Cultivating a core group of friends
After all my bashings of the community, 2007 has been my turning point, away from the community and rejoin the normal humanity. Instead of amassing, reading, watching, listening to more community bullshit, then get on "seduction forums" to mentally masturbate with other keyboard jockeys, I went on an almost weekly diatribe about the evil of these forums and most of their participants, which inevitably drove most of these losers out of my life.
My view is still the same, some of the materials are good, but only from well known established guys, the rest is just copycat. Most participants in seduction forums are losers, the longer they are on them, the more likely they are failures, not just in getting girls, but in life. The best way to learn is still to go out alone, befriend people, cultivate a core group of friends, not just to go out and pick up girls, but people who are reliable, trustworthy, social, fun, you know the term that "AFCs" called, "friends."
I didn't realize how far I have steered off the normal path by community losers until girls asked me why was I surrounded by creepy, socially awkward losers. Then I re-examined my relationships with these losers, and there is definitely something off about them. They simply don't know how to maintain friendship. They are so obsessed with pursuing fame and/or fortune by cannibalizing each others. Sure, there is still friction with friends, but we have fun together, we rely on each other, we help each other, many of these social skills that these losers don't have. Sadly, no amount of workshops, newbie missions, bootcamps, wings, forums, and whatever else will instill in them a sense of humanity.
The blatant marketing ploys of selling more materials and workshops continue, but there is a trend toward cooperation between these vultures. Guys who aren't so good would "DHV" each other by vouching for each other. They also talk about the higher purpose of helping men, improving lives of many. I have no doubt that a few men have benefited, the rest just serves as another revenue stream for these hustlers.
Ultimately, this year has been a year of self-discovery. I discovered who and what I am. I have yet to realize my full potential, but I know some pitfalls, who and what to avoid, the best way to succeed is not just about consuming more materials, but rather, to do/act without much forethought, don't worry about failures, don't bother to scheme and plan ways to get people. I should, instead, lead a life that enriches myself and others. This means that I'm not trying to "get sex" or take something away from people. Or in community lingo, bringing value to any interaction. Sex is a by-product of a successful life, not as a panacea for failing to live.
And living is worthwhile if one's life is shared with friends. The constant cycle of pump and dump one girl after another is a reflection of one's lack of character, lack of a "life." If our lives are to be meaningful, we have friends to be on this journey.
With that, I might return in 2008, or not... who knows?!