it can be found here: "Selected Articles: The in-her game series"), because ALL game is in-her game! If you are not in-her, you are not in the game... Reader participation is welcome and highly encouraged:

  1. Be comfortable in my own skin, because I am the shit.
  2. I have only myself to blame, only I can correct my own mistakes.
  3. I am busy seducing girls, not men (i.e., stroke my cock first before my ego, see #1).
  4. Unless I'm fucking her, I shouldn't be thinking about her.
  5. No relationship lasts forever, only diamonds and herpes do.
  6. I am outcome independent, and I must focus on the process.
  7. Sex is no big deal; just what normal people who are comfortable with each other have together.
  8. Never argue with a girl; first agree, make her laugh, redirect to something else.
  9. Commit to opening the set, follow the Dubya plan: go in, stay in, there's no exit strategy.
  10. Go out to have fun, not just to pick-up girls.
  11. These techniques are for fun, not for manipulation, especially other guys (unless you are here to pick up guys).
  12. Always lead, escalate, subcommunicate: we are going somewhere, avoid interaction quagmire.
  13. Guys, who can't hang out with other guys, will never have any girl in their lives. Be guys as described in 10

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I lied

Creatively. And I did, the time and date stamp on this post is a lie. Yes, I, too, get caught up in the 7/7/7 7:07 b.s. Oh, adapted from a recent movie I saw recently, "Anyone can learn to PU, only the fearless can become great PUA!" Or as someone told me Johnny Savior once said, "Hesitation leads to masturbation."

DaaaaAAAARGH! I just don't have any new profound insight, just go out and talk to people, I connect with some, most I don't. When I have even a tenuous connection, I immediately latch on and take them on an emotional journey with me. Some get bored, most continue. At the same time, I incorporate some kino escalation techniques. Instead of the lame excuse to touch the girl like using Ring Finger routine, I just pull them in, push them out. I was and still am a big advocate of routines, just the field tested, tried and true ones of my own. The days of using others' stories and routines are over...

Act out my stories, I involve them, sometimes doing future projections, and of course, with kino. Another fun prop I've used quite a bit is my camera, I would get girls to do poses, of course, I'll be in those, thus, more kino. I even use camera to open sets; no, not like the creepy dudes who pretend to be photographers.

I improvise some fun, creative things on the fly. Yes, that was a can of redbull in his hands, he was really out of it, and his head was on her milk pillows. I don't have much else. Go out, have fun, be social, just do it, stick to her to get in-her with plenty of kino.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Mo' Mo' Mo Drama, Mo Drama

Good fucking god, how can juggling life be difficult?! Seriously, we just get together to fuck, why the song and dance?! As a friend suggested, I'm ready to outsource from daygame, nightgame, to day2, of course, I'll do the !close, thank you. If I were younger, life was not as busy, like managing multiple people, projects, businesses, I would love to dive both heads into more drama.

The only quiet time is when I'm being authentic, even then, I still get interrupted. Benzodiazepine will be my new best friend, sorry beta-blocker, you are not strong enough to take the edge off anymore. Opioid, you are next on the list, line yourself up, because I'm coming to get you.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

How to lose friends and alienate people

What a year it has been, I feel very privileged to have socialized (or attempted to socialize) with so many people who did a great job at losing friends and alienating people, here are a few things I learned from many community guys who are experts at this. Actually, I kid! They are great people... that's why they have to pay money to hang out with "friends" (uh, dating coaches) .

If there is one infectious disease we all should get, it's about being positive and fun. The 4 things that make for a great July 4th:

  1. Meat grilled
  2. Beer chilled
  3. Fireworks explosive
  4. ...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Coming before comfort

What I'm going to write about isn't something that can be used during the initial meet up or early on until you have attraction. Briefly, I generate attraction through breaking rapport, cocky funny, push-pulls, personal stories that describe who I am (you know the b.s. about attractive qualities), and disqualifications. These I still use, only intermittently just to spice things up. But much of my interaction after I entered comfort stage is about building commonalities.

Opposites may attract, similarities are ones who stay together. Most people want to find a friend, someone to go through life together, side by side, partner in crime, into the cold dark night, not be alone, and more importantly, the feeling of not be lonely, in a sense, co-dependency, pair-bonding. To generate that sense of commonality, familiarity, camaraderie, together we face the world that sort of things.

This is why cold reads are so important! The receiver immediately gets a sense that we understand her somehow, and we can start finding out what we have in common. Now, in attraction phase, we have to break that so that we don't seem supplicating like every other guy out there. For example, all girls go out (at night) to have fun, fun in girl-speak means, "trouble." So these stupid banter lines, "you look like trouble!" and "hey, troublemaker!" and variations thereof, work because they imply that we know what they are looking for. That is the first step toward building commonality.

Friends know what each other is thinking, or at least they think/hope they do. The next step to create even a stronger bond is to describe how we are similar, and how together, we can go out and face against everyone else. For example, why are Jews so cohesive? The simple fact is that they feel everyone else is against them. So create that feeling of "us vs. them" and this has to be done in subtle ways... sorry, you have to figure that out! Or you can buy our soon-to-be released In-her game DVD/CD set. So things like nicknames are great. (Yes, that's all you get for free).

Once the sense of we are alike, we are together, and everyone else is against us, then we can proceed with exploring our future together will be like. This is when we can get girls to open up, talk about her dreams and aspirations. Sometimes, to create a sense of emotional roller coaster, yeah, create drama in their heads, not ours, we can talk about their disappointments and other sad memories too. This is how I build that special connection, something that every little girl grows up yearning for, someone to listen to her, who understands/gets her, and what love stories are all about.

Now, do NOT use this indiscriminately, sometimes, girls go out just to get sex. Don't build this kind of comfort, because they don't want this kind of clingy attachment, and in fact, we should not build this prior to sex. As guys, we have to be pushy before sex, girls will be pushy after sex. Use this comfort along the line of pillow talk, the kind we have after sex. Hot girls get this ALL THE TIME from guys who try to get into their pants, so do it afterward. Whereas not so hot girls, they need this kind of emotional comfort before sex, because few if any pays this kind of attention toward them. And the ultimate us vs. them, and combine that with future projection:

L'shana haba'ah b'yerushalayim (Next year, in Jerusalem)!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Complacency vs. continuous improvement

A few of us who hang out together don't seem to have the same drive and motivation as we did at the beginning of the summer. Many of us have improved quite a bit and we have been doing quite well in field; I worry though, that I'm not pushing myself as much as I did entering into the summer. Then I look around me, I see many warning signs, of people who are not good and will never be good. I don't want to repeat their mistakes.

Those who improve because they have both drive and focus. I suspect most PU coaches who are good because they have both high energy and sex drive. Those who don't have such high sex drive wouldn't work as hard because they don't have the need, and without the high level of energy, they simply can't afford to work that hard. I wonder how much of that is learned behavior because of necessity.

In any case, this beast has quite an appetite, and he needs to be fed!